Fellow vaper

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I've been a Vaper for just about 4 months now and quit smoking cigarettes from the start on March 29th 2016 and never looking back. vaping has changed my life in so many ways. Besides it saving my life, but it brought me close friends that I had never known before.I found that the vaping community is the best group of people you can find. Everybody has been so great to me and one another. If a fellow vaper is down and out there's always many people right there willing to help in any way. I'm also a member of a number of fb vape groups and its great to see people come together as one to help one another and to fight the FDA and big Tabacco and pharmaceutical. We all gotta do our part and help the fight for the right to vape and stay healthy. If you haven't joined CASSAA.ORG please do and sign the petitions. We all want to live to watch our children grow!
Cigarette days are over and vaping is here to stay!
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