My first thoughts on BWB's Malty Toffee and Cafe Mocha

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Mar 2, 2011
Saint Louis
Okay first off, let me say that I tried both of these flavors in their own atty. One atty I just cleaned yesterday and hadn't used any other flavor. The other was brand spanking new. The problem is, I don't remember which was which,lol. I'm vaping both on my eGo with a standard 510 atty.

They're both 18mg.

Malty Toffee - I don't think I am digging this out of the mailbox. First thoughts were, this is definitely the atty with the primer! Yuck! Though I blew out a majority of the primer it seemed to linger. So, I kept dry hitting and it wasn't getting any better. So then I thought, well crap, did I just blow another new atty? I take it off and look in there, everything looks fine. So I blow it out again, reload it with about 3 drops and put a cartridge filled with Malty Toffee on it and set it aside. Then I tried the

Cafe Mocha - This is pretty dang good out of the box! It's REAL coffee and I like that! Exhaling out of my nose it feels like I am in a coffee shop, delicious. I can taste a hint of the cocoa - really a nice subtle vape! This is definitely working out for me. Vapor production is mediocre, but I think that's because I have been vaping primarily 100% VG liquids recently so the comparison is 30 - 100 but not bad for a 30! The TH is great! With primarily vaping VG liquids, it seems that this is pretty powerful. Very awesome vape overall, I will definitely be vaping this all day (I like to keep it rolling to see if it could be my all day vape, which is the purpose of these experiments of course!) So, because this was tasty right away, maybe the M.Toffee atty WAS the new one and it just needs to be de-primer'd So, back to the

Malty Toffee part 2. - Still pretty nasty. I continued to vape until I felt there wasn't any more liquid and added more. Again, nasty. So, now I am getting worried. I take the atty off and load it with a 80/20 blend (420! from Gourmet V. - It's a rum/maple/tobacco blend) just to see if it's the primer or the juice... well, it appears to be the juice. I say this because the first hit of 420! was as delicious as ever. Ok, so maybe I should try the Malty toffee one more time...Okay, it's better than before now. Phew! I thought it was going to be a complete upset. Let me take another couple of hits...Okay this isn't too bad. The taste going in? I can't really tell? At first, I didn't like it but not it's more like meh. Okay, it's growing on me a little bit. Very subtle taste. It takes some careful taste concentration but alas it is very mild, but not bad! Okay, so it was the primer that was making it TERRIBLE! But thank god I am optimistic! This doesn't seem like your run of the mill candy bar flavor to me, no not at all. I think the majority of what I am tasting is the malty-ness with an underlining of something sweet. I can't put my finger on the toffee or perhaps it's a more realistic flavor (like the cafe mocha!). When I originally thought of malty toffee, I was thinking of malt like a chocolate malt but I can see that's not it. There is a slight sweetness to this blend that I just cannot quite define. The vapor production is quite amazing for a 70/30. Much more than that of the cafe mocha. A much smoother hit too, this could definitely be an all-day vape. It's definitely growing on me though!

Alright! Now I will steep these badboys for a week or so and re-describe their respective tastes in this thread. Now of course I'll probably be sampling them through out the week (I just hope I have any left for the next review! lol!)

Overall out of mailbox - Very well done! I truly love the cafe mocha! It's just a very tasty coffee blend. I think I'll definitely be vaping it in the mornings and it's a contender for the all-dayer for sure! The malty toffee struck me as bland as first but! It's truly growing on me! I'm really starting to appreciate the subtleness and complicity of it! Excellent job Don! Overall out of mailbox rating 9/10

Okay, just a quick update. The malty toffee: I've been vaping the maple rum blend out of the atty that the M.T. was in and the leftover taste of it is actually making feel ill. I don't know why, but when I am vaping and I catch the hint of M.T. it almost makes me gag. I hope that's only temporary or due to the fact of mixing but I really love the rum maple combo and the M.T. didn't bother me earlier. Definitely going to have to see what steeping will do for it.
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Mar 3, 2011
Awesomeville, FL
When I first discovered Backwoodsbrew in January, I really wanted Malty Toffee but it was out of stock so I ordered some other juices (Applewood, Cherry Tobacco, and Maxboro).
In the meantime, I have read the reviews and none seem to support what I originally wanted Malty Toffee to be: somewhere inbetween a Heath Bar and some Whoppers. :(


Vaping Master
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Mar 2, 2011
Saint Louis
Yeah, I dunno why it was making me gag? It makes absolutely no sense (perhaps conditionally my mind links the flavor with the taste of primer because of the initial tasting?) who knows? I really don't mind the taste, I was getting to liking it, but now thinking of it, it makes me queezy again. I will no doubt let it steep for some time and come back to it.


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Jan 6, 2011
Ramona, CA
Your not alone Levi,
I did not care for malty toffee out of the box, or the next week or the next. Now that it is almost 2 months old I have a new appreciation for it. It is not my favorite and I don't see it being my all day vape like it is for others. But it is a nice evening vape before I go to bed. Kinda like a light desert. My 30ml bottle will last me for quite a while.

That was an example for me that everyones tastes are different. I never posted anything on it just because I know that not everything that Don makes is for me. Thats a good thing. It means that he has something for everyone.

Lately I have tried to find posts from people that really like the same ones I like and then try the others that they like. Most of the time that works. One that it didn't work for is Casa Blanca. It is complex and I can tell that everything is high quality, its just not for me and I really wanted to like it.

Don't give up on it yet. Put it in the closet and forget about it for a while. I know that's hard but give it a try one or two months down the road.

Good Luck


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Mar 2, 2011
Saint Louis
Thanks Kevin! I appreciate your feedback. Yeah, I really wanted to like it too. I am very much trying to find a 90% of the day vape, ya know? But, though I cannot vape the flavors out of the mailbox all day, it's very clear to me that BWB's liquid is very high quality stuff. I can't wait to try the Applewood Tobacco because I love Apple from Liberty Flights and I'm betting that this stuff will be prime. I also got some Honey Flue Tobacco for 3 reasons - 1.I've seen alot of good about it 2.Wanted to try a Flue cured tobacco flavor 3.Wanted to try a honey flavored tobacco.

No worries though Kevin! In due time, I am going to break out the flavors again and try 'em again. I always do!

Thanks again!


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Mar 2, 2011
Saint Louis
4 day old juice review Born on date - 03/14/2011

Now this may be a little premature - but - I've been looking at these bottles everyday since I've got them. I take the caps off and smell each one everyday, anxious, curious. Such thoughts as 'I wonder if they're that much different yet?' or 'Maybe just a little, but no, I must wait!'. Well, I can no longer wait (if it wasn't obvious before, it is now, I have zero patience,lol!). So, with a freshly cleaned atty, let's take round two on these bad boys. Once again, they're both 18mg and I am vaping out of a standard 510 atty, and eGo standard battery, dripped as always.

Malty Toffee - Okay, great news! I'm not gagging, lol! Man, first thoughts (aside of <---that) is the vapor production is HUGE! I really appreciate it. I dunno about you guys, but I love exhaling thick, white clouds of vapor. It makes the overall experience just better, imo. My spidey senses are kickin' and telling me that perhaps Don mixes this one with a little more VG than the quoted 70/30 ratio, but I could be wrong. The taste is so subtle, it feels definitely like an aquired taste because I think I am aquiring it. This could be my imagination, but I think it's a little sweeter than before as well. That's probably why it's more tolerable this time around. Though, not much else has changed in it's overall flavor. I am still getting that stronger (malty?) natural taste. The TH seems a little potent this time around, that's probably due to me vaping mostly VG juices. I am becoming quite optimistic with this flavor and back into the hutch it goes for further steeping.

Cafe Mocha - MMmmm, first thoughts. First drag going in, I can straight up taste the coffee hitting my tongue but I can definitely taste the cocoa as well, this is good stuff. Vapor production is weaker than the M.T., let me take a REAL rip... Man, this is some good stuff. This tastes like before but sweeter almost, I feel as I am hitting this that I've just walked into a high dollar fancy coffee store. Walls of coffee bean aroma just fills my taste buds and olfactory senses. TH is pretty beast, I have to take small intervals before test ripping again. I have it sorta mixed with the M.T. (in the same atty) but it's working! Not much else to say at the moment, back to the hutch of steeping it goes.

Okay, overall 4-day old review - 9/10 again. I like either one for their respectable reasons. The Cafe Mocha wins on the taste and TH but the Malty Toffee blows C.M. away with it's smoothness and vapor production. So, thinking on this, why not mix them? 50/50 mixture (1 drop a piece) ooo, that's good. The vapor is definitely more vulumptuous and the flavor is there. Still a little strong, the next time I review and mix I'll try a 2/1 (M.T.-C.M.) Even though either of these probably wouldn't be my all-day vape as of now, you can definitely taste quality with Don's products. I know that 4 days is a little pre-mature, but I couldn't just look and smell any longer and I wanted to share the results. Hopefully, after all of this reviewing is said and done, another newbie can come around and check out my (few weeks) of reviews from flavor start until flavor zen. Maybe it'll help them in the long run.

Also, I will be reviewing my two flavors coming soon in a separate thread (Applewood and Honey Flue Tobacco) and when I felt the flavors have reached their peaks, I will make a video review. (I know I should probably post these in the 'Review' section, but I like to talk amongst my BWB brethren about it, so I post it here. If you guy's think I should move it, let me know and I'll contact an admin or mod to fix it. No offense will be taken)

Much love -Levitas-


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Oct 7, 2010
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Nice review, I have to agree with you on the Cafe. I love BWB's coffee flavors. As for as the Malty Toffee, it is always interesting to read of someone having a totally different experience with a juice than me. I liked Malty Toffee right out of the mailbox and that is not usual for me with BWB juices. One thing is for sure, more than any other juice BWB really benefits from a very long steeping time.

I have BWB juices that I didn't really like for the first month I had them, but after that time they changed to the point where they became some of my favorite juices. This seemed to be mainly the tobacco juices, but all Don's juices just seem to get better the longer I am able to keep them.

Right now, I am vaping some Malty Toffee that I had been hoarding. The juice is at least 3 months old and it is better than ever. Try stashing some BWB for a month or more and then try it. I think you will be very pleasently surprised at how good it is.
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