Not a newbie but need Box Mod help

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Full Member
Sep 26, 2013
I have been strictly vape for a few years now. Hubby however still smokes analogs. He wants a mod now. A box style to be more specific. Seeing this will probably only be used a short amount of time can you recommend something not to pricey but good ( I know that's pretty much an oxymoron lol) Usually he will buy a setup of some sort and get tired of it and then I will take I over it just so that money wasn't wasted. I am a pretty simple person though and very happy with my setup. Not to say I won't ever change but I have no desire to have a box style and trying to figure out voltage and ohms and all that isn't for me. And truth be told hubby probably won't do it either. So I need something that will satisfy his need but not break the bank for something that will probably just be used a month and tossed.


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Feb 17, 2015
1187 Hundertwasser
There are many box mods out there, some more specifics are needed to help narrow it down.
  • big or small
  • dual battery or single
  • replaceable batteries or built in
  • temperature control or not
What atomizer are you going to use on it? This to a certain degree dictates what box would be appropriate. You may want to consider a kit that includes both. I can recommend the following:

Evic VTC Mini which comes with the eGo tank
eVic-VTC Mini(Full Kit) - Joyetech

Kangertech Subox
Kanger Subox Mini Kit

The iStick 30 and the Nautilus Mini is another highly recommended combo, though not sold together as a kit.
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