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Walking Dead

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 4, 2010
LOFL!!! I just watched last night's episode and I hate to say it but... yeah, I laughed out loud there at the end. It just goes to show, you don't have to outrun the zombies, just the slowest member of the group. Slow guys know this, so always keep an eye on the slow guy, he might have something up his sleeve to even the odds!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 14, 2011
Spring TX (Houston)
LOFL!!! I just watched last night's episode and I hate to say it but... yeah, I laughed out loud there at the end. It just goes to show, you don't have to outrun the zombies, just the slowest member of the group. Slow guys know this, so always keep an eye on the slow guy, he might have something up his sleeve to even the odds!

I never saw it coming...!
He's a living richard cranium though... It's always better to have a spare laying around :D
This is true, he is still alive, but his action there just makes me think I should go back to my "one man army" plan vs going with a group. It got me to thinking...how many people would do the same thing in the same situation? Would you be Otis or would you be Shane? I really thought Shane was gonna eat a bullet when he stopped outside by the fence before Otis showed up.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 4, 2010
There's more to it than just 'killing someone else so I can get away' happening there. Maybe I read too much into things but...
a) Here's a guy that put both me and my best friend's child in danger directly due to his actions.
b) He's repeatedly said he wants to make things right.
c) I have an emotional attachment to my best friends child.
d) I have a negative emotional attachment to this person.
e) If I don't do it, we'll both die AND my BFF's kid will die too all because of this other person.
f) I kind of enjoy being on this side of the last veil.
g) I can and have killed other people before this to save people I love.
h) I can.

Was it an ...... move? Maybe. Did it result in getting out of there alive and getting aid to his loved ones? Yes. Was there another way to do it that would guarantee success? Probably not.

Don't forget that Shane offered himself up as the sacrifice first and Otis refused to take the supplies on by himself. It's one hell of a call to make but I DO think he made the right one. If the child in question was say... the newest addition to your family and the other person was the one who had shot her (regardless of situation surrounding it was 'accidental')... Can you honestly say that you'd rather be eaten alongside him and leave the supplies far from where they're needed instead of using him as a diversion to at least give your grandchild a chance at survival?

You can think me a bad person but there really isn't an easy answer to some questions. Would you steal a loaf of bread to keep your family from starving to death? What if you knew before hand that it would result in the owner starving to death in the future? What if it was from a huge faceless corporation? Either way you're stealing a loaf of bread, the rest is just how you rationalize your need over someone elses...
I should have seen it as well. I thought it was a very good ending for the mid season. Glad to see Rick finally grew some man hangers and was the one who took care of the problem. For some reason I kept thinking Otis was going to show back up as a Walker and everyone would notice the gun shot where Shane shot him, but I guess he was 100% Walker food. Sooner or later we have to lose a main character, and I think that the way Shane is ...... in everyones soup, he will be the next to go. I think when they leave the farm, Maggie will be going with them or Glenn will be staying behind, so we are either gaining or losing one of those characters in the travels once they hit the road.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 4, 2010
How could that NOT have been how it shook out? Shane's too big of a protagonist to kill off this soon... We have baby daddy drama, leadership drama, coveting thy neighbor's wife drama (on two fronts no less!)... I think in the end he'll probably do himself in. I wasn't sure but after the look on his face and lack of action there at the end, I think he's going to implode. I think Maggie would have left with them before what happened, happened, but now I'm not sure which side she'll land on. They probably could have won everyone over to their side eventually but Shane's over the top actions... makes them look like roving marauders! On the plus side, they're certainly seeing things from both perspectives now! I may have to retract my Shane approval after the way he went about things. Not the actions themselves, but how he is going about it.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 26, 2011
McDonough, Ga
got my wife to shave my head tonight


glad he finally took over the bunch


he is some strange brew, lol

the bridge scenes were filmed right down the road from me
hampton, ga (like 2 miles)

i was getting so frustrated that i thought about looking for the little girl my damn self ! lol

i hated that ending...everyone in the house had tears in their eyes, yeah, me too

cant wait til february, this really sucks

got my wife to shave my head tonight


glad he finally took over the bunch


he is some strange brew, lol

the bridge scenes were filmed right down the road from me
hampton, ga (like 2 miles)

i was getting so frustrated that i thought about looking for the little girl my damn self ! lol

i hated that ending...everyone in the house had tears in their eyes, yeah, me too

cant wait til february, this really sucks


I kept telling the wife i was going to head south and try to accidentlly/on purpose end up in zombie make up.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 22, 2010
The Internet
I was getting bored with the farmhouse plot, so I've missed a few episodes. Sounds like I need to go catch up on demand!

I hear that ... it's like one of those camping trips where all you packed were bags and boxes of fail, and you just can't wait to go home. Still, I have been enjoying watching the story.

As for what I could see happening ...

The foreshadowing of Rick giving Carl his hat ... Carl will take over, but "he will have to grow into it", so it will take some time before Rick loses his sanity and replaces Shane's role after Shane shapes up on the outside only to completely destroy himself in a self-promoting Ramboesque zombie suicide battle to protect "his" unborn "son".

More "hatshadowing" when Dale handed down his hat to Glenn ... odd ... two? young people in patriarchal roles? Hmm. Maybe writers just don't use tried and true formulas anymore, LOL. But Dale is about as bugged out as Shane, it's just that Shane isn't as bottled up. Dale looks to be on the way out soon, but might just disappear in a cloud of smoke, only to reappear later.

I agree whynot, Glenn and Maggie could go either direction, but do they really want to take the story into two camps? She gave Glenn the go-ahead to stop the danger. She will be controlling Glenn, LOL. I think it would be cool to see a Hatfield and McCoy scenario play out for a while.

Daryl and Carol just confuse me. But if they ever get rid of Daryl, I'll probably shut the whole damn thing off, LOL. I could actually see Daryl, Carol, and Carl becoming the core group by the end of the third season. Probably just projecting how I'd write it though.

Andrea confuses me too ... they have her written so well, that she could go down in flames with Shane, vanish with Dale, or become the sleuth that eventually unlock's the Shane/Otis mystery that will have to become known to the group at some point in time.

T-Dog ... uh ... the writers gave him just enough quirks that they could manipulate his character into pretty much anything that would work. He needs more (open) character development.

Meh ... I'm not much of a television person, so I could be waaaaay off.

Good news I found out a couple days ago though ... there will be a new book coming out in the early part of next year:
Zombie Apocalypse Preparations: How to Survive in an Undead World and Have Fun Doing It

And the Facebook Page.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 19, 2010
ProVari Nirvana
Well, now that Shane is just about half a step from totally bat&%$! crazy, things should pick up for a while. I'm waiting to see how the old veterinarian (I'm lousy with names) takes having all his "sick people" shot. I see him going all wrath-of-god on the others. I'm waiting to see how abused mom is going to take her daughter being a head-shot walker, done in by Fearless Leader. I see her finding comfort in the arms of biker-boy, and maybe doing some passive-aggressive sabotage of the group. Maybe she'll join old veterinarian in some wrath-of-god?
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