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  1. T


    I am guessing you're completely addicted to vaping..aah...nobody should mention anything negative about your one and only pleasure... that's very clear... i feel sorry for u... i manage to quit this horrible nicotine addiction (the hard way.... yeah...okay) but you want to claim that vaping is...
  2. T


    Anyways I hope that somehow I made people more aware that you should be careful with these batteries!
  3. T


    FDA? Had to google that one... I live in Europe, the Netherlands. Is it so hard these days to trust people posting their experiences on forums?
  4. T


    Yo You're seriously a mean or psychotic person to talk about me like that! You don't even know me. All I'm trying to do is warn people so they don't experience what I did?
  5. T


    You know what? I was trying to be nice to you but have now realized you're not a nice person... so .... off. Stop replying then! I am simply warning people to be careful with these batteries!
  6. T


    What about Smok? You're very unclear in your replies...
  7. T


    Prohibited doesn't mean it can't be done....
  8. T


    Thank you... at the moment I am starting to crave smoking/vaping again as I am on this forum answering and reading....aaaaarccchhhh.... but in daily life I have a four year old daughter and a man who doesn't smoke or vape so it's not impossible to not quit completely
  9. T


  10. T


    Are there any more groups/forums about vaping or Facebook groups that I could check out?
  11. T


    Oh my god... at least I had only a little battery exploding under my blankets... still burned 40 by 30 cm. skin. This one could have been deadly!
  12. T


    Anna... btw..batteries can also explode when not attached to a charger. Just check video's on youtube. A guy lost 7 of his teeth whilst vaping...
  13. T


    Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying vaping is dangerous. It's definitely not just me who underestimates the power of those lithium batteries! I'm just trying to let people like myself (the not-technical/interested) know what can happen if you don't take these measures about handling lithium...
  14. T


    Just noticed it was Ego-c instead of Ego-t. The pictures show the charging unit and the emptied out battery cover.
  15. T


    This was not a usb chargeable battery.
  16. T


    Yeah, what if one of those batteries would explode in a cargohold of an airplane or something. I'm sure a lot of people are not aware these things are potentially mini bombs!
  17. T


    Sa Yes... that's probably one of the things why it went wrong here... never realised how important it is to sort of be informed about technical stuff. I just thought when it fits and charges it's okay...
  18. T


    No never cigarettes again... and really don't want to vape again either.. just hope this craving will eventually stop
  19. T


    That's the main reason I posted on here. To make people aware of the dangers of these batteries when not handled correctly. I saw some video's of exploding e cigarettes (also when not in charger) and thought that those incidents were rare. Now I realize it's not that rare as it happened to me!
  20. T


    It was really horrible.. So scary, waking up screaming whilst being burned by something. Didn't even immediately realize it was that battery.. again, I was lucky that this was the only damage that was done.. and a duvet with burn holes in it...