70ml of e-liquid?

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ECF Guru
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Mar 31, 2012
Ontario, Canada
greenapple, first, I think you did exactly the right thing in buying a bunch of flavors to trial. Second, AFAIK, average vape amount people report is about 2.5 - 3 ml per day. Range is I think about 1 - 5 ml. I use about 2 ml per day. Happy vaping :toast:

Edit: Unes I'm having a couple of beers, like now, which will probably push the number up to about 4 :ohmy:
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Aug 13, 2012
Personally 70 mils would last me about two weeks give or take but it's really hard to say. So subjective.

After a bottle or two you will have a good idea of your ~ml/day and be able to order accordingly. Then again simply dividing 70ml by ml/day vaped is not a 100% accurate either, as you might find yourself really digging certain flavors and want to re-order them right away.

You may also want to give your e-liquid time to chee-ify, this is known as "steeping" but basically some e-liquids take a while (like a couple day to a ~week) to reach their full potential in flavor. Don't get too caught up in this though, if it taste good vape it. If not set it aside for a bit and come back to it.

Before long you'll prob find yourself ordering multiple bottles of your "all day vapes"; when you crack into the last bottle it's time to re-order. I've found preference can change quite a bit in the beginning or you just find something you like a lot better so at first don't order too deep.

Now if vape something pretty sold I try to get 100ml of it at a time:D


Full Member
Apr 24, 2012
Chico, Ca
I personally vape 2-4ml a day @ 12mg/ml of nic. I was a pack a day smoker. In the beginning it is best to order various flavors at reasonable sizes(6-10ml) just like you did. Once you find a solid flavor that you really enjoy order a bottle size larger such as 18ml or 30ml. I found that my all day vape when i started soon became a flavor that i didnt enjoy so much, not because the flavor was bad but because my taste buds came back to life and my preference of flavor had changed. About 1 1/2 months later i started ordering 30ml bottles of flavors that i really enjoyed once my taste buds had been revived. Give it time and youll soon figure out what flavors you like and how large of quantities to order.


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Jun 29, 2012
s. florida
yep i have to agree with everyone here that only you will determine how long 70mls will last.... for my wife 70 mls will last her for ever, she averages less then a ml a day on 0nic. only vaping while watching tv or reading at night. she quit smoking 3 years before she took up vaping.

for me on the other hand if its one of my top flavors i can kill the whole 10ml bottle in one day, for a good flavor they might last 2 or 3 days and stuff i dont care about who knows how long it will last as i bearly touch those. my average is about 10mls a day at 18-24mg, was a 2-3 pad smoker that switch right to ecigs and never looked back. as long as i have a free hand im vaping away.
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