Advice for making my ecig better?

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Full Member
Sep 10, 2012
Lawrence, Kansas
I'm new to this forum, but not vaping. I'm 23 and have smoked cigarettes since I was 16. About 2 years ago my mom got me into vaping and I've been on and off for a while. She got me set up with some solid equipment, but it wasn't enough (Though I did cut down from a pack a day to a pack a week. :D). I recently got a Puresmoker Legacy kit, and I'm happy with it, but the consistency of my setup is what sometimes makes me buy another pack of analogues. I'll give a rundown of what I'm running on it and my habits using it, and any advice anyone can give me on what to do or buy to make it more solid would be much appreciated.

I charge the batteries (whatever came with the kit; not sure what they're called) on this thing regularly, so that's not the issue (unless overcharging is bad? I charge one until I replace it with the one I've used all day). I just bought some new atties and 18mg juice from litecigusa (standard resistance, 510) and some Liqua brand juice. I just got into drip tips and love them. I'm also trying out a new drip shield (one of the only bad things about the Legacy) which I had to get a 510 to 510 adapter for. The adapter for some reason wont tighten all the way down.. maybe half a turn to fully tight, but I still seem to get a good draw. The problem I'm having is I'm never able to get more than mediocre vapor or mediocre throat hit. I'm never really satisfied and chain vape till I'm sick from too much nicotine. Does anyone know what the weak link would be? I've watched reviews for the Legacy and these guys are puffing out so much vapor.. One review said something about a 'kick' with the battery, and I have no idea what that is. Is it mostly dependent on the juice at this point? Should I not expect too much better until I get a 5v? Also, any advice on making atties last longer? I was broke a while ago, so I made an attie last 3 weeks, but it was painful.. I've heard you can soak it in like alcohol or something to get a bit more life out of it? I blow out my atties usually at least once a night, sometimes 3 or 4 times.

Sorry for the long post. :p

Ray D

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 15, 2012
I charge the batteries (whatever came with the kit; not sure what they're called) on this thing regularly, so that's not the issue (unless overcharging is bad? I charge one until I replace it with the one I've used all day).

First things first before you hurt yourself:

You do NOT want to charge those batteries unattended, nor leave them on the charger once they're charged.

A Kick gives you VW and regulates the power so your vapes stay consistent throughout the charge life of the battery (also gives you a tad more safety). You won't be able to use an 18650 with it. You'll have to step down to a 18490, but the overall effect will be an upgrade (if shorter battery life). Edit: looks like they offer an extender that allows you to use an 18650 with the kick.

The Kick – Instructions « Evolv

Juice wise, you might want to up your nicotine percentage if it's too light. Without using a kick, go with LR atties and carts.
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New Member
Dec 1, 2012
Hello Everyone, This is my first post.
I have been vaping for 3 years now.
I live in the Philippines( I retired here from the USA.
I constantly have trouble finding a dependable supplier here.
They make the juice weak to save money on their mixes.
I have started looking into making my own, but making the pure nicotine is something I would rather avoid for now.

I have ordered from UK and China as well as buying in the US when I lived there.
UK takes too long, China about the same.
Also there is roughly a 25% import tax I have to pay when shipped in.
Does anyone know a company here in the Philippines I can depend on to mix my liquid the way I want 24 to 36 mg. Someone I can order from through the Internet and pay by credit card?
Hope there is help out there :)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 8, 2010
Hc Svnt Dracones - USA EST
Welcome to ECF. Glad your mom got you to switch. If we can get you off the stinkies for longer, it will be even healthier.

I understand the "weak hit" thing. It took 5volt 3 ohm stuff for me to get a good vape "in the old days". Now, it's a lot easier with vv stuff.

Atomizers are catorized by ohms. Ohms are a measure of resistance...the higher the # the more resistance, hence the less electricity flows per second. So it's weaker. You mentioned SR atties. A post above mentions LR atties (a good idea).

The ohms range from 1.5 (LR) to 2.0 (LR) to 2.3-2.5 (SR) to 2.6-3.1 (HR) and even higher. Anyway, I'd say if your PV is 3.7ish volts try a 2.0 ohm atty. If it's lower voltage (like 3.4) try an LR atty ASSUMING IT'S NOT A SUPER-MINI sized e-cig. The super-mini sized devices don't put out enough amps to use the LR stuff.

Cleaning: Continue blowing it out twice a day and use a hot water rinse when preformance degrades. I regularly get a month or more out of an atomizer with good results. After a day or two it gets accumulated gunk. Blowing it out and rinsing helps keep that to a minimum.

You can also use ISO, Vodka, or other alcohols. If you use ISO make sure you blow it out real well and dry it a bit. There's 100 threads on'll see everything from lemon juice to denture cleaner. Just try and keep it simple. Hot water is plentiful ;)

Darker juice gunk atomizers faster. (Well, it's actually what flavorings and such they add for a particular recipe, and VG gunks faster than PG)

Good Luck!
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Full Member
Oct 9, 2012
U.S, Mass
well you prob want 24mg juice or thats what i recommend to people trying to get off analogs, which is what worked for me, i even used 36 for the first month but thats probably to high for most people. also you have a mechanical mod and using standard resistance atomizers you wont get much vapor or th or in other words a satisfying vape. like others have said using a kick can help (even though i kinda hate them) ive beenvaping for 2 years and imo ud be better off getting a cheap vv mod, even an ego twist works very well, i also recommend the lavatube or volt or whatever vendors rename them to, as well as the Vamo, or ego apv v2. these are cheap vv mods which prob cost less than you legacy...if u arnt ready to buy a new mod you can try LR atomizers and cartomizers, u for under 4v vaping which is what u are doing u need LR for a decent vape...I even use LR cartos in my tank and use VV mods, just because i still only vape at right around 4volts and with LR cartos I get a very satisfying vape...If u have any questions send me a message if youd like, good luck, charlie.


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  • Jul 13, 2009
    Somewhere between here and there
    I'm new to this forum, but not vaping. I'm 23 and have smoked cigarettes since I was 16. About 2 years ago my mom got me into vaping and I've been on and off for a while. She got me set up with some solid equipment, but it wasn't enough (Though I did cut down from a pack a day to a pack a week. :D). I recently got a Puresmoker Legacy kit, and I'm happy with it, but the consistency of my setup is what sometimes makes me buy another pack of analogues. I'll give a rundown of what I'm running on it and my habits using it, and any advice anyone can give me on what to do or buy to make it more solid would be much appreciated.

    I charge the batteries (whatever came with the kit; not sure what they're called) on this thing regularly, so that's not the issue (unless overcharging is bad? I charge one until I replace it with the one I've used all day). I just bought some new atties and 18mg juice from litecigusa (standard resistance, 510) and some Liqua brand juice. I just got into drip tips and love them. I'm also trying out a new drip shield (one of the only bad things about the Legacy) which I had to get a 510 to 510 adapter for. The adapter for some reason wont tighten all the way down.. maybe half a turn to fully tight, but I still seem to get a good draw. The problem I'm having is I'm never able to get more than mediocre vapor or mediocre throat hit. I'm never really satisfied and chain vape till I'm sick from too much nicotine. Does anyone know what the weak link would be? I've watched reviews for the Legacy and these guys are puffing out so much vapor.. One review said something about a 'kick' with the battery, and I have no idea what that is. Is it mostly dependent on the juice at this point? Should I not expect too much better until I get a 5v? Also, any advice on making atties last longer? I was broke a while ago, so I made an attie last 3 weeks, but it was painful.. I've heard you can soak it in like alcohol or something to get a bit more life out of it? I blow out my atties usually at least once a night, sometimes 3 or 4 times.

    Sorry for the long post. :p

    A stronger liquid might help. It's worth a try if its a stronger throat hit that you are truly craving. However, some people like myself have never been able to get the satisfied feeling we need from regular liquids. If the stronger liquid or different hardware doesn't work for you then you may consider trying some wta liquid or Swedish snus. I use both. Regular liquids don't contain the minor alkaloids that are found in tobacco that some people still crave. If you hadn't said you were vaping for a while now then I would have suggested giving it more time but since you have and you said you can chain vape until you get too much nic then I have to wonder if perhaps its something else you are craving besides nic.
    I know I crave a bit from time to time and it is not the nic. I can feel that I am getting enough of that. Day 6 and it is much easier. I get that AHHHHHH feeling from vaping now. EGO-C here with bacco berry flavor. But like I have been reading other people start to steer away from the tobacco flavors and I think I am already ready to do that.


    Super Member
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    Mar 25, 2012
    First things first before you hurt yourself:

    You do NOT want to charge those batteries unattended, nor leave them on the charger once they're charged.

    A Kick gives you VW and regulates the power so your vapes stay consistent throughout the charge life of the battery (also gives you a tad more safety). You won't be able to use an 18650 with it. You'll have to step down to a 18490, but the overall effect will be an upgrade (if shorter battery life). Edit: looks like they offer an extender that allows you to use an 18650 with the kick.

    The Kick – Instructions « Evolv

    Juice wise, you might want to up your nicotine percentage if it's too light. Without using a kick, go with LR atties and carts.

    I have never sat and watched a battery charge. I can't imagine anyone doing so. Don't charge them near flammables.

    Bigger batteries and better juice make vapor more enjoyable. There is more of everything to try. More atomizers, more everything.

    If you are getting sick or dizzy from nic, dont' buy stronger juice.


    Senior Member
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    Nov 29, 2012
    Brook Park, Oh
    Like you, I'm experiencing some 'growing pains' as I get more and more into this hobby. About a 1 year ago, I quit analogs cold turkey and maybe six months ago, I started having some at concerts or drinking outings until it was basically a weekend thing again. So about a month ago I bought a blu disposable and immediately knew I could control any cravings with this hobby. Next thing I did was order an eGo-T starter quit (unbeknownst to me that they are really outdated), ended up with 5 leaking cartridges, started dripping on my atty, burned one out, vaped unsteeped liquid, burnt a carto filled with boba's bounty...

    .. it's as if every step of the way I'm making a costly error. But when I got my carto filled with this JC Tennessee Cured I have from a few weeks back, it was GLORIOUS how much the taste changed when I was finally using a proper method. Keep at it, every time I read I get an inkling to order a new part or liquid and it just takes some initial patience to figure things out.
    Just a couple of things I picked up from your post. First I know the 357's are a pretty penny but the flavor you get from hybrid attys in my opinion is worth it. I love the increased flavor and vapor production. Second if you are feeling the need to chain vape I would suggest if it is to satisfy the hand to mouth sensation and the natural feeling you need to have an analog, using a lower level of nic for your next bottle of juice. I find that I have been needing lower and lower levels to let me maintain my confort vaping level. An as far as juices affecting your devices and accessories, I try to stay away from dark juices, however finding the right flavor was more important to me than my search for light colored juices. Once I found the flavors I liked I then started searching for lighter colored ones:) Not sure that helped at all but drop a line if you need anything. Know that everytime you vape instead of smoke it is a victory. Good luck!

    Ray D

    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Nov 15, 2012
    I have never sat and watched a battery charge. I can't imagine anyone doing so. Don't charge them near flammables.

    I wasn't implying he stare at them. But you should monitor them and make sure they're not getting hot, dripping, bursting into flame, etc. ;) I would never leave them on a charger and leave the house or go to sleep. You might get away with that 999 times. But it only takes once.


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    Dec 18, 2012
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