Any truth to the Rumor?

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2013
saint paul,mn,usa
my take is its going to go one of two ways.
the fda is going to drop the deeming rock or equivalent substantially a tobacco product ruling right on top of our heads.
with higher taxes to follow.
or,just require realalistic standards for production and labeling.
if the secound happens it will be because they are waiting for the market to mature.
see how big it gets or is going to get,and then play hard ball.
mean while the states are doing the dirty work.the feds can gage how much more they
can ram down our throats.


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Feb 5, 2014
It would surprise me if the legislation was all passed on the up and up in the light of day. I suspect most will be slid in with tricks and poorly written wording that the will interpret to mean what they want it to. This will be politics and big money driving and reason and fairness won't even be a factor.

Some of the legislative posts I've been reading from Europe point to procedural tactics to expedite agendas and limit opposition.


Full Member
Feb 17, 2014
Looks like their raising the blade of the guillotine now. Think I will make another nic order now.

My thoughts exactly. Personal to-do list for the week:

1. Order more unflavored nic for the freezer.
2. Order more unflavored WTA for the freezer, and HTH it stores as well as unflavored nic since adding WTA is what got hubs completely off of tobacco. Start more passiflora tinctures in case WTA doesn't freeze well (not quite as effective, but close).
3. Further research DIY tobacco flavoring extracts for development of homemade NET flavors. I've got a yard, I could always grow my own tobacco leaves if I had to, VA's been growing tobacco since the days of the colonies!

Most importantly:

4. Write, call and bully all of my representatives - AGAIN, and AGAIN, and AGAIN - so that I hopefully don't have to worry about extracting my own NET flavors and eventually running out of my stockpiled supplies.

Just call me Chicken Little, who fully intends to wear a figurative combat helmet and flack jacket as this particular sky falls! :mad:

(..And don't even get me started on the hypocrisy of the FDA:
Herbal supplements, including whole herbs (many proven to be deadly if used incorrectly) - completely unregulated. *
Chantix (proven to have potentially deadly side effects) - approved for use.
E-cigs (no actual proven deadly risks) - likely to be closely regulated.

*Disclaimer - Herbalism is a long-term hobby of mine, I don't want want whole herbs regulated nor do I think they should be, I just know enough about them to know that many are not safe if not used carefully/accurately.

Ok, stepping off soap box and taking a few deep, calming breaths....)


Vaping Master
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Oct 11, 2010
East Coast, USA
I actually heard a rumor that the "deeming regulation" - the FDA's recommendation - might be getting "sent back" to them. Which would be a big win - and would put any kind of decision or enforcement even farther out.

I posted about that tweet last Friday.. If true, there should be a press release sometime soon.

Gregory Conley: JD / MBA, legislative consultant, smoke-free and e-cigarette advocate, research fellow for @HeartlandInst.
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