Anyone know a recipe for newport.....

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Hello folks ..I was wandering if anyone had a recipe for a newport type e-liquid..I currently vape gourmet vapors nuport and I mix some of the myboro in with this and I must say I love it...I also vape bwb menthol tobacco which isn't as sweet but very good all the same...I guess I would love to know the base as close as possible to create my own and to add from there....I am sure there will be many more flavors I will try..and try to tweak ..I am new at vaping and would love nothing more than to expand my horizons...I suppose all this government crap doesn't sit well with me either and knowing the basics of what I enjoy would be of great benefit should the .... ever hit the fan....with e-cigs..e-liquids...any help or inspiration would be greatly appreciated...
By the way I stillintend to support the suppliers I have been frequenting as this is what keeps the ball rolling and keeps the doors open as well ...just had to get that off my mind....thank you.....Joe:unsure:
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