anyone try the Aqua rba?

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Apr 8, 2014
I just got my aqua today and I was wondering what you perfer for wicking media? I first tried silica and didn't care for it so I went with cotton. It seems to be working pretty good. For those who arentered familiar with the Aqua, it's similar to the kayfun but is dual coil and has four deep juice channels. Gives a great flavor , and good vapor. I'm getting used to it now. From what I've experienced I'd give 8th a thumbs up. I've had no flooding or problems and I've used and refilled it all day so far. What do you other aqua owners think of it?? It's been in my opinion a pretty good rba. If you like the kayfun, you will likely like the Aqua as my opnion. Easy to build, easy to wick, and love the adjustable air flow. What's your opinions?


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May 19, 2012
What are you running it on? I usually vape about 12 watts with a single coil, but I notice on my Kayfun, I need to run a bit higher. 12 watts seems to be much cooler than on most atomizers.

Hows the aqua? Does it seem cooler at the same settings as other atomizers? I'm looking into a new RDA and RTA, when my funds recover.


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Apr 8, 2014
It's A Dual Coil So Depending On THE Wattage Your running it at will depend on how warm it is. On 12 watts I would say yes it's a cooler vape but it's warmer on anything higher. I would definitely recommend it. It's a nice vape. Deck is easy to build on if you like the kayfun, you will likely like this. It gives a great flavor. I wanted to try something new so I got this and the premethus. I like this much better than the premethus because it's bottom fed. I would give it a try. I don't think it will disapoint. I'm pretty fussy about my rdas and I like it.


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May 8, 2014
The Aqua RBA was the first rebuildable I owned. I hate it with a passion. I only used it for about a week before I bought the kayfun lite plus and I haven't touched the Aqua since.

My Aqua was very leaky (total juice waster),it did not have a clear center piece to see how much juice was in it,it did not hold very much juice,it was very hard to attach dual coils on the 2 post,it was hard to wick (cotton had to be just right in order to prevent flooding) it has a very puny drip tip that would nearly blister my lips when running dual coil. Now my Aqua just sits in my collection case of other vape gear I do not use.:?:

I forgot to add this: Good luck finding drip tips that will fit snug on it. Out of all of the drip tips i own, none of them will fit on the Aqua. Every drip tip I have tried on it easily falls out.
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Ultra Member
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May 19, 2012
It's A Dual Coil So Depending On THE Wattage Your running it at will depend on how warm it is. On 12 watts I would say yes it's a cooler vape but it's warmer on anything higher. I would definitely recommend it. It's a nice vape. Deck is easy to build on if you like the kayfun, you will likely like this. It gives a great flavor. I wanted to try something new so I got this and the premethus. I like this much better than the premethus because it's bottom fed. I would give it a try. I don't think it will disapoint. I'm pretty fussy about my rdas and I like it.

Oh yea I'm sure I will have to use higher watts on a dual coil setup to get the same heat I like. Thanks for the info.


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May 21, 2012
The Aqua RBA was the first rebuildable I owned. I hate it with a passion. I only used it for about a week before I bought the kayfun lite plus and I haven't touched the Aqua since.

My Aqua was very leaky (total juice waster),it did not have a clear center piece to see how much juice was in it,it did not hold very much juice,it was very hard to attach dual coils on the 2 post,it was hard to wick (cotton had to be just right in order to prevent flooding) it has a very puny drip tip that would nearly blister my lips when running dual coil. Now my Aqua just sits in my collection case of other vape gear I do not use.:?:

I forgot to add this: Good luck finding drip tips that will fit snug on it. Out of all of the drip tips i own, none of them will fit on the Aqua. Every drip dip I have tried on it easily falls out.

this was my exact experience with it as well. it was my first RTA and has made me weary of trying any other RTAs since..


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Nov 28, 2012
Swartz Creek, MI
I love the vape from my aqua clones, probably the best vape from a RTA I have tried. That said they spend most of their time in my vape drawer due to the tiny juice capacity. It seemed like I was filling the things every hour or so since they only hold 2ml of juice and really blow through it faster than any other tank I own (Which is probably why the vape is so good). Filling time also tended to get way to messy at times. It really is a shame that they wasted all that space for juice on the hybrid connector to a borderline dangerous mod. I also hated building on it, dual coils on two post was tricky enough without having to do it with thumb screws or in my case pliers to get them tight. I am also not a fan of either of the included driptips and no other ones will fit it.

In the end I always end up coming back to my kayfun's. In this case its a shame since the aqua vapes so well, it has such potential and would really benefit form a update. Some parts of the design are so inspired while other parts have me scratching me head wondering if they even tested it.


ECF Guru
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Mar 31, 2012
Ontario, Canada
I never did like Kayfun type attys. Just not enough power for me. I have one Aqua clone and I love it. Run it at around 0.6 ohms with dual coils and either cotton or rayon in it. Yes, mounting the coils is tricky, but it's doable and the performance is worth it.

As for the small capacity, I filled from the bottom which gets almost 3 ml of juice in it.

These days I use a Reo Grand most of the time. 6 ml juice bottle on board, no wicking issues and superb flavor with either a RM2 or Cyclone atty. Works for me :)


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Feb 11, 2014
Colorado, USA
I just picked two authentics up this week, and I adore them. They are the best looking and best performing RTA that I have used. Excellent flavor, and the vapor production is decent; certainly the best I've ever gotten from a tank. I'm planning on drilling and modifying soon, so I imagine that I will love it even more when I have achieved my mission. I love the deck on the aqua.. Super clean, solid, and simple. The drip tips can wiggle a little, but I really don't mind, and rarely notice it. I tend to be very gentle by nature, so I don't need a screw in tip :)

I have been refilling from the bottom, and the whole process takes me less than 30 seconds to fill right to the top, around 3ml.. The only thing that you have to watch out for is how you hold the "juice control", to make sure that you don't accidentally (or if you are a little crazy...intentionally) eject the chimney. With the airflow increased, I think that these guys will perform kind of like a dripper with a reserve, which is something that I greatly appreciate and value, since I have never gotten much satisfaction from the tank experience before.

I, also, really dislike kayfun style tanks.. I know that is a really unpopular opinion around here, but I really just don't get it. In my world, they are always making a big fuss about... everything.

For me, the aqua seems like a MUCH more simple, effective, and intuitive design in comparison to all of the other tanks that I have used, namely the kayfun/russians. I've never tried a clone before, but I understand that they are prone to a whole hoard of (minor) issues (as usual ;) that aren't present in the original).


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Mar 20, 2014
I have an Aqua. It's alright. I like my kayfun's better. The only advantage the Aqua has is great airflow. It does have that going for it.

I've wicked with cotton balls and with cotton yarn and I prefer organic cotton balls best. As far as the juice capacity, yes if you fill it from the top, it doesn't hold much juice. BUT.. if you fill from the bottom you can get twice + as much juice in it. I've also found that when filling from the bottom it doesn't leak juice at all.

When filling from the bottom you just have to make sure that when you remove the bottom (deck/510 connection) you don't push the chimney through the top cap. You have to hold onto the chimney and top cap at the same time while filling. It's a little bit tricky but well worth the extra juice you get in the tank.

Edited to add... another advantage the Aqua has is you can also re-wick without having to empty the tank.


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Mar 20, 2014
Here is the build I have on my Aqua right now - minus the cotton yarn - I re-wicked with regular organic cotton.

It's 28g kanthal. One piece of wire but two coils. Each coil is 5 wraps on a 2mm rod. 1.5 ohm

Aqua coil.jpg

This is the best build I've found for the Aqua.
I bought a tobeco aqua off fleabay for a whopping $3.95. It took a few tries to get 2 coils mounted together, but it does vape rather well and has never leaked even a drop. I use rayon and had a couple a micro's at .6ohm. It worked, but i find myself using the drippers more, the aqua can be kinda finicky. Im considering boring out the air holes for more airflow, but im too busy vaping...:vapor::p


Vaping Master
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Jul 8, 2012
the aqua is a great tank imo and for those who dislike it because they say it leaks, that's completely user error, period. I guess the main grip I hear is capacity, and as already mentioned, if one fills a certain way, 3mls isn't to bad. I guess if this was your only device, I can see capacity being an issue, but are there a lot of us only vaping one device, I don't really know. personally, I vape at least 2 devices, and as many as 5 through out the day because I get tired of one juice, so I rotate. with that said, I wouldn't care if the aqua could only hold 2mls of juice. I guess the ones complaining about juice capacity are only vaping one set up, and I could definitely see that. good points imo about the aqua is for one, some of the best flavor of any atty I own or have tried. I love the kayfun and own 4 of them but I believe the aqua produces better flavor. I know for a fact the aqua produces more vapor and has better airflow the the kayfuns. another plus of the aqua is its ability to handle a lot more power then the kayfun( to some that doesn't matter). another plus to the kayfun is that you can rewick without draining the juice. so along with those advantages(for me anyways) there are things that aren't as good as the kayfun which are, ease of build for one. yes the aquas deck is small and can be a pain, but once a coil is installed, its there to stay for a very long time, so it takes a little longer to build. juice capacity, definitely smaller then the kayfun. the aqua is 21mm so some may not like it with their 22 or 23mm mods. another con for the aqua is the drip tip hole, it sucks! why did they make it that large? what can be done though is to take any other drip tip and remove the oring, then wrap some floss around a few times and install back the oring. hey to each their own, some like it some don't, but when I hear things like "owe the aqua stinks, it leaks everywhere" or "it gets so hot it burns my lips" or "it only holds 2mls of juice" granted those things can happen, and maybe the mark of a good tank is that they cannot happen, but if built right, they don't happen. anyways, if you haven't figured it out yet, I think the aqua is an awesome tank, when set up right this tank blows clouds, produces awesome flavor, is nice and small, and looks really smart,,,, and that's all that matters in my book. also you can purchase a clear tank for it, if one needs to see juice levels.
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Oct 25, 2013
I have a clone and like it. I think the airflow adjustment is great, but the juice flow adjustment needs improvement. Or the other way around. It's difficult to adjust one and not the other. Personally I used Koh Gen Do, and it works well. It really likes to be ripped on, if I just take a regular inhale on it, it has a tendency to try and give me a dry hit, whereas if I draw on it with more force, the vacuum gets going a little better


Vaping Master
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Jul 8, 2012
I have a clone and like it. I think the airflow adjustment is great, but the juice flow adjustment needs improvement. Or the other way around. It's difficult to adjust one and not the other. Personally I used Koh Gen Do, and it works well. It really likes to be ripped on, if I just take a regular inhale on it, it has a tendency to try and give me a dry hit, whereas if I draw on it with more force, the vacuum gets going a little better
Maybe to much wicking material in channels? Or bad oring? Not really sure but either way it's not an issue specific to the aqua. As for the juice and airflow happening at once, this may be a clone issue because if the orings aren't proper, I can see this happening no doubt
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