Back to basics - The Shortest Path of Lesser Transformation

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Full Member
Sep 19, 2014

The "vaping" (e-Cigs) habit recently faced sustained mass media & political attacks although it was originally intended as a health-wise alternative/substitute for self-poisoning combustion, hence the label "Harm Reduction". So, how come "vape deaths" occur at all??


Well, this should be no surprize to persons knowing about UN's 2014 effort to demonize "Big Tobacco" (and smokers...) via its international FCTC/COP6 event held in Moscow/Russia, away from any risk of criticism:
UN - FCTC COP6 #0 - 6th session (2014-Oct, 13-18) [480x320] .PNG

UN - FCTC COP6 #1 - 6th session (2014-Oct, 13-18) [480x320] .PNG

UN - FCTC COP6 #2 - 6th session (2014-Oct, 13-18) [480x320] .PNG

Those "spe¢iali$ts"/"expert$" weren't trying to fix a consumption method inherited after the mercantile 1880 - 1881 invention of James Albert Bonsack (which rapidly rendered cigarettes affordable enough to propagate globally until it transformed into a Public Health issue of planetary proportions), euh... No, actually their report most definitely inspired multiple legislatures now treating e-Cigs/Vaporizers practically the same as tobacco/nicotine combustion:

[ https:// ]
WHO: Report of the sixth session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (2014-Oct, 13-18)

Page 13 (of 157):

4.4.1 Smokeless tobacco products
4.4.2 Electronic nicotine delivery systems, including electronic cigarettes

Worse, in my canuck province of Québec it's quite obvious such document even inspired plain socio-toxic (immature/irresponsible with no accountability) prohibitionist ideology in the obtuse mind of Lucie Charlebois, ex-Liberal minister for "Rehab, Youth Protection & Public Health" who openly admitted being personally involved (read "BIASED"!!):

[ http:// ]
Projet de loi no44, Loi visant à renforcer la lutte contre le tabagisme

So her final 2015 bill titled "Act to bolster tobacco control" ended up denying HR value while paving the way to Trudeau's eventual "Légaleezation" reform on cannabis (federally voted 3 years later)... Meanwhile she officially extended Québec's legal definition by « considering electronic cigarettes to be tobacco », literally: e.g. « electronic cigarettes and any other devices of that nature that are put to one’s mouth to inhale any substance that may or may not contain nicotine ».

In other words if there was going to be any publicly-funded research then its purpose could only focus on further mis-guided 3rd-party interference rejecting fairness and rational reason. By chance, if i may say so, it's the citizens of USA who paid the ultimate price for such bigotry kind of early.


Most self-serving politicans are just like that, it's all too easy for them to mute criticism by delegating non-elected gurus outside our public democratic institutions, by setting in advance central topics during a pseudo-consultation in order to impose solutions solving their very own mediatic/political problems instead of genuinely dealing whith superior matters as Public Health...


As far as i'm concerned one fundamental challenge is to account for the needs of all future ex-smokers themselves, which is to reduce/eliminate toxicity of course, yet not at the cost of rudimentary respect for those most concerned: the users. Although it may sound like some cautionary decision to ban "flavours" i ain't convinced that's an optimal strategy considering it could provide "bio-feeback" hints required by an individual to avoid consumption mishaps, briefly put IMO operator errors eventually invite the development of habit disorders. Not to mention e-Cigs don't come with metered dosing as these depend on visible monster clouds to boost sales, on the contrary.

As an ex-smoker myself i must admit having quit tobacco smoking in the mid-nineties, though i continued to smoke cannabis products until nearly a dozen years ago. Consequently i'm in no position to comment in detail on nicotine alternatives, on another had i can certainly share my views on pro-cannabic inhalation being a vaporist since 2011.

In addition, thanks to internet i gradually acquired sufficient perspective allowing me to better understand how precious mother Nature's gift proves to be:

Back to the basics - The Shortest Path of Lesser Transformation [480x360] .PNG

These are known as trichome glands, they stand on top of a capillary stem forming the characteristic "frosty" layer covering calixes collected in clusters within female "flowers". The top row illustrates a fair bargain while down under that's an obvious result of "Tumbling", a vilifying mechanical process that raises the vegetal substrate to trichome glands ratio.

Primordial substances synthesized organically by the plant happen to be infusing vegetal tissue besides potential contaminants, dame Nature's unique legacy is the most cost-efficient filtration imaginable as it conveniently separates the flower's noble secretions on a molecular basis! Hence my adoption of a simple rule since i realized the actual value of such natural packaging: to follow "The Shortest Path of Lesser Transformation", to avoid as much potential vilification vectors as practically possible.


That's why i'm continuously targeting the trichome's gland "contact surface" in pulse mode rather than just put it all in a black box hoping for the best after turning up some thermostatic heat. This alternate orientation of mine accounts for the most fundamental fact that heat never propagates instantly in matter, which involves a diffusion delay combined to "parasitic" dispertion itself better described as wasted heat, or just "cooking"... In other words i depend on a sudden heat pulse to "Release" noble molecules ready to leave the gland's surface, using a convective heat vector as the "Transport Agent". Doing so translates as minimal energy waste considering the "fumet" immediately moves away from a bowl's transitional heat burst. Even better, the heat wave is closely followed by fresh air, effectively purging wasted heat once the intended extraction has been performed - and that's not all: using a Hybrid Core i'm able to "quanticize" the amount of heat in a single burst on the basis of temporary storage temperature, mass and thermal characteristics:

Specific Heat formula [300x200] .PNG

A major by-product effect of "Micro-Bursting" resides in less baking, or enhanced "conservation" because wasting has been limited before and after convective extraction, which in turn offers improved aroma/taste appreciation in exchange for less cheater opacity fueled by not-so-noble substances impregnating vegetal tissue.

So, in conclusion, such consumption method focussed on trichome glands gets seriously compromized (if not defeated!) by "Tumbled Weed" exactly, confirming my preference to keep extraction as direct as suitable, e.g. without excess intermediary steps if i can help it.

Ultimately i envision "pen" style applications where the "Heat Charge" gets delivered in a toke-by-toke fashion to extend battery life. My crude evaluation of it revolves around ~100 Joules or so, maybe less, maybe even a lot less. Go figure... By matching such "Packetized" heat "bubble" to its task there shouldn't be enough wasted heat left inside a bowl to represent much of threat that can't be safely addressed using a simple cotton filter, for example. The basic question being: how many Joules are necessary to "atomize" a single trichome gland? A bowl?? Then by extension, how many Joule packets can be delivered per battery charge?...

Good day, have fun!! :cool:
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 12, 2010

The "vaping" (e-Cigs) habit recently faced sustained mass media & political attacks although it was originally intended as a health-wise alternative/substitute for self-poisoning combustion, hence the label "Harm Reduction". So, how come "vape deaths" occur at all??
what it’s looking like currently is e-cigarette safety was based on using some chemicals but avoiding others rigorously. That rigor got negated when people started throwing whatever into vapes because that somehow made it vaping because it looked the same

Well, this should be no surprize to persons knowing about UN's 2014 effort to demonize "Big Tobacco" (and smokers...) via its international FCTC/COP6 event held in Moscow/Russia, away from any risk of criticism:
I’m not familiar with a 2014 effort. I do know that people began to realize there were serious health issues associated with smoking since the 1930’s. 2014 seems kind of late in the game.
Those "spe¢iali$ts"/"expert$" weren't trying to fix a consumption method inherited after the mercantile 1880 - 1881 invention of James Albert Bonsack (which rapidly rendered cigarettes affordable enough to propagate globally until it transformed into a Public Health issue of planetary proportions), euh... No, actually their report most definitely inspired multiple legislatures now treating e-Cigs/Vaporizers practically the same as tobacco/nicotine combustion:

[ https:// ]
WHO: Report of the sixth session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (2014-Oct, 13-18)

Page 13 (of 157):

4.4.1 Smokeless tobacco products
4.4.2 Electronic nicotine delivery systems, including electronic cigarettes

Worse, in my canuck province of Québec it's quite obvious such document even inspired plain socio-toxic (immature/irresponsible with no accountability) prohibitionist ideology in the obtuse mind of Lucie Charlebois, ex-Liberal minister for "Rehab, Youth Protection & Public Health" who openly admitted being personally involved (read "BIASED"!!):

[ http:// ]
Projet de loi no44, Loi visant à renforcer la lutte contre le tabagisme

So her final 2015 bill titled "Act to bolster tobacco control" ended up denying HR value while paving the way to Trudeau's eventual "Légaleezation" reform on cannabis (federally voted 3 years later)... Meanwhile she officially extended Québec's legal definition by « considering electronic cigarettes to be tobacco », literally: e.g. « electronic cigarettes and any other devices of that nature that are put to one’s mouth to inhale any substance that may or may not contain nicotine ».

In other words if there was going to be any publicly-funded research then its purpose could only focus on further mis-guided 3rd-party interference rejecting fairness and rational reason. By chance, if i may say so, it's the citizens of USA who paid the ultimate price for such bigotry kind of early.


Most self-serving politicans are just like that, it's all too easy for them to mute criticism by delegating non-elected gurus outside our public democratic institutions, by setting in advance central topics during a pseudo-consultation in order to impose solutions solving their very own mediatic/political problems instead of genuinely dealing whith superior matters as Public Health...


As far as i'm concerned one fundamental challenge is to account for the needs of all future ex-smokers themselves, which is to reduce/eliminate toxicity of course, yet not at the cost of rudimentary respect for those most concerned: the users. Although it may sound like some cautionary decision to ban "flavours" i ain't convinced that's an optimal strategy considering it could provide "bio-feeback" hints required by an individual to avoid consumption mishaps, briefly put IMO operator errors eventually invite the development of habit disorders. Not to mention e-Cigs don't come with metered dosing as these depend on visible monster clouds to boost sales, on the contrary.

As an ex-smoker myself i must admit having quit tobacco smoking in the mid-nineties, though i continued to smoke cannabis products until nearly a dozen years ago. Consequently i'm in no position to comment in detail on nicotine alternatives, on another had i can certainly share my views on pro-cannabic inhalation being a vaporist since 2011.

In addition, thanks to internet i gradually acquired sufficient perspective allowing me to better understand how precious mother Nature's gift proves to be:

These are known as trichome glands, they stand on top of a capillary stem forming the characteristic "frosty" layer covering calixes collected in clusters within female "flowers". The top row illustrates a fair bargain while down under that's an obvious result of "Tumbling", a vilifying mechanical process that raises the vegetal substrate to trichome glands ratio.

Primordial substances synthesized organically by the plant happen to be infusing vegetal tissue besides potential contaminants, dame Nature's unique legacy is the most cost-efficient filtration imaginable as it conveniently separates the flower's noble secretions on a molecular basis! Hence my adoption of a simple rule since i realized the actual value of such natural packaging: to follow "The Shortest Path of Lesser Transformation", to avoid as much potential vilification vectors as practically possible.


That's why i'm continuously targeting the trichome's gland "contact surface" in pulse mode rather than just put it all in a black box hoping for the best after turning up some thermostatic heat. This alternate orientation of mine accounts for the most fundamental fact that heat never propagates instantly in matter, which involves a diffusion delay combined to "parasitic" dispertion itself better described as wasted heat, or just "cooking"... In other words i depend on a sudden heat pulse to "Release" noble molecules ready to leave the gland's surface, using a convective heat vectore as the "Transport Agent". Doing so translates as minimal heat waste considering the "fumet" immediately moves away from a bowl's transitional heat burst. Even better, the heat wave is closely followed by fresh air, effectively removing wasted heat once the intended extraction has been performed - and that's not all: using a Hybrid Core i'm able to "quanticize" the amount of heat in a single burst on the basis of temporary storage temperature, mass and thermal characteristics.

A major by-product effect of "Micro-Bursting" resides in less baking, or enhanced "conservation" because wasting has been limited before and after convective extraction, which in turn offers improved aroma/taste appreciation in exchange for less cheater opacity fueled by not-so-noble substances impregnating vegetal tissue.

So, in conclusion, such consumption method focussed on trichome glands gets seriously compromized if not defeated by "Tumbled Weed" exactly, confirming my preference to make keep extraction suitably direct, e.g. without excess intermediary steps if i can help it.

Ultimately i envision "pen" style applications where the "Heat Charge" gets delivered in a toke-by-toke fashion to extend battery life. My crude evaluation of it revolves around ~100 Joules or so, maybe less, maybe even a lot less. Go figure... By matching such "Packetized" heat "bubble" to its task there shouldn't be enough wasted heat left inside a bowl to represent much of threat that can't be safely addressed by a simple cotton filter, for example. The basic question being: how much Joules are necessary to "atomize" a single trichome gland? Then by extension, how many Joule packets per battery charge?...

Good day, have fun!! :cool:
Please stop using eye watering colors to Mark this stuff it makes attempting to read it painful. I gave up shortly after they appeared. Also really really long. I get complained at because my posts are too long but this is too long even for me.
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ECF Guru
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Sep 12, 2010
Although you're already on my [ IGNORE ] list... You! You! You!


PLEASE avoid integral quotes and especially until i'm finished performing patient proof-reading work. Meaning YOUR copy has little historical value, only the last version is VALID!
And how am I supposed to know when you are finished doing that? I try to add annotations when I change something {that changes the meaning of the statement}. Are you are saying you do not?

btw with those wacky colors you’re going to wind up on more than a few ignore lists yourself. That hot pink is is particularly bad.


ECF Guru
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Sep 12, 2010
Although you're already on my [ IGNORE ] list... You! You! You!


PLEASE avoid integral quotes and especially until i'm finished performing patient proof-reading work. Meaning YOUR copy has little historical value, only the last version is VALID!
Haven’t seen any significant changes yet
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Full Member
Sep 19, 2014
Salutations BombAstinator,

Starting from the instant i felt forced to conclude that Egzoset was actually being confronted to some hostile obstructive action lets just confess i tried to avoid further investment of my sparetime for such futile purposes, which means it's already the generous exception of a gentleman to simply respond after all previous polite/civilized warnings being visibly ignored... So, YOU do the search yourself as my time is up already! You! You! You! ... Me! Me! Me! Life's too short to read laborious head games in disguise. Consider expressing genuine excuses to gain more attention!


M'well, in any case your cooperation in providing fairly solid evidence is most appreciated today and that's even more true now. Not to mention my "Plan-B" doesn't in any way threaten YOUR "Plan-A", whatever that might be (...), e.g. until governemental authorities declare war to all inhalation devices.


Perhaps i should even thank you for providing an opportunity to develop on the convection heat alternative which you seem obcessively concerned that it might endanger your heavily conduction-base prefered scenario, but NOT only yours evidently. ... What i propose is that the whole cognitive process of design & creation needs to be revisited 'cause it's clear to me some fundamental aspects of a consumption method must be optimized as a function of the desired application, which in this present case is to transfer noble cannabic molecules from a trichome gland to an aerial "Transport Agent", possibly on its way to a 2nd Heater Stage to perform "Activation" - which are notions totally alien to nicotine users and consequently it naturally implies e-Cigs are most inadapted for CANNABIS missions anyway. At least we may agree on that last point!


No wonder it was e-Cigs that KILLED en masse and YOU won't even leave the door opened to a relevant dialog, choosing to steer attention AWAY from the announced topic as carefully formulated in MY title...


Besides that, i've been specific about selective extraction vs plain (brain-dead) ovenizing (or worse convection mode)! Bursting allows convenient rejection of vegetal debris and all contaminants attached to it, while near-perfect spheres protect biologically-filtered goodies inside a gland that should be valorized by only selecting Pest Control Products which WON'T penetrate its envelope (or preferably none at all!!), in a genuine effort to promote purity over vilification. Something i yet got to hear or read from practically any side i can think of... Now YOUR credit is negative mister. You! You! You! Etc., etc.

Good day, have fun!! :cool:
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Full Member
Sep 19, 2014

{You are ignoring content by this member. }


Though it may not seem obvious just yet i actually find such demonstration most convenient for my own purposes. Hence please invite similar friends to provide more samples of a blantant FAILURE!

Peter Principle - The Egzoset Edition vs Cyber Bullying [400x300] .PNG

While this present e-Cigs (DOOMED) Forum is still available on-line...

Good day, have fun!! :cool:


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 12, 2010
Salutations BombAstinator,

Starting from the instant i felt forced to conclude that Egzoset was actually being confronted to some hostile obstructive action lets just confess i tried to avoid further investment of my sparetime for such futile purposes, which means it's already the generous exception of a gentleman
I am familiar with the term gentleman though most are not in this day and age. It’s a product of the 19th century as is a lot of your terminology. I don’t see much gentlemanly behavior in this thread. Rather the opposite really. A lot of raving. I’m still interested in this 2014 meeting in Russia though. It was 5 years ago which is long past (though far less long past than the concept of gentlemanly behavior) but it seems to possibly be affecting us. The font change instead of color change is an improvement IMHO. As far as your apparent frothing hatred of me, that’s fine. You wouldn’t be the first.
to simply respond after all previous polite/civilized warnings being visibly ignored...
I don’t recall any polite or civilized behavior on your part. Incoherent warnings I recall. Antique language does not civilization make.
So, YOU do the search yourself as my time is up already! You! You! You! ... Me! Me! Me! Life's too short to read laborious head games in disguise. Consider expressing genuine excuses to gain more attention!


M'well, in any case your cooperation in providing fairly solid evidence is most appreciated today and that's even more true now. Not to mention my "Plan-B" doesn't in any way threaten YOUR "Plan-A", whatever that might be (...), e.g. until governemental authorities declare war to all inhalation devices.


Perhaps i should even thank you for providing an opportunity to develop on the convection heat alternative which you seem obcessively concerned that it might endanger your heavily conduction-base prefered scenario, but NOT only yours evidently. ... What i propose is that the whole cognitive process of design & creation needs to be revisited 'cause it's clear to me some fundamental aspects of a consumption method must be optimized as a function of the desired application, which in this present case is to transfer noble cannabic molecules from a trichome gland to an aerial "Transport Agent", possibly on its way to a 2nd Heater Stage to perform "Activation" - which are notions totally alien to nicotine users and consequently it naturally implies e-Cigs are most inadapted for CANNABIS missions anyway. At least we may agree on that last point!


No wonder it was e-Cigs that KILLED en masse and YOU won't even leave the door opened to a relevant dialog,
I consider that a pretty unfair accusation. All I did was request a less visually assault like formatting on the grounds that if I found it impossible to read others likely would too. I don’t see how that closes the doors on dialogue. As for your complains about cut quotes, they’re a standard system in forums, especially in situations where multiple points are made in a single post. It allows the points to be addressed individually and easily. Apparently you don’t like them, but I don’t see a way to avoid them without making extremely long statements, and mine are already too long for this format.
choosing to steer attention AWAY from the announced topic as carefully formulated in MY title...


Besides that, i've been specific about selective extraction vs plain (brain-dead) ovenizing (or worse convection mode)! Bursting allows convenient rejection of vegetal debris and all contaminants attached to it, while near-perfect spheres protect biologically-filtered goodies inside a gland that should be valorized by only selecting Pest Control Products which WON'T penetrate its envelope (or preferably none at all!!), in a genuine effort to promote purity over vilification. Something i yet got to hear or read from practically any side i can think of... Now YOUR credit is negative mister. You! You! You! Etc., etc.

Good day, have fun!! :cool:
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Sep 19, 2014
  • Deleted by Sloth Tonight
  • Reason: Inappropriate

Sloth Tonight

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Jun 25, 2014
I'm not trying to insinuate that any one person is at fault for anything here, nor am I trying to exercise any sort of authority. I'm trying to promote kindness. What I see here is a detailed/thoughtful OP by @Egzoset followed by people giving him (or her?) a hard time because of the formatting, which then caused a defensive reaction. I'm simply asking people to be kinder to each other, because this doesn't appear to be constructive or to be heading in a positive direction.

Sorry for the delay, by the way. First day back at work - quite a lot going on :)


Vaping Master
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Feb 17, 2015
1187 Hundertwasser
  • Deleted by Sloth Tonight
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Sloth Tonight

CF Moderator
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Jun 25, 2014
This thread is now closed because people can't get along and it seems that this is going nowhere.

Please let me say something.

I didn't want to close this thread. It had the potential to be a constructive discussion of some sort. But people provoked the OP for mostly trivial reasons. Then OP became defensive and pretty far out of line in their responses to this thread. It's a sad situation as I see it. There were insults tossed around, direct attacks on fellow members.

This is the largest vaping forum in the world. This specific subforum is new and has a fierce opposition by some in our larger community to its very existence. In general, and IMO especially here, we need to try and foster a positive environment not only for ourselves, but for passers-by as well. We want this to succeed. The kind of behavior I've seen in this thread is not conducive to success.

Sorry, but I really am just sad to see this happen.
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