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...... Bloog Batteries!

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I've never had issues with juice interfering with the battery works.
I've also never had mid day recharge issues (since the first week of vaping) since I've always carried a minimum of 2 batteries with me, and when one runs down, I throw the 2nd on and keep going. A 30 second inconvenience in the middle of the day.
Carrying multiple batteries and carto's with a few various flavors means i can just grab what hits my fancy at that moment as well without that 30 second inconvenience.
Carto's are great. They last nearly the length and amount of inhales of a pack of cigs did. Especially when I QC my own and fill (or refill) known quality catro's.

Sure, I've had a few batteries over the past solid year act up. Not bad odds. Not a bad expense overall, either.
I'm quite satisfied with the KR808D-1's and the 510's but the KR's win hands down for battery longevity between charges and have a little higher voltage and mah. So they are my personal choice. Also I'm still running on a few batteries that are a year old, and still hanging in fine, but then again I do swap between ~5 to 8 batteries, so that probably explains their longevity.
To each their own poisons.

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Nov 9, 2010
Just another issue with these things is what I'm seeing. They do look cool but stuff is adding up against them. They say you need to be careful with it, I don't have to be careful now with my manual batteries, and I don't mind pushing that little button to vape. Plus, that's just one more thing that can go wrong and for some people it seems it is. After reading all this it's pushed me over the edge and I'm going to forget this stuff at least until they get a manual battery you can't mess up no matter how you fill it.

So to recap, let's see. I pop the top off my tank and top it off twice a day although I could do it once a day no problem. With this thing you need to fill it more often I presume, twirl it around, blow on it, cross your fingers and click your heels three times. The batteries are weak and you have to carry around a charger and keep swapping them out. Mine, I swap out every couple of days. You can't see how much juice is in the thing, whereas I can tell what i've got in there just from looking at it assembled. The attys in the carto won't last as long and when it starts tasting like burnt dung it's time to toss it. That's a real fun experience and something I want to see happen a lot more often I'm sure. On the other hand you could have just screwed up and let it go dry, since you can't tell what's in there. Yikes!

I find I don't have to fill more often then regular carts. I top mine off every day. Just pop the top off... drop in 6-10 drops.. done. I rotate with two during the day, and they last all day.
The battery care needed is the same with any auto bat. 510, 8081d whatever... if you get juice in the centre, it can kill the bat.
Any precautions needed are not new to these. They are common for most ecigs. but the performance is what sets the MF apart from them.
Just my opinion, having tried, ego's, 510, 8081d, autos and manuals.
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