Can anybody please help me decide which Advanced Personal Vaporizer to get for $100(including shipping)

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New Member
Apr 11, 2014
Saginaw, MI, USA
My mother is really into e-cigarettes and she uses some vaporking e-cigarette. I want to get her a better one for Mother's Day. I know that she uses it a lot, so much that she has multiple e-cigarettes and carries one around on a necklace. Aside from that, I don't really know much about them. I can't ask her because it would ruin the surprise.

I would be extremely grateful for any advice.


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I agree and second the Innokin VV/VW v3.0, Innokin makes great products, and unless you just WANT to spend $100, there are some GREAT deals right now! I just picked up the Innokin iTaste VTR that comes with an excellent gift case for $64 on Ebay, and I just found out today from vaping cheap you can get them for $55 at Vaperev, as well as a lot of great accesories that are on sale as well to go with it! They also had Innokins more expensive mods like the iTase 134 mini for $80! I just checked though, and it looks like their site is temp down, so perhaps the had more traffic then they could handle at those prices! I have the Innokin VV/VW v3.o in pearl/chrome and it's not only beautiful, having a somewhat more feminine feel to it IMHO, especially verses my Cool Fire 2 grenade mod lol, but it works GREAT, is still VERY portable, is squared so it doesn't roll off tables easy, is a passthru so she can vape while it's charging and has a lot of the features more expensive mods cost for a fraction of the cost, as you can find a basic kit for around $35, and the complete kit for another $10 at some places!

If you REALLY want to go out, the Provari Mini in satin chrome is only $159, which Provari is pretty much the "gold standard" of vaping devices for a lot of people, from what I hear. If you don't mind paying more then your $100 budget you can get the full size Provari kit with EVERYTHING she needs in a variety of colors for $212.95 and try looking for a promo code.

I vote for Innokin though, as I have experience with them, and then with the money you have left you can buy her some Kanger Protanks, Aerotanks, some replacement coils AND some of her favorite juice! Just a though, hope you find what you're looking for and that your Mom enjoys her gift and bday, what you're doing is VERY thoughtful!


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Nov 16, 2013
Colorado, USA
LOL, I guess I didn't get it out soon enough, so instead of seconding it, I ended up fourthing it or something like that! ;) That just goes to show what a fine device it is, and should suit your moms well for her next step up in vaping!

It is great device indeed. Theres a thread specifically for vv v3 enthusiasts If you haven't checked it out yet maybe you might pop by and say hi. I haven't been over there for quite some time. I should go visit too.


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Apr 23, 2011
Boston MA
Wow, that VaporKing brand is really full of itself. It's "the ultimate", "#1 trusted", "most high quality"... The only thing they leave out is "best loved" and "world famous." So that all means we can definitely find something a lot better - and less expensive - for Mom.

It sounds like from what you say she has them all over the place - which probably means they are cigalike models. You have to have a lot of those, because the run time on them is so short. Will she take to something nicer - but bigger - than a cigarette type?

The iTaste VV V3 would also get my vote. The run time between charges would be at least 5 times longer than cigalike batteries. A big advantage with this model is it can be used while it's charging. Fisheeboy already provided a link for that one to a good site to purchase from. At $25.99 that is an excellent price. (Get Mom two.)

Do you think she would be willing to try something different? This is the iTaste MVP 2.0. Box shaped, and with a battery that lasts most users two days before it needs a recharge: Innokin iTaste MVP V2.0 - 101 Vape Only $39.99. A lot of people on ECF have these and love 'em. Bonus feature: This one can actually recharge devices like MP3 players and cell phones in a pinch.

Both of these would be in the class of step-up or advanced beginner devices. More features and better performance than what your Mom is already using, but not so complicated that they would overwhelm her either.

Hope this helps!
Thank you all for the recommendations! I think I'll go with the Innokin VV/VW v3.0, but since it's such a low price, is there anything I can add to it? I know she has like two or three different things on one of her e-cigarettes. Alternatively, what kind of e-juice should I get her? I want to make it all together as close to $100 as possible.


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Apr 23, 2011
Boston MA
Thank you all for the recommendations! I think I'll go with the Innokin VV/VW v3.0, but since it's such a low price, is there anything I can add to it? I know she has like two or three different things on one of her e-cigarettes. Alternatively, what kind of e-juice should I get her? I want to make it all together as close to $100 as possible.

(I still think you should get Mom two of those. lol) From the same site:

The ProTank Mini is a nice, streamlined fit for the VV V3.0 Kanger Protank II mini - 101 Vape Those have a glass tank - which means any flavor liquids can be used in them without concern about certain flavors that can crack plastic tanks. Only $11.99 each.

The heating coils on these get replaced as they are used. Those are only $5.99 per five pack. I would suggest the 2.2 ohm ones.

Liquids? Ewww - that's such a touchy subject. It's such a personal choice that it's really hard to make recommendations, especially second or third party. For that one... Are there any vape shops in your area? Most of them are set up so you can taste samples. Maybe that would be a good way to complete the gift - a trip to a vape store with Mom so she can pick out her own liquids?

I really think this is a cool thing you are doing. :)


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Apr 23, 2011
Boston MA
Lesse, what else?

The iTaste comes with a cable used for charging. However it's the "express" kit which does not have an AC to USB adapter. If you have any basic AC to USB adapter already she is all set. If not or you aren't sure, this AC to USB adapter is only $1.99 Wall adapter for USB - 101 Vape

I'm trying hard to bump you up to $100.00 but you have to keep in mind that 101vape has much better pricing on these Innnokin APV's than any place else. Most places charge about $80.00 for the MVP and $35.99 for the VV V3.


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Do you know what kind of flavor cartomizers she uses? Is she a tobacco flavor fan, sweets, fruit fan, or a maybe a mix? Then there's menthols as well. If you're unsure perhaps you could strike up a convo with her and find out on the sly, just by acting curious and wanting to know more, maybe? The Kanger protank 2 and aerotanks get my vote, and you could get her two or three so she can have dedicated liquid tanks as I do, and a 5 pack of replacement coils, which fortunately will work for both if you wanted to get her one of each plus a second protank, and the base can also be upgraded later if she likes. That would add up to around another $50. You can find a decent bottle of approx 15 mL juice from $5-10, or you could consider a Tobacco or Gourmet Sampler from Halo or Virgin Vapors, A LOT of people seem to like both pretty well, and I recommend she "steep" them for at least a few weeks. I also think Halo is having a sale on e liquids that is closing soon, according to an email I recently got from them. You can find videos about steeping on Youtube. Kickbass Vapors is probably my favorite juice vendor right now and sweet bakery flavors are my favorite types despite initially being put off by the idea and wanting to stick with tobacco flavors. So, basically, you or her never know, you might end up finding something new for her she REALLY loves and NEVER would have tried for her self, that's what happened with me after trying out samples vendors included in my orders. One of the BEST things about KBV's, is they're GREAT right when you get them, at least mine are!
Hope this helps, and I'm SURE you BOTH will be pleased with your purchase for her!
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