Changing flavors in a clearo?

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May 16, 2013
Apologies if this has been done to death, but I've read thru 10 pages and watched youtube and cant seem to find out a specific answer to my questions...

I just got my kit this wk and only have 3 clearos, each a little different until I can figure out what I like. I'm also lookin to get a drip-tip atomizer and drip tip tomorrow from Quitters in Burbank (IL). Anyways, until then I'll be testing in clearos. I topped off the EVOD, thinking I could pour it out if I didnt like it. Ill never do this agn, I didnt think rinsing it out would be a problem. I've tried rinsing them w/hot water & I cant seem to get the previous flavor out! I've read that u can leave the entire clearo in alcohol/vinegar overnight to fix this. Im hoping its as simple as that. I was searching for a quicker method but its so close to the end of the day its lookin like an overnight soak wouldnt inconvenience me much. Is this overnight soaking the only way to get the previous flavor out? Ive heard of dry burning but dont know what it is but I dont think Id like to go this route since Ive seen a few ppl have ruined their clearos with this technique.

I have an EVOD, Kanger T3, & an Iclear 16. I've seen advice abt taking wicks out/putting them back in, "master wicks" & whatnot & I'm confused abt some of these things. For starters it doesnt look like the EVOD even *has* wicks in it! The only one that u can clearly see the wicks in is the Iclear, and it doesnt look like the wicks are easy to get out/back in. Theres also a little rubber top on the inside that I accidentally took off, thinking it was just packaging to protect it, heh! I slid it back on once I realized it was supposed to be there but I dont know if I put it back on right. There are only 2 slots on it for wicks to slip thru but there are 4 wicks in it total. I also was told the upkeep of all this was very minimal, like buying a few backup coils and clearos every few weeks & new batteries every few months but some sites say to replace everything MUCH sooner than that! (for instance, clearos need replacing every 3-10 days?) I read threads all day every day, google searches, and youtube, & I do get a lot of my questions answered by doing so, but sometimes all of my questions arent answered or I cant really see whats going on in the video or I dont know the names of things, etc. Im embarrassed going into this being such a newb, I always feel like ppl are getting impatient with me or ppl make me feel like I'm an idiot for having to post/ask these questions.

I thought I could go into this & stop smoking immediately cuz of my enthusiasm & research, & that my hubby would be the difficult one. Its quite the opposite. I'm so proud of him & I feel fantastic for having introducing/pushing him (gently!) & he hasnt smoked in 2days. Here I am, smoking as I type this, very sad & disappointed. I AM optimistic tho, I think if I could just find a flavor that works for me then perhaps I could quit, too.



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May 17, 2013
Clearfield, UT
The Evod heads are rebuildable and if you search for rebuilding Evod heads it will show the dismantling of one. But if you are simply trying to clean them I would suggest removing the center post, it is press fit and will come off with a little wiggling/force. Once I get the center post off I will rinse it under hot water (the wick/coil is now fully exposed under the flavor wicks) and let them soak in the sink with hot water for an hour or so, then air dry.

There are a few pieces of loose silica on top of your coil, "flavor wicks," that you can either toss (i don't use them but for thinner juices you may want to keep them) or put to the side because they will surely get lost/unravel soaking in the sink. I don't use the T3 or Iclears but as you have read, you can soak them in vodka/hot water and let them air dry. I'm sure there will be more people coming along with helpful suggestions.

A dripping atomizer will work wonders for tasting/swapping flavors, you will eventually be disappointed with how different the juice tastes in a clearomizer.


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Aug 1, 2013
Well, first things first - hang in there! It's worth it!

Secondly, re: cleaning your clearomisers, first things first: do a YouTube search for your specific model of clearomiser - e.g. "T3 clearomiser cleaning". From the videos you should be able to surmise the specifics about wicks, coils, &c relatively easily. If you still can't figure out which pieces are which, try doing an image search for the model - usually there's a few diagrams. If you're really new to the bits and pieces of tanks/clearomisers, find images that help:

Re: how long clearomisers last - this differs from person to person, according to lots of factors, but usually use. My clearomisers generally last me months but, I have friends whose clearomisers last them a week or so. Thickness of juice, amount of use are both factors.

Re: cleaning methods - there are many, but I typically do a hot water wash and dry for a few hours - and re-fill. To make extra sure you're getting the flavours out, be sure to wash every part and clean the wicks.


Unregistered Supplier
Jun 23, 2013
Grandville, MI
I am surprised your having such a problem with the Evod. I find it one of the best tanks out there for switching flavors. Whenever I use one I'm into my new flavor within 3 hits. My guess is that you must have had a really strong flavor in there. Something menthol I presume?

If it is really bothering you that much I would recommend purchasing another coil.
As BigLebowski said they have replaceable coils and they are cheap coming in at around $3.

Before putting the new coil in just rinse the tank with water. I can't imagine you'd have any more issues after that.

Topwater Elvis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 26, 2012
I use PGA to clean clearo's, gets most flavors out, sanitizes and evaporates quick.

Fill clearo about half way or slightly more, shake, empty, repeat 3 - 5 times, let air dry, during summer takes about 3 minutes outside to dry.
For strong or lingering flavors after cleaning fill full, let sit overnight, shake dump out fill half way shake dump, air dry.

I also clean new unused clearo's with PGA before filling the first time. (Sanitizes & removes any manufacturing residue)
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Unresolved Status
ECF Veteran
Jun 10, 2013
Amery, WI
I found this video very helpful for cleaning my iClears. Also, if you prefer to just change the wick its very simple...wheny ou screw the bottome off, about 1/2 inch up you will see another spot that looks just like the bottom (Lines/grooves) it unscrews from the base...just screw another one on; or to clean the top/wick, take the top and soak in vodka over great. I am nterested in finding out which of these clearomizers you prefer. I bought evods from fasttech and they were knock offs...but so far of all the clearomizers i have tried, I prefer the iClear16 for flavor and vapor.

edit to add link:
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Aug 19, 2010
USA - Arkansas
The simple cure, learn to rebuild, run protanks, or mini protanks, keep 3-5 depending on how often you want to swap flavors, plus one empty for a backup. A bit of a cost setting it up, but very cheap to maintain after that for a very long time.

How long between cleaning or rebuilding depends entirely on your juice and vaping habits.


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Jul 22, 2013
DC via the 313
I don't know a ton about this stuff but one thing I've done from the beginning is dedicate specific tanks for specific flavors. EVOD (just replaced eGo-T) with coffee flavors for morning vape, Kanger Protank with fruit flavors for all day vape and then a Smoktech Artemas carto tank for some evening sweets. Also keeping eGo-C tank in rotation as a home fruit flavor vehicle.

I think what it does is reduce your exposure with problems. I don't have to wash things out very often to get a taste out, the thicker juices are running through just one device and not all of them, and it kind of establishes a routine for me.

Or that strategy might just work for me, dunno.


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Jul 9, 2013
Boise, Idaho, United States
I've run into this issue a few times with my evods, since I'm all about sampling different flavors right now. I just rinse out the tank and head with hot tap water, then soak them in some cheap vodka for a half hour or so. I don't take apart the head at all, just unscrew it from the base. After the vodka bath, I rinse everything in hot water again, and let everything dry overnight.

I know I'm a newbie, but it's worked so far...haven't had to replace a head yet!
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May 16, 2013

Biglabowsi ... u just answered almost every question I had in such a way that it actually made perfect sense. Yeah I was really hoping to keep the cost down as low as possible so I am really happy to hear the Evod is rebuildable.

Chistopherja, youtube videos have helped quite a bit but not completely. However, the image search would probably help me even more since youtube vids tend to film from pretty far away, considering how microscopic some of those parts are, lol
What are some of the ways to extend the life, is there a debate on some of these factors? Did your friends w/the week long cartos use 100% VG or use a thick flavor?

VeganV, I definitely should have mentioned in my initial post that the Evod has been a dream, its very simple and pretty straight forward. Definitely my fave by far, I like foolproof cuz right now ... I feel kinda like a fool, haha! But when u say that your old flavor is gone in a mere 3 hits, what method are u using in between that results in such a smooth transition? Yes, menthol was one of the ones I couldnt get out, and its an extreme menthol on top of that. I figured that one would be like that, but I started thinking there was a problem when our vanilla tobacco wouldnt come out. Its making the whole house sick from the smell! :nah:And what do u mean abt the coil, are u talking abt down the line when I'll have to replace the coil?

Topwaterelvis, what is PGA? And when u rinse it w/it before adding a new flavor do u have to flush w/water & airdry even after *that*?

Angiebubs, do I rinse w/water after the alcohol soak? Seems like it would taste funky if u vaped even a tiny bit of alcohol. Your directions were pretty solid I must say! And I prefer the evods above all of them right now, but to be honest I cant really say the Iclear got a fair chance. The first experience w/it was w/the extreme menthol, which was the nastiest, medicin-ey alcohol flavor I've ever tasted. After that, everything Ive tried in it tastes like that menthol so I dunno, maybe Ill like it later?

Bluemoods ... thats exactly what I'm looking for, and I cant tell u how happy I am to hear you say that such a setup is entirely affordable once I get things settled. Are tanks the same thing as clearos? The Evod is a clearo but is rebuildable, so is that not as cost efficient as having a rebuildable tank?

I guess that pretty much nailed every single issue, you guys are amazing! Thanks for all the help, this can be daunting.

While I have u hear tho, lol, can anyone tell me why this Spinner is blinking all the freakin time? It blinks when it turns on, it blinks when it turns off, when Im taking a hit (every once in a while it does this, maybe a pattern that I havent put my finger on yet), I dont think the battery charger lights up green when the battery is done charging like Ive read its supposed to. The thread said if it didnt light green that its defective but it really doesnt seem like its having a problem w/power since Ive gotten it. Whats the deal?


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Jul 13, 2013
East Northport, NY USA
Interesting that this came up tonight after I make myself some beer liquid...LOL. Here I am with an old clearo that i cleaned out about a 2 weeks ago. Don't remember what I put in it after it was cleaned. Then I put something else in it when the first juice was gone. Then put in something else etc. This is a disposable clearo, so I am trying to get the most life out of it that I can.

Well, tonight I hooked it up to my seego battery and tried it. I'll be damned if it didn't taste like a beer! I rechecked myself and smelled the tank...yup smells like a beer.

Here's what I may have put in it: Kiwi, Pineapple, strawberry, coffee, menthol, and tobacco. Who knows what else really because I have been testing. But let me tell you....this is an awesome beer juice! I'm going to have to do some mixing in the future to see how I came about this.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 1, 2013

Chistopherja, youtube videos have helped quite a bit but not completely. However, the image search would probably help me even more since youtube vids tend to film from pretty far away, considering how microscopic some of those parts are, lol
What are some of the ways to extend the life, is there a debate on some of these factors? Did your friends w/the week long cartos use 100% VG or use a thick flavor?

Well yes, they do tend to use higher VG juices, but I think it's also the combination of that whilst using LR coils and high voltage - those factors tend to lessen the lifespan of atomisers!

The most life-extending factor, at least in my experience, is regular cleaning (every 2 refills or so) - essentially, it's making sure the atomiser heads are not having to work too hard (through juice build-up on coils & wicks)


Unregistered Supplier
Jun 23, 2013
Grandville, MI
I definitely should have mentioned in my initial post that the Evod has been a dream, its very simple and pretty straight forward. Definitely my fave by far, I like foolproof cuz right now ... I feel kinda like a fool, haha! But when u say that your old flavor is gone in a mere 3 hits, what method are u using in between that results in such a smooth transition? Yes, menthol was one of the ones I couldnt get out, and its an extreme menthol on top of that. I figured that one would be like that, but I started thinking there was a problem when our vanilla tobacco wouldnt come out. Its making the whole house sick from the smell! :nah:And what do u mean abt the coil, are u talking abt down the line when I'll have to replace the coil?

I'm happy to hear your enjoying it. :) One of the best features on it is it's cheap replaceable coil. What I mean is that you may not be able to get that super strong flavor out of the coil you have. Those menthol flavors can be a crazy. What I do is actually have one coil for menthol flavors. That way it's not as extreme. If you can't get it out with the methods already discussed I would recommend purchasing a replacement coil and use it for non-menthol flavors. There so cheap @ $3 you could have one for each flavor macro-group :) Fruit, Tobacco, Menthol etc.

With the three hits.... The only flavors I seem to have problems with "Switching" are menthol. I tend to stick with fruity flavors and all I do is remove the coil, rinse the tank, put the new juice in and vape. Within a couple hits I don't taste any other flavors. :) But I keep all my menthol flavors on one coil.
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