Chest pain related to Cartomizer use

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ECF Guru
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Apr 23, 2011
Boston MA

That was a closed thread anyway so no one can do additional posts there.

Standard disclaimer: "...I get tightness and pain in my chest." means you get to an MD. Preferably two days ago. No one here can or should try to tell you what is happening when posting a complaint no more specific than that. I could start posting guesses - but not with that description as a starting point.

Seriously, unless you have something more specific to offer up as to what's going on - go see a Doctor. Even then - go see a Doctor.


Super Member
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Nov 10, 2013
Dorset - UK
Sage advice, I thought I had heartburn and it transpired through several diagnosis that I have angina and periphery vascular disease caused by extremely poor diet, lack of exercise, stress etc and it has left me quite disabled because I didn't get it sorted when it was treatable :(

Last year my doctor said and he was honest, that he couldn't pin it on the fags but if I didn't give up smoking cigarettes, my body just couldn't take them anymore and I wouldn't see 50, he told me a couple months ago that god willing, thanks to doing that I will hopefully see into my sixties because since going electronic, my lungs have cleared, my angina is now extremely manageable and whilst my PVD isn't going to get better, it has stopped spreading and with stents and bypasses may even be liveable with at least.

And it never was smoking as the cause, when I was in the army, I was an extremely fit person capable of running 40 miles with kit on me back, I never kept it up and like all super fit people, you are fighting a ticking time bomb, just ask Schwarzeneggar or Stallone, add salty fried diet to that, a mental ex wife and a few other bits n bobs and you are looking at the business end of Ol' Nicks scythe.


Vaping Master
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Oct 27, 2013
Hey a little background info: I'm not a cig smoker never have been more than social smoking in college.

That being said I have been smoking a carto and I notice I get tightness and pain in my chest. This only happens when I am using cartomizers... I read here but since I'm a noobie I can't post.

Any thoughts?

We are not doctors. If you have chest pain for any reason, you need to consult your physician. It does not matter what we think.
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