Cleaned and filled my cartos but not dry enough?

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Aug 27, 2010
I only run 3 to 4 ml. of liquid through a new carto. I then fill it with plain VG or PG, put condoms on it and set it aside to await "cleaning day". (I've found plain VG and PG are good at loosening the gunk on the coil). I would say I lose one out of ten after cleaning. The other 9 work well and after another 3-4 ml. of liquid... I clean them again. I repeat until they die. :)

Here is a video. If you jump to 6:57 it will explain and show you a quick cleaning method using a turkey baster. You can then put them in the oven on a oven safe plate for drying. About 170° for 1 hr. Turn oven off and leave over night.

I used to use this method, but lately I've been using this cleaning kit, using a high proof vodka last rinse. I just put the vodka in a cleaned out, small prescription bottle and pull and push it through the carto a few times using baster or kit. Works quite well, and they dry overnight sitting battery side down on a paper towel... no oven needed.

Turkey baster, or carto cleaning kit... I find it's the high proof vodka rinse which evaporates that leaves the carto dry within 24 hrs. YMMV.

Hope this helps. :)


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Jan 25, 2012
Chandler, Az
I only run 3 to 4 ml. of liquid through a new carto. I then fill it with plain VG or PG, put condoms on it and set it aside to await "cleaning day". (I've found plain VG and PG are good at loosening the gunk on the coil). I would say I lose one out of ten after cleaning. The other 9 work well and after another 3-4 ml. of liquid... I clean them again. I repeat until they die. :)

Here is a video. If you jump to 6:57 it will explain and show you a quick cleaning method using a turkey baster. You can then put them in the oven on a oven safe plate for drying. About 170° for 1 hr. Turn oven off and leave over night.

I used to use this method, but lately I've been using this cleaning kit, using a high proof vodka last rinse. I just put the vodka in a cleaned out, small prescription bottle and pull and push it through the carto a few times using baster or kit. Works quite well, and they dry overnight sitting battery side down on a paper towel... no oven needed.

Turkey baster, or carto cleaning kit... I find it's the high proof vodka rinse which evaporates that leaves the carto dry within 24 hrs. YMMV.

Hope this helps. :)

Yeah I have seen those cleaning kits... Im planning to get some soon... i would like to make my stuff last as long as i can...


PV Master & Musician
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May 22, 2010
Central GA
Im using Boge 2.0 cartos with a drip tip... it had a rubber mouthpiece part that i took out.. no oring on the inside

And, you are correct. There is no O-ring in the carto ... at least not in a 510 carto. You didn't mention which ecig you had. The 510 drip tip is a replacement mouthpiece bought separately. It has an O-ring on the end of the tip that seals as it fits into the carto.



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Jan 25, 2012
Chandler, Az
And, you are correct. There is no O-ring in the carto ... at least not in a 510 carto. You didn't mention which ecig you had. The 510 drip tip is a replacement mouthpiece bought separately. It has an O-ring on the end of the tip that seals as it fits into the carto.


I am using a kgo with boge 2.0 cartos


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Jan 15, 2012
LOL, dearme, I still try hard every time to feel at least some flavor with my flavored juices and it's still hit and miss. Maybe I'll just give up on my taste buds and just vape unflavored :)

Anyway, I've only cleaned one batch of 15 cartos so far, mostly because I wanted to see how it goes. I followed the method described here, nothing fancy. But I couldn't wait as long so I just put 10 of them in the oven at 185 for 2 hours with the "convection" on. The other five, I did the rolled up paper towel. None of the oven ones was dead, but they all appeared as if the filler was harder to get moist, and they hold less juice than initially, at least that's how I feel. The paper towel ones, after an overnight appeared dry, but when I filled them they made a much louder crackling noise than normal, and the flavor and TH was marginal, so I'm assuming they were not dry enough.

Next time, I want to try vodka. By the way, where do you get PGA? I was told it's banned, is that true?


Vaping Master
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Aug 7, 2011
Over Der
i have tried several carto claeing methods and the end result was always the same,,,waste of time so now i use till they are dead and move on to a new one,,

about the best way to cheaply dry them is set them in front of your laptop fan exhaust port,,it WILL dry them out completely overnight ,,done it many times so i know it works !!!


Vaping Master
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Aug 27, 2010
LOL, dearme, I still try hard every time to feel at least some flavor with my flavored juices and it's still hit and miss. Maybe I'll just give up on my taste buds and just vape unflavored :)

Anyway, I've only cleaned one batch of 15 cartos so far, mostly because I wanted to see how it goes. I followed the method described here, nothing fancy. But I couldn't wait as long so I just put 10 of them in the oven at 185 for 2 hours with the "convection" on. The other five, I did the rolled up paper towel. None of the oven ones was dead, but they all appeared as if the filler was harder to get moist, and they hold less juice than initially, at least that's how I feel. The paper towel ones, after an overnight appeared dry, but when I filled them they made a much louder crackling noise than normal, and the flavor and TH was marginal, so I'm assuming they were not dry enough.

Next time, I want to try vodka. By the way, where do you get PGA? I was told it's banned, is that true?

I just buy the cheapest highest proof I can get. ;)


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Dec 2, 2011
I'm a chunker. I decided that cleaning cartos was more trouble than it was worth. I had varied results when I was cleaning, only 2 or 3 batches.

I think maybe mine sat too long with juice in them between cleanings. I know I didn't clean mine until I had a handful.

I did watch an interesting video that showed how to take the filing out without disturbing the coil, and then use it as an atty.


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Feb 5, 2012
green cove springs FL
ive had this happen to me a couple times, filled with new juice and was getting a wired taste and no vapor. i had to really puff on it for a few minutes to get the rest of the water to evaporate out, after that it was ok.. i found that after cleaning if you blow real hard out of the filler opening and give it a good shake you get almost all the water out, then let then sit overnight.


Full Member
Jan 25, 2012
After cleaning, I suck out as much water as possible using a syringe. You'd be amazed how much water you can get out that way. Just stick it in and give the plunger a good, quick yank. Repeat a couple of times.

Then I let them sit on the heater for two days. Just to be safe. They look and feel dry after half a day or so, but I'd rather just let them sit longer and be sure.


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Feb 5, 2012
Just ran the numbers through a unit converter (dammit why can't the whole world use sensible units of measurement ;P )

150C = about 300F
And 230F = 110C

Lol. I've never owned an oven that will even stay on at 110C.

At 150 they are dry though after 30 mins and left to sit in there while the oven cools.

Did this the first time with horizontal coil cartos with no O ring. Same performance as before the clean. Did 15 only lost one, though I suspect that had more to do with shoving them up inside the tap as I blasted water through.


Vaping Master
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Jun 20, 2011
Schaumburg, IL
Just wanted to add a few things that have worked for me. I hate twirling them around to get juice in or out so I don't do that lol. After I boil them 2 or 3 times, I blow them all out VERY well then I dry them in the oven at 175 degrees, not for hours, but for about 40 mins. I usually do this all in the eve so I let them sit overnight too just in case. I have had really good luck with cleaning cartos. You just have to find what works for you. Also sometimes if a carto isn't working well, pushing a safety pin or toothpick into the inner tube to gently open it up more helps too.


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Nov 15, 2011
Cookeville, TN
I sometimes vape unflavored PG/VG/nic in cartos just because I like it. When I do, the cartos last forever.......almost.....LOL

I agree. I have several cartos I have used every day for unflavored exclusively and two months later they are still hanging in there. I have cleaned other cartos used for flavored juices sucessfully. I unscrewed the needle from a 10ml syringe, cut the end off a long carto condom and rubber banded it to the syringe. I insert the mouth end of dirty cartos in that condom and draw warm water through them, and force water out through the battery end. I hold the carto in place and use the syringe to blow the excess water out. Two hours in my toaster oven at 190F and they are good to go.


Senior Member
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Jan 11, 2012
I did this last night and it seemed to work well. I didn't have a needle and thread so I just used a knee sock and put a couple of cartos in it and twirled it around for about 30 seconds. The sock got pretty wet. Then I put the cartos in the oven for a half hour at 180 degrees. Everything is nice and dry. I have no idea yet whether the cartos are completely restored, but they look and smell good. I'll report back on that.

But I hope the sock idea helps someone.
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