Cloud chucking for cheap on an e-cig.

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Super Member
Apr 29, 2016
So if you ask most people, cloud chucking is all about sub ohm coils and you HAVE to have a mechanical mod and sub-sub-sub... SUB ohm build. This is NOT true. If you only have a mech mod, yes, then sub ohm coils = bigger clouds. Fortunately we now have regulated mods.

Sub ohmers using a mech mod have 2 factors they can adjust. Either the power to the mod is on, or it is off and the resistance of the coil. Hence, since they cant adjust the watts they have to adjust the resistance.

Regulated Modders have a big advantage here. Sub ohmers are limited by the amount of space on their deck, Reg modders, comparatively have a foot ball field size deck to build on. Reg modders get to take advantage of very high gauge wires and the juice trapping builds that this makes possible. Drill out your post hole? LOL I don't think so! No need to. Use thinner wire.

Mech modders have the option of using higher ohm (thinner wire) builds because we can adjust the voltage, wattage and resistance factors. The attached video is a demonstration and is rated 18+. Contains language that may be offensive to some viewers. So if that is offensive to you, don't watch it.

Here is the build I used...

1mm drill bit
28ga Kanthal wire (about 8 inches should be lots)
15 1/2 wraps

install on deck and fire, then compress. Should be centered right over air flow hole and glow evenly from middle.
2 or 3mm thickness of cotton bacon. Roll, twist one end and feed through coil. It will be a bit snug but shouldn't bunch up.
Clip end just past the deck plate, fold up, install RBA chamber. Fluff cotton to cover both holes. You will want the majority of the cotton right over he holes, there isn't much so you want as much as possible wicking the juice from the tank.

Prime coil well. Prime wick ends GENTLY.. wet them but don't disturb their position. Put the RBA top cap back on. Put the Atty back together (screw bottom into top)

Set mod to lowest setting (5w on mine, and increase in stages. 5, 7, 10, 12. 15. 20. 12 should be your "sweet spot" allowing a very long pull, no burnt taste, huge vape cloud, great flavor!

This build works great on a vplum (6-16w) e-cig battery

[Video removed]
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**Video may contain language offensive to some viewers. If this is you, don't watch it.**
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