Coolfire 2 unresponsive fire button

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Full Member
Apr 30, 2014

About 2 months ago I purchased an Innokin Coolfire 2. At first I was very impressed with the device, it gave an amazing smoke. After a about a month I noticed the iClear30b was leaking into the connection. I was cleaning it when I would change the flavour but I think this is what has caused the issue. Shortly after I noticed liquid leaking out of the fire button itself. I'm guessing the liquid leaked from the connector into the actual mod itself. I stopped using the iClear 30b a while ago and have tried various different tanks. Including the iclear 30s, aspire nautilus and protank mini. I have also tried bringing the connection thread up incase there was no connection. All of this has not helped me at all :( the fire button does not seem to be working. After I click it about ten times ill be lucky to get one toke where the light actually comes on. It is even a struggle to turn the device 'on' in the first place. All the other times the device will not light up. I have no idea what to do now as on innokin's website says they do not provide a warranty for products brought from 3rd party vendors, i believe the site i bought the mod from only provide a one month warranty. Does any one have any possible fixes for my issue? Help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


Vaping Master
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May 18, 2011
Can you get at the switch if you take the device apart? I have no experience with the device, but if I was in that situation and I felt all hope was lost with the device, as a last ditch effort i would drip a drop or two of alcohol around the switch, then exercise the switch for a while. Maybe repeat it if necessary, what's to lose.I would suggest waiting a little bit before you try that as someone may have a better answer for you, especially if you can take things apart to get at and clean the switch propery.
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