David@FreedomSmokeUSA; Another new fav juice!

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Chgo., IL.
Sorry Pam but I think I'm going to have to send the black helicopters for David. And the DEA! He must be putting something illegal in those juices. :evil:

First you get me hooked on your Wyatt Earp blend. But you weren't satisfied. You just had to send me a sample of Hypnotic Mist. Who in the world would know what that is? :facepalm: I try it out and had to order 30 mls of it add it to my juice chain rotation.

You send me Cantaloupe! Cantaloupe! I'm a man's, man! I don't eat no umping cantaloupe! So why is it I can't put that down now as well? Now comes the final straw.

After forcing all these new juices for me to order, you had the audacity to send me a sample of butterscotch/almond. Butterscotch? Almond!? I don't even like nuts! Well... if no one is looking I will down some macadamia nuts. :blush:

I give it a try. Okay the taste orgy filling my mouth HAS to be a result of mixing juices in the wick of my atty. So I take out a new one; never used. It's the freaking butterscotch/almond! Okay, I'm vaping it on a smooth 801 atty. So I pull out the bad boy; my 901 LR. It brought out even more smoothness and flavor. Now I HAVE to order that! You know my professional background. How is it going to look when someone walks into my office and ask me what is it they're smelling and I respond I'm vaping butterscotch/almond? They're going to think vaping has turned me into a wuss!

I'm not trying any more of your samples! Yeah right! :vapor::vapor::vapor:

You must be working those poor kids and Pam to death trying to keep up with the orders. :toast:
AB We're gonna come up with some awesome tasting samples with really wussy names just for you! haha But we're really glad you are enjoying everything so much :) Do you have any ideas for flavor combinations you would like to try next?
PS I'm the one who picks which sample flavor you get, now I'm really gonna getcha!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Chgo., IL.
AB We're gonna come up with some awesome tasting samples with really wussy names just for you! haha But we're really glad you are enjoying everything so much :) Do you have any ideas for flavor combinations you would like to try next?
PS I'm the one who picks which sample flavor you get, now I'm really gonna getcha!

Just make me feel guilty! Sending the men in black for a mom of seven!
1) I wouldn't dare even begin to help you fuel my addiction
2) I'll just relabel the bottles with really masculine names. :evil:


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 4, 2010
I tell ya, it just ain't fair.

Just got my 4th of July specials yesterday. Yes, AB the Hypnotic mist is great. I took the plunge and ordered a 30ml bottle during the sale. WOW, great stuff. Since I ordered twice over the holiday, Pam was nasty enough to put different samples in each order. Evil person that she is :2cool:. She picked RY4 and Wyatt Earp to get me hooked. If the rest of the stuff I ordered is a addictive as what I've tried so far, I'm a goner.

Really, thanks you all, really great juice!

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