DNA20D HELP!! Not powering up

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Full Member
Apr 24, 2012
Chico, Ca
Ok so im building a DNA20d box mod. So heres my issue. I recieved my DNA20 a few days ago. So today I got all my soldering equipment ready for use. I plan on using the on board buttons to cut down on internal wiring. I soldered my leads(battery/atty connection/charger) on the board. The soldering is perfectly done. I then decided to attach my EFEST 18490(fully charged) to the battery leads. I connected the battery + to +, - to -. I was very excited at this point :laugh:. But as soon as i attached the negative terminal of the battery I was dumbfounded :confused:. Nothing happened. Screen did not light up. Pressing the fire button does nothing. pressing the +/- wattage buttons do nothing. I am so confused. Is the board dead? I did nothing with the board other than take it out of the box to solder the leads. I never once fiddled with it. I have a lot of experience with electronics and computers. I'm hoping someone here can give me their 2 cents.


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Dec 31, 2010
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You can solder on the atty connector and attach an atty/carto and see if it vapes.....if it vapes try to adjust the wattage up/down.....it could be that the screen not lighting is the only issue.....if that is the case then possibly a broken trace in the ribbon cable or maybe defective/cracked display.......just a few things here to help ya determine whats going on.....then contact evolv....


Full Member
Apr 24, 2012
Chico, Ca
So i did as suggested by both mamu and retird. The carto fired as a usual mod would do. Meaning that the screen is definately faulty in one way or another. Hopefully Evolv will respond soon. Thank you for your expertise in this situation Mamu and Retird. And thanks for the motivation to finally make my own dna mod. I have been reading a lot about mods that both of you have made.
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