Travel and Vaping E-Cigs And Japan

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Jin Kogetsu

Full Member
Jun 28, 2010
Durham Nc
Im not 100% sure but a trip to Japan May be in my 2011 line up, and from various films and conversations with friends from japan over the years. I have summed up that japan is an ex-smokers nightmare due to the fact they have analog cigs in just about every flavor you can think of cherry, blueberry etc etc etc.. well i am content with my PV but one of my buddy's stateside brought up "dude how you going to get that thing past customs it looks like a Bomb" (being a smart ... that he is, googled e-cigs and it kept bringing up pictures of a chuck ) well i don't own a chuck i have a vapor King which i hear a lot of people like the 510 just stick in a pen holder in there laptop bag

But what i was wondering has anybody been to japan With a PV? and if so what is there stand on public Vapeing and if there was any problems with customs and cartos, and or the pv its self

what made me super ...... off was how he initiated the conversation with " i guess your gonna have to leave your Toy at home and smoke real cigs in Japan" followed by the bomb comment"

I was angry and to me it really hurt cause i have worked very hard staying off of regular cigs and to hear a friend of 8 years say it like that felt like he was pissing on my health and to be 100% honest i wanted to and still want to kick him in the nutz next time he comes for a visit (this friend by the way is not from japan he just lives in another state and is most likely going on the same trip. just to clear up some confusion) so i have yet to find a tangible answer

thanks Jin Kogetsu

PS due to the nutz comment we have had a couple of scuffles like good ol boys do in our 8 years were about as close as brothers and in a band together so we have been through alot of ups and downs so a kick in the nutz wouldn't destroy our friendship (we've been through worse) just to let you fine people know
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Jin Kogetsu

Full Member
Jun 28, 2010
Durham Nc
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Hellen A. Handbasket

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San Tan Valley, Arizona


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Feb 5, 2010
I would plan a trip somewhere else. You may not hear about it on the news anymore but the radiation is still an issue over there. A lot of celebrities have even gone so far as to remove japan from their tour.
Didn't they recently raise ...ushima to an 8? That worse than chernobyl and you can easily google the fallout map for that. Be safe!
Sent from my Evo


Vaping At FL370
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Oct 20, 2008
Malaga, Spain
I would plan a trip somewhere else. You may not hear about it on the news anymore but the radiation is still an issue over there. A lot of celebrities have even gone so far as to remove japan from their tour.
Didn't they recently raise ...ushima to an 8? That worse than chernobyl and you can easily google the fallout map for that. Be safe!
Sent from my Evo

Hello, just got back from a 5 day trip to Tokyo, I guess if I knew celebrities had canceled their trips, I would have thought better!:facepalm:
Seriously, no problems, only thing I noticed was on Trains and Restaurants it was warmer than usual due to conserving energy. You should go and enjoy yourself.


Full Member
Jul 1, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
Here is my information on Japan.

Before I came to Japan, I called the consolate, emassy, and eventually Tokyo customs for information. Eventually, I was directed to the Japanese ministry of health. After reaching them This is the 'scoop'.

Japan considers nicotine to be 'medicine' so that is why the ministry of health has jurisdiction. The rules for traveling to japan with medicine are that (except for a few banned medical narcotics) you are free to bring a month's worth of 'medicine' with you to Japan. Exactly what a 'month's worth' of medicine is, is a bit open to interpretation. Anyhow, I pulled out my pocket ecig kit, (not all the bottles of e liquid I had with me), and showed it to the officer at customs, explaining in bad Japanese that I had called the ministry of health and that they said it was ok to have a month's worth, and he just waved me in. They don't seem to scrutinize Americans much anyway.

For anyone thinking that this means that you can bring more 'creative' stuff to Japan, don't even think about it. They come down quite hard any any of the illegal stuff, and there are westerners who get a nice stint in the hokey for that.

On an interesting side note. There is a big turf war in Japan now about tabacco. Apparently, the government holds the largest stake in the biggest tobacco firm, and it's a big source of revenue. But recently, when the ministry of health talked about pushing for reducing or outlawing it, it caused a stink. Basically, one hand in government needs to pay for the consequences of tobacco, while the other hand of government benefits from the sales of it. What can I say other than we could learn a thing or two from the Japanese about insane Bureaucracy.
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