E-Juice Flavor Taste! Help.

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ECF Veteran
Sep 16, 2011
New Jersey
so I got a problem....I can't find anything I can consistently vape! it's getting very stressful. I find plenty of flavors I love and within 2 days of vaping it, it starts to taste gross to me. last week I thought I caught and break and found something I could constantly vape and it tasted amazing (Blue Coconut). But after 2-3 days of vaping it, it doesn't have the delicious taste anymore. I think my taste buds are just getting used to the flavor so quick and it loses flavoring relatively quick. this is really discouraging, I just want to always have a delicious vape experience.


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Dec 28, 2010
I've been vaping nhalers nuport juice since the day I started vaping. Not really sure why I like it so much. Not a huge amount of complex flavors- maybe that's why. It's not exactly delicious, but I don't get tired of it.

I usually have a few pv's going- nuport, vapor bomb peach and vapor bomb pinapple. Sometimes the peach and pinapple get to me, but the nuport never does.

I do have TONS of other juices, lots of sweet juices. I can vape them for about an hour tops.

Maybe look for a juice that's not wonderful, but just pretty good basic juice.

Have you ever tried unflavored? I'm considering giving that a try.

Edit: I'm not saying if you try nhalers nuport you are going to like it. My sister hates it. It just happened to be a juice that clicked for me.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 16, 2011
New Jersey
I've been vaping nhalers nuport juice since the day I started vaping. Not really sure why I like it so much. Not a huge amount of complex flavors- maybe that's why. It's not exactly delicious, but I don't get tired of it.

I usually have a few pv's going- nuport, vapor bomb peach and vapor bomb pinapple. Sometimes the peach and pinapple get to me, but the nuport never does.

I do have TONS of other juices, lots of sweet juices. I can vape them for about an hour tops.

Maybe look for a juice that's not wonderful, but just pretty good basic juice.

Have you ever tried unflavored? I'm considering giving that a try.

Edit: I'm not saying if you try nhalers nuport you are going to like it. My sister hates it. It just happened to be a juice that clicked for me.

thank you swedishfish, nhaler is actually located 1 town away from me so I think I'm gonna give the nuport juice a shot. and like you said your fruit juices you can only vape for an hour tops, I think that's my problem, all I really have is really sweet fruity flavors, I tried halo freedom and really disliked it. gonna try to steer away from fruits for a few


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 16, 2011
New Jersey
sometimes i get this issue too,,ii will add 2 totally different flavors into my carto without premixing...and they don't exactly mix either,,so when i vape it ?? never really sure what it will be like :)

I was thinking that, but I use Fluxomizers from GV and F1 Giantomizers, I'm pretty sure the juices would mix fairly quick in a fluxo or clearo


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 16, 2011
New Jersey
Boy, i have the same problem. I had some flavors i really liked in PG base but now that I apparently need to go VG, I am having a heck of a time finding anything that I really like. I have even stopped using cartos and now just dripping because I am getting bored of flavors that fast.

yea it's horrible haha, what's getting to me is how could I enjoy smoking a pack of analogs a day for 6 years never get tired of that taste, but a
nice blueberry or mango I can barely smoke all throughout a day. i don't get it.


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ECF Veteran
Sep 16, 2011
New Jersey
I hear ya! I dont get it either! I smoked for many many years and I dont know anybody who went, oh im tired of this marb, im gonna try ohhhh a capri instead!

hahaha yes exactly. it's getting to me because I've already spent a decent amount of money on juice, and am far from finding my all day vape it seems like.


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Oct 23, 2011
California, USA
I too have this problem, I thought it was just me. The flavors don't necessarily taste bad, they just don't taste like anything at all. Fruity flavors are the worst. The only ones I've found that taste the same over a period of time are menthol and hazelnut. The only problem is that neither of those flavors suit my tastes to begin with. Vanilla and/or chocolate hold their flavor quality longer for me. I've ordered some chocolate covered cherry I have hopes for. If you find something that works well for you let me know.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 16, 2011
New Jersey
I too have this problem, I thought it was just me. The flavors don't necessarily taste bad, they just don't taste like anything at all. Fruity flavors are the worst. The only ones I've found that taste the same over a period of time are menthol and hazelnut. The only problem is that neither of those flavors suit my tastes to begin with. Vanilla and/or chocolate hold their flavor quality longer for me. I've ordered some chocolate covered cherry I have hopes for. If you find something that works well for you let me know.

yes I've come to conclusion that fruity flavors are the worst after vaping it too much. I'm going to give Vanilla Tobacco from Vapors etc a try and I'll def let you know how it turns out, only 5 bucks for a 15mL so 5 bucks isn't bad to give it a whirl. I'll let you know how it is.


Senior Member
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Oct 11, 2011
Ocala, FL
hummm I figured my taste bud just revolted after having the same blech analog flavor for sooooo long that they simply refuse to have just one constant flavor anymore

I have too much fun switching out to just stay with just one or two flavors usually. I switch out not only my flavors throughout the day depending on my mood but also my nic content. lol After doing this for awhile it seems I can no longer handle 24mg nic anymore .....go figure ... so I now range from 18 to o nic in any given day :)


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ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2011
Cleveland Ohio
Why do you need an all day? I switch flavors about 10 times a day lol. I bring 3-4 already filled cartos with my "go to" juices that I always love, but even those provide me with only about 10 hits and I'm ready for something else or to just put it down. Variety is the spice of life! Some people liken it to food. You wouldn't eat all one food all day everyday...

What mg are you vaping, OP?
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 16, 2011
New Jersey
Why do you need an all day? I switch flavors about 10 times a day lol. I bring 3-4 already filled cartos with my "go to" juices that I always love, but even those provide me with only about 10 hits and I'm ready for something else or to just put it down. Variety is the spice of life! Some people liken it to food. You wouldn't eat all one food all day everyday...

What mg are you vaping, OP?

you do prove a good point there randapandabear, but I don't need an all vape, I'd enjoy an all day vape. don't get me wrong I love switching juices throughout the day too. I also carry multiple cartos filled with different juices in my love box. I would just like to find that flavor for me that I can consistently love and not get tired of ya know? Vaping 16mg.


Full Member
Oct 28, 2011
Alpharetta, GA
Try Ms. T's Bakery! I have tried 5 or 6 different brands of e-liquid and hers are hands down THE BEST! I love switching out flavors, but hers are so good I have settled down to maybe 10 I use. Even the ones that weren't my faves were great. I ordered some liquid from another big vendor last week and shelved them all after a couple puffs. Totally spoiled with my current stash!


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Sep 25, 2011
Lehigh Acres, FL
I thought it was just me too! Sometimes I'll make a mix I love, and a couple of days later it tastes like old socks. (Nope, haven't really tasted old socks, but, you know..) I have been using the mega dual coil LR cartos, and kind of was thinking maybe it was the result of re-adding new juice on top of older juice. I also noticed that even when vaping the same clear and virtually colorless juice over a few days time, if I over-filled a bit the juice that leaked out was a dark, nasty looking brownish fluid, that tastes pretty much like it looks. Acrid, bitter, pungent, pick an adjective. Nasty covers it well. I still can't reason why it becomes so dark so quick from being colorless! You know how blowing cig smoke through a paper-towel will turn it tar brown...almost like that. But no tar is in ir, nor tobacco, and the nic is crystal clear, so what gives, any ideas? I could even ignore the color, but it tastes so bad.
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