E-Juice Sitting in Tanks?

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Full Member
Feb 28, 2014
Wash, DC 'burbs
I'm a pretty light vaper and usually only vape in the evenings. I also have 3 or 4 tanks with different flavors that I switch off daily. Even with 1.6ml tanks, juice may sit there unused for a week or more between refills. Since the tanks are not really airtight, could the juice get rancid sitting there?? Or can the coil or poly get gunked up at all from juice that may be hardening?

I'm not sure if its my imagination, but the juice just doesn't seem as fresh after a few days in the tank. I do store them in a dark cool place so storage conditions are not the problem. And I have tried switching out coils...its fine for a few days then seems to taste bitter again.

What's the verdict out there?? Thanks!!



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Jun 6, 2014
it's fine. e-liquid doesnt -- or shouldnt, rather -- go rancid. the potency of the nicotine may break down from exposure to oxygen/light and the flavor profile may change (usually referred to as "steeping").

the big warning is if your tanks are polycarbonate or pmma (plastics) and your e-liquid is has flavorings known to crack or breakdown plastics, that could be a problem. and polycarbonate contains BPA and other estrogen-like hormones that may leech into your e-liquid. And if your tank is made of brass or chromed brass or copper, it may leech lead.

but if your tank is glass or stainless steel, you'll be fine.


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Mar 16, 2014
'' ...... And I have tried switching out coils...its fine for a few days then seems to taste bitter again.''

Could it be your wicking material breaking down ?

It sure could be your tank if it is made of polycarbonate as mentionned above. It happenned to me with a polycarbonate tank that was being eaten away by my e-juice. The taste became so bad and the tank started to change color, after a closer inspection the plastic was melting.... see photo. tank.jpg


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Apr 2, 2013
BC Canada
I found once the juice starts to turn dark and begin to taste a bit off, you have to vape it out or throw it out then clean the atty. If you put more juice with that darkened old juice you'll make the entire atty taste like bad juice and the whole atty turns dark real quick. Some juices I get a couple protank fills before my juices begin to taste off and darken.
My take for juice darkening quickly is that your not firing the coil hot enough, your creating a cocoon of half cooked beginning to burn juice around the coil thus the coil has to heat up more to heat the coil and cocoon to begin to vaporize the juice and your kinda cooking the surrounding juice enough to begin to caramelize the sugars by heating up the base of the atty.
Rebuilding a protank head is 2nd nature for me and I have lots of coils ready to go so rewicking is no biggie so once a coil build doesn't taste like its suppose to be then its replaced, so why suffer with a less then perfect vape quality when you have all the tools.
Here's a nifty holder I made outta a sponge and old plastic card case, its good for holding different attys.



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Mar 12, 2014
Mpls/St.Paul, MN
It sure could be your tank if it is made of polycarbonate as mentionned above. It happenned to me with a polycarbonate tank that was being eaten away by my e-juice. The taste became so bad and the tank started to change color, after a closer inspection the plastic was melting
Here is a great resource regarding "tank cracking" eliquid by ECF member Baditude: Something Safe for Cinnamon and Citrus Flavors

Make sure to open all his links! Two of those links are:

* A blog post by ECF member The Ocelot titled "EEEKKK it's Melting".
* A "HUGE" list of juice and flavorings that may cause problems as far as cracking, fogging, or etching polycarbonate tanks (compiled by ECF member my4jewels).


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Sep 15, 2014
New Jersey, USA
I found once the juice starts to turn dark and begin to taste a bit off, you have to vape it out or throw it out then clean the atty. If you put more juice with that darkened old juice you'll make the entire atty taste like bad juice and the whole atty turns dark real quick. Some juices I get a couple protank fills before my juices begin to taste off and darken.
My take for juice darkening quickly is that your not firing the coil hot enough, your creating a cocoon of half cooked beginning to burn juice around the coil thus the coil has to heat up more to heat the coil and cocoon to begin to vaporize the juice and your kinda cooking the surrounding juice enough to begin to caramelize the sugars by heating up the base of the atty.
Rebuilding a protank head is 2nd nature for me and I have lots of coils ready to go so rewicking is no biggie so once a coil build doesn't taste like its suppose to be then its replaced, so why suffer with a less then perfect vape quality when you have all the tools.
Here's a nifty holder I made outta a sponge and old plastic card case, its good for holding different attys.

View attachment 374164

I don't have the juice sitting in the tank, because, well, I vape a lot,:ohmy: but I did notice as you indicated the juice darkening probably because the coil needs to be hotter. :facepalm: I have a MVP 2 set at 4.2 V / 8 W / 1.9 registered ohms on a Kangar Aero V2.

What would you recommend on a 60 PG/40 VG 18 nic fruit flavored juice to avoid this?


Full Member
Feb 28, 2014
Wash, DC 'burbs
Thanks all for the comments. My tanks are glass (at least the ones I use for cinnamon and other potential "crackers"). It sounds like its unlikely my 1.4ml of juice is going "sour" sitting in my tank for a few days. I dunno...maybe its just my imagination. Or maybe its my flavor buds telling me its time to order a different flavor! :p
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