Former dipper turned vape freak.

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Full Member
May 8, 2015
Hey guys! My name's Luke and I was able to quit my dipping habit through vaping. This forum seems to have a great community, and I'm very happy to be a part of it! For anyone wondering what I vape:

MVP 20w with a TOBH V2 clone. Just got the RDA yesterday, it is my first. Current build is a 1.3 ohm single coil made using 28g kanthal. Juice of choice is anything from Vape wild :)

I guess that about wraps up my introduction post, once again, glad to be here, I'll definitely be cruising the board frequently.


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Aug 22, 2013
Houston, Tx
Now that I have it cleaned up and built, it's rockin' ! I really suck at building, and fortunately, this little atty is forgiving. I started out with a dual, but one coil didn't fire. I think I cut the leg when I was tightening down. took that one off and its great even in single coil mode. Kanger ST is Kanger SubTank. Pretty popular these days. You can use either .5 or 1.2 ohm coils (Organic cotton wicked) in it.
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