FSC cigarettes - one more reason to switch to vaping

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 2, 2011
I was shocked to learn about FSC cigarettes two nights ago, completely by accident (clicking on a random YouTube video about it from the list of recommended videos on the right while looking at vaping reviews). I had never heard anything on the news or otherwise about the government's plan to mess with cigarettes like this either before or after it went into effect.

Let me start by saying that my husband and I moved from TN to WI a few years ago. Since we were right on the border of WI & MN and WI has much higher taxes on cigarettes, we often went over to MN to buy them. We immediately noticed a difference that caused us to start calling the cigs from MN "out cigarettes" because they'd just go out on us all the time so we were constantly re-lighting them. After awhile, WI cigarettes were the same so the nickname didn't come up so often & we forgot about (got used to) the phenomenon. Other problems we noticed (but didn't connect) were that hot embers were frequently falling from our cigarettes & causing burns to our skin, clothing & furniture and that re-lighting the cigarettes caused them to flame up.

Healthwise, it's ironic that over the past couple of years (since FSC cigarettes, though again - not something we connected at first) both my husband, myself and my mother - all the smokers in my family - have had much more frequent severe headaches, unexplainable chest pains, shortness of breath and dizziness. I figured we were all just getting to the point that our smoking habits were catching up with us. Mom has actually been diagnosed with COPD but it's gotten really bad over the past two years with multiple ER visits and I even went to the ER for these issues a few months ago (was told my lungs & heart were fine according to the tests, so it must be heartburn - but I know it isn't because I've had GERD for many years & this feels nothing like it).

Turns out the govmt started requiring cigarette manufacturers to make their cigarettes "fire safe" starting a few years ago. 43 states have already enacted these laws & all 50 will by 2012. To make FSC (fire safe cigarettes), tobacco companies are putting "speed bumps" or rings of chemicals along the length of the cigarette that cause them to go out if not inhaled within a minute or so. This is in an attempt to reduce house fires started by unattended cigarettes. Of course, it's also the cause of all the aforementioned problems (with hot ashes falling as the speed bump is reached making them fire causing cigarettes rather than fire safe cigarettes, IMO). I've heard the chemical used is similar to carpet glue and though I'm not so sure that's true, I do believe that whatever they're using is the cause for everything I've mentioned - both with the cigarettes themselves and the health problems that coincidentally started about the same time (and are apparently, very common complaints).

I recommend everybody who has smoked analogs within the past few years & experienced any of these problems to research the issue. Is the frequency of house fires caused by unattended cigarettes so high that making such a sweeping change that negatively affects the lives of millions of smokers (as well as anyone else who might be hurt when a driving smoker drops a hot ash in their lap) justified? Where is the evidence that any testing was done on these FSC cigs to ensure that they're safe? Probly none. They'll probably just say smokers know about all the health problems they cause but do it anyway, so why should they expect anything different. I'm not naive but until now, I basically saw the govmt as working more in ignorance of repercussions than of intentional harm to the public in pursuing their financial and political agendas. I guess they figure they won't have to pay so much healthcare cost in the long run if they just kill all the smokers off now. Of course, then where will they be without all the money from big tobacco & the taxes smokers pay (rumored to go up another $3.00 a pack across the US soon)?

I'm so glad I was introduced to vaping. I'm working on every other smoker that I know to encourage them to switch.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 4, 2010
Before I quit analogs I was rolling my own. It was much cheaper and I didn't have to deal with the FSC carpet glue garbage. Even American Spirits have the glue rings. Last I heard they had a patent pending on some sort of seaweed based compound that would be FSC, but no word yet as to when they would receive approval. The guy at the tobacco shop I got my loose tobacco from told me a customer of his had a terrible experience with FSC cigarettes. He'd been a smoker for thirty or so years and had smoked a pack of the new FSC cigs one day and began having difficulties breathing. Soon he had a full blown migraine headache and had broken out in huge water blisters all over his body. He was rushed to the ER where it was discovered he'd had an allergic reaction to the polymer used in FSC tubes. It nearly cost him his life. He switched to rolling his own and was fine.

Anyway, congrats on your decision to switch to vaping. Even vaping is safer for me than rolling my own and less costly.


Ultra Member
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Aug 3, 2009
Londinium, Brittania
The UK govt are introducing FSC cigarettes later this year :confused:
They are disgusting by all accounts, and for all intent and purpose amount to a de-facto ban in that no-one in their right mind would touch them a second time.
Let's just insert more chemical :censored: in the paper heh? Way to go to alienate 30% of the UK population :(
Yeah, more smokers should roll their own. I did, I was a GV man.


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Dec 24, 2010
Louisville, KY
I can honestly say the last time I enjoyed an analog was before they went FS. Everyone I know, myself included, had sore throats and headaches when they first introduced them. When I used to drive through TN, I'd make it a point to pick up smokes since they had not yet switched (they have now). I had more problems from the FSC (they would go out on the outside, but keep burning on the inside, resulting in a chunk of burning ember falling off) than I ever did from the non-FSC.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 7, 2010
Is the frequency of house fires caused by unattended cigarettes so high that making such a sweeping change that negatively affects the lives of millions of smokers (as well as anyone else who might be hurt when a driving smoker drops a hot ash in their lap) justified?

Apparently so. Smoking is the #1 cause of accidental fire related deaths in the US. I'd heard this statistic probably a dozen years ago or so and wondered if it was still true. According to the CDC, it is.

CDC - Fire Deaths and Injuries: Fact Sheet

There's plenty of reasons to quit smoking, but eliminating the risk of burning down your house is a pretty decent one. I never smoked in the bedroom. I'd heard a few horror stories from firemen that prevented me from ever lighting up in bed.

Now I can vape pretty much any place I please and if I drop my vaporizer, whoopie.

Smoking causes fires. Those fires kill a lot of people every year.


Vaping Master
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Nov 4, 2009
Apple Valley, MN
I never had any problems from smoking until the last year I smoked, after they mandated FSC's here in MN in late 2008. I developed a persistent cough and congestion in the months following the switch. I have read that a lot of folks tend to inhale more deeply with the FSC's as well, since they don't burn as freely. At any rate, I don't think the introduction of FSC's and the onset of my symptoms are a coincidence. Fortunately they went away shortly after I started vaping.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 16, 2010
Interlachen, Florida
I was puff puff puffing (no inhale) past the ring 2 good drags then puff puff puff past the next ring. I couldnt take it but about a week then I started RYO and they have nifty flavored papers vanilla, cherry, strawberry and others they were great and it doesnt take too long to roll a pack a day if you do it all at once with a cheapy roller and I even was able to buy real filters it was great still was killing my lungs but wayyyy better than FSC. Then I started vaping and the flavors are wayyyy better than the flavored papers. I loved rolling as a hobby now I love DIY and playing with the next pv that I seem to always want to buy.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 2, 2011
I guess what bothers me most is that I didn't know. I mean, it's bad enough that there was no notification BEFORE the FSC laws were passed but not even afterward? Seems awfully underhanded to me. Guess they were (rightly) afraid people might object.

Also, I don't know how many fires are attributed to cigarettes (most talk of fires I see on the news, by far, had other causes) but the statistic I saw which supposedly got this going a few yrs ago was 700 annual deaths. That's not very many as compared to deaths by other causes - even some relatively obscure ones which I've dealt with in my life & became surprised by when I learned they weren't as uncommon as I'd originally thought - and certainly far less than the number of people the new FSC chemicals are surely going to kill.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2010
Yeah...burned more than one shirt...FSC is a stupid idea...they spark & flame & go out...glad to done with them!!!

I certainly do not miss the small burns on my hands, car seats and holes in my shirts from those damned FSC's. One more reason I am happy to be through with cigs.

Same thing here! It also really sucked to get ashed in the eye while driving because of the damned things. Just one more reason to be happy about vaping!


Full Member
Nov 10, 2010
Holy Crap! I was totally oblivious to this until just a moment ago. That explains some of the things I was noticing about my cigs. Sheesh! And I never thought to tie an increase in headaches, bad ones - some of them lasting a whole day no matter what I did, to the cigarettes. Man, I'm glad I quit smoking and started vaping almost 4 months ago. And thanks for the post and filling in.....the REST of the story!



Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Dec 20, 2010
Apparently so. Smoking is the #1 cause of accidental fire related deaths in the US. I'd heard this statistic probably a dozen years ago or so and wondered if it was still true. According to the CDC, it is.

CDC - Fire Deaths and Injuries: Fact Sheet

There's plenty of reasons to quit smoking, but eliminating the risk of burning down your house is a pretty decent one. I never smoked in the bedroom. I'd heard a few horror stories from firemen that prevented me from ever lighting up in bed.

Now I can vape pretty much any place I please and if I drop my vaporizer, whoopie.

Smoking causes fires. Those fires kill a lot of people every year.

This is one of the reasons I was not using an ashtray. I got an old glass and partially filled it with water. I smoked so much I didn't care about being able to rest the cigarette on the ashtray. I just smoked and flicked in the cup and then completely extinguished it by tossing it in.

As for the FSC thing, what are we up to now? 4001 chemicals?
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 7, 2010
This is one of the reasons I was not using an ashtray. I got an old glass and partially filled it with water. I smoked so much I didn't care about being able to rest the cigarette on the ashtray. I just smoked and flicked in the cup and then completely extinguished it by tossing it in.

As for the FSC thing, what are we up to now? 4001 chemicals?


I didn't use ashtrays, either. I used glass jars with sealed glass lids. I'd snuff the ciggy out and then seal the jar air tight so a fire couldn't start. Every so often I'd dump the jar in the toliet and flush it.
I was nearly paranoid about starting a fire after a few first hand accounts I heard from firemen I knew who had seen the tragedy of a cigarette related fire first hand.

Ironically, I now use an ash tray a friend brought me from overseas. It's this beautifully painted piece of art. I sit my personal vaporizer in it when I'm not vaping.


Ultra Member
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Aug 14, 2010
Billings, MT
It wasn't until a few weeks ago when others were mentioning the coughing/breathing problems they were having since smoking the FS cigs, that it occurred to me that's when my problems had started. This last year was nearly unbearable with all of the coughing and wheezing. But, as CoughingBad mentioned, it sure gave me a reason to switch to vaping.
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