Getting sick of flavors - Normal?

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May 5, 2014
I'm on my 3rd month of giving up analogs and am having a bit of tough time with e-liquids. I'm now getting sick of flavors for some reason.

Vanilla from AquaVapor or VaporX was my favorite but now they are too sugary. I was OK with MadVapes Vanilla but it started tasting very moldy all of sudden and I dumped out the 3 bottles of pure extract and the pre-mixed juice that I had purchased from them.
I then found a new favorite, Candy Cane from MadVapes, but it's no where nears satisfying right now when I used to absolutely love it. Nothing really wrong with the juice. I just dont like it anymore after going through 1 1/2 30 ml bottles.
Going threw my collection, I found that blueberry and, to a lesser extent, grape where now doing the job for the past 4 or 5 days. These juices are extremely flavorful.
Today blueberry just seems way too strong and am having issues vaping it. I'm having issues with everything I have actually.

Has anyone gone through a similar experience?

Analogs where so much easier! No, I have no plans on going back.

Just Me

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Mar 4, 2010
Yep, very similar, at least for me. I was all hog-wild about hazelnut for about one bottle's worth, then meh...

I never really found a fruity one I liked, so I tried tobaccos. I really liked one of our B&M's Camel, but it was very, very dry, so I had to forego that one. Newport was good. I enjoyed a 30ml bottle of Boba's Bounty once, then decided I didn't want the hassle and expense of that forever.

So, pretty early on, I started DIYing. Nothing fancy or heavenly, but at least now I make a nice menthol ADV that I like really well. And it's cheap. I'd like a little something else once in a while, just for variation, but I don't really get tired of my homemade menthol.

Maybe you could try some Boba's or some of the others people rave about, like H1N1, Tribeca, Bounty Hunter, etc. And congrats on giving up the cigarettes.


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May 5, 2014
Your taste buds do change. Make sure you drink plenty of water. I don't vape just one flavor in a day I have several tanks and change up. Have you thought about making your own juices?
Yeah. I made some DIY vanilla but it was that nasty, moldy tasting vanilla from MadVapes.

I got some blueberry and vanilla flavoring from EcigExpress arriving today...

Blueberry Flavor By Signature7-34-0061-00-08-991$1.69
French Vanilla Flavor By Signature 7-34-0205-00-08-991$1.99
Vanilla Classic by FlavourArt 7-12-0488-00-08-991$2.99

@Just Me Thanks but I don't like tobacco flavors.
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Ultra Member
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Aug 1, 2013
Jersey Shore
Sounds pretty normal. I'll get into a juice and then get burnt out on it. Often if I put it down for a long while I'll start enjoying it again.
I think of e liquid flavors more like food. I might LOVE something but If I overdo it or eat it EVERY single day, I might grow tired of it or stop enjoying it.

I tend to buy smaller bottles of juice and keep a variety in rotation.


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Apr 24, 2014
Lauderhill, Florida, United States
a couple of things. 1st taste buds change, especially as they heal from smoking. Second, and probably most important is when quitting smoking 3 days, 3 weeks, and 3 months are the hardest. My guess is that part of this dissatisfaction is more with a vape not being a cigarrette, than a flavor thing. Push through it, you can do it.


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Jul 30, 2013
Chichester, NH
Think of it in terms of wouldn't eat JUST pizza all the time, right???! (OK....SOME might.....!!:facepalm:)
The key is....ROTATION!!! Let one flavor "rest" awhile......try another.....then return to that "original" after a taste bud "time-out"....
I'm betting you'll notice a BIG difference!!:D
Happy (vaping) Trails!
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