Grrr... Canadian Border

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Hi All,

It seems I've had my second shipment from vapor4life confiscated at the Canadian border. I went to post on the forum for the first time on the "PM me the Canadian nic juice supplier" thread and ran into the 5 post. I guess it would have paid off being an active participant in the forum.

All my shipments for the past two years went across the border without issue. Any other Canucks running into border problems these days or am I just unlucky? I'm down to limited amounts of juice and my batteries all seem to be going on the fritz at the same time. 'Tis a sad time to be Canadian ... draconian Internet laws, rigged elections, and Health Canada preferring I shove a bunch of flaming leaves in my mouth over vaping. I can go half a block down the street and get smokes, patches, gum and inhalers but god forbid I get some other unapproved form of nicotine.

I guess I'm just unusually grumpy due to vaping expired juice in flavors I don't like.
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