HEADS UP - NEWS - UPDATES! (When we know, you'll know!)


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Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
NOVEMBER 28, 2018

THIS is why ADULT SMOKERS 18 - 20 years old still desperately need access to LOW RISK smoking alternatives. tobacco 21 laws that include #vaping products are NOT responsible #TobaccoHarmReduction policy. #NotABot #EcigsSaveLives Testimonials - CASAA

BELTRAMI COUNTY, MINNESOTA: HEADS UP! At a meeting last week, the Board of Commissioners were introduced to proposed ordinance to raise legal tobacco buying age to 21 (likely including low risk #vaping products.) CASAA Minnesota: https://bit.ly/2ON9DjM

Beltrami County considers raising tobacco age to 21

UPDATE: (BARBERTON, OHIO) Council members didn't "want the responsibility of taking rights away from 18-year-olds because they are legal adults." Thankfully, they also didn't bar them from a much safer alternative to smoking! #THRsavesLives

Council votes no on Tobacco 21 - Barberton Herald

THE MORE YOU KNOW: (VIDEO) "Do we want children to become addicted to anything? No....But keeping a small percent of teenagers from trying e-cigarettes is not worth sacrificing adults whose lives could be saved."

Stossel: Let Them Vape

UPDATE: (MOUNT VERNON, OHIO) Council ELIMINATES provision that would have prohibited adult smokers 18 - 20 access from safer vapor products while still allowing them to purchase cigarettes. Sadly, vaping still treated the same as smoking in indoor ban.

City ties together vaping, smoking regulations

IN THE NEWS: (WISCONSIN) Record low #smoking correlates with 3/5 smokers trying #vaping and 54% of #vapers NOT SMOKING combustible cigarettes, but health officials only credit their "efforts" while worrying over minority of vapers who haven't yet quit.


THE MORE YOU KNOW: Helping adult smokers quit or switch could have bigger impact on youth smoking. 2014 study: "Teens whose parents were current smokers...were 10 TIMES more likely to themselves become regular smokers...than kids with nonsmoking parents."



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Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
November 29, 2018

House refuses to override governor's Tobacco/Vapor 21 veto. Department of Revenue estimated bill would cut state’s cigarette tax receipts by $40 million/year & sales taxes by $6 to $8 million." So...how does vaping affect their revenue? Illinois House fails to raise tobacco purchase age to 21

THE MORE YOU KNOW: (BOSTON) Smoking suitcase that prompted evacuation of baggage room at Logan Airport was caused by an ignited #vaping device.
Smoking suitcase prompts evacuation of baggage room at Logan Airport

Check out CASAA's TIPS FOR TRAVELING SAFELY with your #vape products: Batteries & Bottles: Traveling Safely This Summer - CASAA

FOXBORO, MASSACHUSETTS: HEADS UP! Petition is asking officials to ban all flavored vapor products.

Petition asks Foxboro to ban the sale of flavored vaping materials in stores

THE MORE YOU KNOW: (UK) Small study published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Review from UEA's Norwich Medical School suggests that #vaping "powerfully alters the threat of relapse" to smoking.


CALIFORNIA: HEADS UP! California lawmakers move to ban flavored vapor products, impose age verification requirements for the online sale. California CASAA page: California - CASAA

California lawmakers move to ban flavored tobacco
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Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
DECEMBER 4, 2018

Cincinnati Public Schools board urged passing Tobacco/Vapor 21 within the geographic boundaries of CPS. ordinance will be discussed in council's Budget and Finance Committee DEC. 10 and will be UP FOR A VOTE DEC. 12.

Legal smoking age: Cincinnati might require you to be 21 to buy cigarettes or e-cigarettes

IN THE NEWS: (AUSTRALIA) Smoking rates stagnant (only 0.6% drop 2013-16), INCREASES in two age groups, in spite of astronomical taxes and plain packaging. Ban on nicotine vapor products continues, while US & UK saw 2.3% & 2.6% drops in same time period.

Smoking rates have increased among young men as calls to stop the habit fall on deaf ears | Daily Mail Online

IN THE NEWS: (MARYLAND) Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland is leading an effort to prohibit adult smokers 18-20 access to safer #vaping products.


IN THE NEWS: (TEXAS) Tobacco 21 initiative pushes to prohibit smoking adults 18-20 from access to safer #vaping products.

Texas initiative pushes to raise legal age to buy tobacco products


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Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
December 7, 2018

High school #smoking drops to 3.5% as #vaping reaches 14.7% in state, so city decides to ban vaping for ADULT smokers 18 - 20 yrs? #NonsensicalLaws #THRsavesLives

SWindsor eyes raising legal age for tobacco, e-cigarette products

Fear Profiteers: "They generate moral public panic over a health threat, real or imagined...using media and allied researchers to...stoke public anxiety to create public demand for government policies...and the perpetuation of their organizations."
Fear Profiteers

THE MORE YOU KNOW: Above, we shared "Fear Profiteers," a paper that discusses how the so-called "vaping epidemic" benefits health activists. Today in Iowa...


UPDATE: (EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA) City passed Tobacco/Vapor 21 ordinance; denies ADULT smokers 18-20 access to lower risk vapor products.

Eden Prairie raises legal age to buy tobacco to 21

IN THE NEWS: (EDITORIAL) "Politicians should carefully think through the actual impact of the policies they propose and the trade-offs involved."

Flavored tobacco ban just another nanny state overreach from Sacramento – Press Enterprise

IN THE NEWS: Major vaping brands removed from market based, in part, on FDA's onerous premarket requirements.
Altria shutters its e-cigarette brands as it eyes Juul, awaits iQOS decision


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Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
December 10, 2018

If bans & taxes are what cause smoking declines, how does #smoking rate fall under 14% (from 15.3% in 2017) in a state w/2nd lowest tobacco taxes, no bans/taxes on #vaping or flavors, no statewide indoor use ban, no Tobacco 21? Hmmm... Virginia health officials release adult tobacco survey results

UPDATE: (FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA) City council bans #vaping in public, considering passing Tobacco 21. CASAA Arizona page: Arizona - CASAA

Council to ban vaping in public areas

IN THE NEWS: Showing a small progress towards intelligent tobacco harm reduction policies, American College of Cardiology finally recommends members advise patients who #vape "to switch completely to e-cigarettes and avoid dual use."

Cardiologists Urged to Take Lead Role in Smoking Cessation

IN THE NEWS: (ARIZONA) Youth past 30 day #smoking continued to decline in spite of 19.9% trying #vaping. Officials continue focus on vaping, even though alcohol use at 20.2% & marijuana rose to 15.7% (in spite of no "kid-friendly" flavors to lure them.) Cigarette use by Arizona youth on the decline as e-cigarette use surges

IN THE NEWS: (KENTUCKY) With the 2nd highest adult smoking rate (24.9%) in the US, state health groups set their sights instead on reducing teen #vaping via flavor bans, use bans and taxes. Maybe they should talk to Virginia?

E-Cigarette Use Soars Among Kentucky Teens


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Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
December 11, 2018

DOH falsely claims "substantial evidence" that #vaping increases future smoking risk (vs. those who vape likely already at risk to smoke); irresponsibly claims vapers "may be" less likely to quit smoking than smokers who don't vape.

Tennessee Department of Health Issues Updated Public Health Advisory on E-Cigarettes - Clarksville, TN Online

THE MORE YOU KNOW: (KENTUCKY) High school #smoking down to 14.3% (2017) from 16.9% (2016)! #Vaping products (2017) use at 14.1% (according to Truth Initiative). Clearly no "gateway effect," yet health advocates still want to ban flavors/indoor use & tax??

Anti-smoking advocates push for flavored e-cigarette ban amid skyrocketing teen use

POPE COUNTY, MINNESOTA: (UPDATE) County passed Tobacco 21 at December 7th meeting, goes into effect as early as Dec. 24th.


THE MORE YOU KNOW: "It’s astonishing and unconscionable, given the epidemic of smoking-related morbidity and mortality among people with mental health diagnoses, that these prominent institutions don’t have positions on vaping..." #THRsavesLives

By Ignoring Vaping, Mental Health Orgs Abandon Vulnerable Smokers

ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, ILLINOIS: (UPDATE) Village officials move forward on ordinance to prohibit adult smokers 18 - 20 from access to #vaping products.

Arlington Heights set to ban tobacco sales to those under 21


ECF Guru
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Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
December 12, 2018

PARK RIDGE, ILLINOIS: HEADS UP! City Council moves to prohibit adult smokers 18-20 from access to safer alternatives. Formal vote expected DEC 17th! Act to support smokers trying to quit! Find advocacy tips at Illinois CASAA: Illinois - CASAA

Park Ridge considers raising age of tobacco, e-cigarette sales to 21

THE MORE YOU KNOW: (SPAIN) Yet another country with strict smoking/vaping laws and regulations sees #smoking rates RISE. One official tries to partially blame #vaping, even though #vape industry in country was pretty much decimated in 2013.
Number of smokers in Spain reaches pre-smoking ban levels

THE MORE YOU KNOW: This 1996 study (well before flavored #vapor products) found that "The highest associative risk for #smoking was a best friend who smoked" (81%) and smoking parents (65%.) Why smoke? Stress and boredom. Now they blame #vaping instead?



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Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
December 13, 2018

"One of the unintended consequences of targeting e-cigarette flavors may be to harm public health by limiting adults’ access to products that are proven to be helping them quit smoking cigarettes."

California’s plan to ban vaping flavors would hurt public health – Orange County Register

THE MORE YOU KNOW: "Do you think these measures (banning flavors) will affect your or other’s vaping habits?" No. "I asked if they would consider smoking. They all replied “no” because of the smell and the dangers that have been associated with smoking."

Teens Who Vape: Who Are They?

VILLAGE OF SCARSDALE, NEW YORK: HEADS UP! Ordinance would severely limit local access to #vaping products in small village. Not allowed within 1,000 ft of schools, religious buildings, parks, playgrounds, etc., leaving few locations for sales.

Note that, according to proposed @ScarsdaleGov ordinance, combustible cigarettes could still be sold at this Walgreens and Sunoco gas station near a school and church, but not safer #vaping products.

Trustees Agree on Village Code Changes Regarding Gun and Vape Sales in the Village

CINCINNATI, OHIO: (UPDATE) @CityOfCincy Council unwisely takes away access to much safer alternative for #smoking adults 18-20. #THRsaveLives #vaping

Cincinnati City Council raises minimum age of tobacco purchases from 18 to 21

EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA: (UPDATE) @CityofEP makes 20th county/city in Minnesota unwisely taking away access to much safer alternative for #smoking adults 18-20. #THRsaveLives #vaping

Eden Prairie wields T21 ordinance, education against rising e-cigarette use
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
December 14, 2018

HEADS UP! @LakewoodOhio Councilman @LittenForLkwd wants to prohibit adult smokers 18-20 access to far safer alternatives to #smoking. Tips for advocacy at CASAA Ohio: Ohio - CASAA #THRsavesLives #vaping

Lakewood councilman proposing legislation to raise minimum smoke age to 21

YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO: HEADS UP! @CityofYOU again considering Tobacco 21 law. Local #Vaping advocates should follow carefully to ensure lawmakers don't prohibit #smoking adults access to low risk alternatives. #THRsavesLives

Youngstown planning forum on raising tobacco sale age to 21

SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK: (UPDATE) This is how we win . . . we show up and we share our stories (in addition to the emails and phone calls!) Congratulations to all the folks who fought hard in Suffolk County to get the flavor ban tabled until February!
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Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
December 17, 2018

@Stevens_PointWI to charge minors $50 fine and possible court costs for possession of a vapor product, even if it doesn't contain nicotine. (State law already prohibits selling any form of nicotine to a person under 18.) Stevens Point ordinance bans teen vaping

MISSON, KANSAS: (HEADS UP!) Council members compromised by agreeing to have Tobacco/Vapor 21 ordinance work session late in first quarter of 2019. A date has not been set yet, so be vigilant! Advocacy tips at Kansas CASAA: https://bit.ly/2SSjqXl


PISMO BEACH, CALIFORNIA: (HEADS UP!) Council to consider OUTDOOR smoking bans tomorrow night (12.18.18.) These bans frequently include #vaping. Strongly urging local advocates either call or attend to make sure this doesn't happen!

Pismo Beach could expand smoking ban to outdoor dining, bus stops, sidewalks and more

SOLVANG, CALIFORNIA: (UPDATE) City bans vaping on sidewalks and other outdoor areas in commercial center. Those caught violating the new ordinance could face a citation and a $100 fine.

Solvang bans smoking in most public areas

THE MORE YOU KNOW: "Even if e-cigarettes have led to less smoking among teenagers, meaning less tobacco-related morbidity and mortality in decades to come, the FDA sees its mission as fighting that trend, even if it results in more tobacco-related morbidity and mortality."

Amid the Underage Vaping 'Epidemic,' Adolescent Smoking Again Hits a Record Low


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
December 20, 2018

Beginning Feb. 1, it will be illegal for adult smokers 18-20 years old to buy safer alternatives in the city.

Park Ridge raises minimum age to buy tobacco from 18 to 21

ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO: (HEADS UP!) Bills would prohibit adult smokers 18-20 from access to safer alternatives to #smoking, prohibit businesses from allowing #vaping and ban flavored vapor products. CASAA New Mexico advocacy tips: New Mexico - CASAA

State senator proposes raising age to buy tobacco, banning flavored tobacco

DULUTH, MINNESOTA: (HEADS UP!) City Council looking to prohibit adult smokers 18-20 from access to #vaping products.

Duluth City Councilors Push To Raise Tobacco Purchase Age to 21 - Fox21Online

MASSACHUSETTS: (UPDATES) SALISBURY & AMESBURY have passed laws that prohibit ADULT #smokers 18-20 access to safer alternative #vaping.

Amesbury, Salisbury raise legal tobacco sales age to 21

WASECA, MINNESOTA: (UPDATE) @CITYOFWASECA passes law to prohibit ADULT #smokers 18-20 from access to safer alternative #vaping products.

Waseca latest city to raise tobacco sales age to 21

CALIFORNIA: (HEADS UP!) THREE bills working their way through the legislature could have horrific impact on #vaping, #vapers and #smokers looking to quit smoking in the state!

Vaping could be snuffed out in California if these bills become law in 2019
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
December 21, 2018

"things that people like...should be at the forefront of the FDA’s new tobacco plan. This means having them available where smokers are most likely to buy them — the same places they used to buy their cigarettes."

The harmful hysteria about vaping

APPLETON, WISCONSIN: (HEADS UP!) @cityofappleton on path to prohibit businesses from allowing #vaping in their establishment, taking away a strong incentive in the northern state for adult #smokers to make the switch.

Appleton cracks down on vaping, with emphasis on youth usage


ECF Guru
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Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
December 27, 2018

Town Council to hold public hearing in January re prohibiting adult smokers 18-20 access to safer alternatives/#vaping

SW council pushes forward with raising age to buy e-cigarettes

OPINION: (Michael McGrady) #Vaping and Harm Reduction: A Brief Analysis of Policy, Academic Conclusions, and Hysteria


BELTRAMI COUNTY, MINNESOTA: (HEADS UP!) Beltrami County Board of Commissioners announced a public hearing will be held on Jan. 22 to prohibit adult #smokers access to low risk #vaping products.


ALLEGANY COUNTY, NEW YORK: HEADS UP! County lawmakers pass resolution urging state representatives to pass Tobacco 21, which would deny adult smokers 18-20 access to low risk #vaping products.

County passes support for Tobacco 21

UTAH: HEADS UP! Governor wants to tax low risk #vaping at the same rate as cigarettes, citing a growing use among teens. Apparently not concerned tax will also dissuade high risk adult #smokers from switching, too.

Utah’s governor wants to tax vaping at the same rate as cigarettes, citing a growing use among teens

AROUND THE WORLD: (United Kingdom) New film has been released by Public Health England (PHE) showing the harmful effects of smoking and how these can be avoided by switching to an e-cigarette or another type of quit aid.

Why smokers are being urged to switch to vaping in the New Year

EDITORIAL: via @reviewjournal Teen #smoking down, but health alarmists still fret about #vaping

EDITORIAL: Teen smoking down, but health alarmists still fret

WASECA, MINNESOTA: (UPDATE) @CITYOFWASECA became the second city in the region to adopt ordinances that prohibits adult #smokers 18-20 access to low risk #vaping products.

Second southern Minnesota community adopts Tobacco 21

IN THE NEWS: (FDA) Commissioner @SGottliebFDA to meet e-cigarette makers amid crackdown. Tweets to #vaping community urging "singling out select manufacturers" supposedly reponsible for so-called "youth epidemic."

FDA chief to meet e-cigarette makers amid crackdown | Reuters

CONNECTICUT: (HEADS UP!) Lawmakers propose state #vaping tax; prohibiting high risk adult #smokers access to low risk #vaping products and banning the non-tobacco flavors shown to help smokers quit.

CT lawmakers propose state vaping tax
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ECF Guru
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Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
January 3, 2019

Professor Stanton Glantz says people would be better off #smoking than #vaping, but the study he cites says the exact opposite - especially clear when looking at TOTAL exposures found rather than cherry picking a few. Article by @AlexBerezow

Stanton Glantz Says Vapers Should Smoke Cigarettes, Instead

CARLSBAD, NEW MEXICO: HEADS UP! Lawmaker @SenatorCisco wants to define #vapor as #tobacco, ban public use and #vaping flavors, removing imortant incentives for #smokers to switch to MUCH safer alternative.

Vaping is on the rise for Carlsbad teens. Legislation plans to target 'epidemic'.

WASHINGTON: HEADS UP! @BobFergusonAG again seeks to deny adult #smokers 18-20 access to MUCH safer #vaping.


IN THE NEWS: (TEXAS) Effort to raise age for buying #tobacco and #vaping products to 21 in San Antonio faces court challenge, State bill is expected be introduced in the upcoming sessions, which begins January 8th.

Effort to lift age for buying tobacco to 21 faces court challenge

IN THE NEWS: (NEW YORK) Erie County outlaws vaping in cars with anyone under 18 with $50 - $150 fines, prevents pharmacies and health care institutions in Erie County from selling low risk #vaping products.
Erie County outlaws smoking in cars with kids under 18

COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA: HEADS UP! Councilman @HowardDuvall wants to prohibit privately-owned businesses from allowing #vaping in their establishments.
Councilman Wants to Add E-Cigarettes to City’s Smoking Ban

WALLINGFORD, CONNECTICUT: HEADS UP! Town Council considers denying adult #smokers 18-20 access to much safer #vaping products.
Wallingford Town Council considers raising age on e-cigarette purchases

THE MORE YOU KNOW: Study at Northwestern seeing some "promising signs" using #nicotine as a "natural plant product" to combat memory loss, also mentions other treatments studied.
Study at Northwestern looking at how nicotine can combat memory loss

AROUND THE WORLD: (UNITED KINGDOM) #Smokers who switch to #vaping could be less likely to use cigarettes again
Vaping: smokers who switch could be less likely to use cigarettes again
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
January 4, 2019

Proposed Flavor Ban on Tobacco Harm Reduction Products Would Be Disservice to Public Health
Publications - Research & Commentary: Proposed Flavor Ban on Tobacco Harm Reduction Products Would Be Disservice to Public Health | Heartland Institute

IN THE NEWS: Vaping ISN’T as bad as you think! Deluded smokers ‘risk lives’ by refusing to switch to e-cigarettes, experts say
Vaping ISN'T as bad as you think - smokers overestimate harm of e-cigarettes, experts say

KENTUCKY: Poll indicates 73% Kentuckians support tax on #vaping products, even though #smoking rate is #2 in country at 24.5%
Poll: Kentuckians support adding tax on e-cigarettes - ABC 36 News

THE MORE YOU KNOW: Study finds allowing smokers to determine their necessary nicotine level is one of the best ways to combat smoking. Non-tobacco (nicotine) products not that addictive, higher doses safe for use,
Self-determining nicotine consumption will assist people who smoke give up behavior | Infosurhoy

IN THE NEWS: Smoking/Vaping ban at Philly residential drug treatment centers riles social workers, called "an example of well-intentioned policy that’s out of touch with reality."

Smoking ban at Philly drug treatment centers riles social workers

THE MORE YOU KNOW: Sales of #tobacco products to minors in Lancaster County, Nebraska RISE from 5.9% to 8.7%, much higher than the sales of #vapor products, after clamp down successfully lowers sales of #vaping products to minors from 21.3% to 5.3%.

Vaping sales among minors drop in Lancaster County
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ECF Guru
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Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
January 7, 2019
(via CASAA Twitter @CASAAMedia)

WISCONSIN: Historic low rates of 4.7% and 16% respectively for youth & adult #smoking contradicts claim that #vaping "epidemic" increases youth smoking risk or hampers adult cessation; justifies WI's "light touch" approach to vaping regulation/taxation.


NEW JERSEY: No slippery slope here? Scant evidence of risk was enough to pass public #smoking ban in 2006, but no evidence at all is needed to ban #vaping OUTDOORS. Next will be ALL public outdoor spaces, cars and multi-unit private residences....

New Jersey’s Tough New Outdoor Smoking Ban Is Just Days Away - NJ Spotlight

AROUND THE WORLD: (SCOTLAND) Even most tough & inveterate smokers, prison inmates, prefer sweet/fruity #vaping products over #tobacco flavors, disproves ANTZ false claim that "flavors target youth, not adult smokers." Authorities say "money well-spent."

Scots lags crave berry-flavoured vapes as prison smoking ban comes into force

THE MORE YOU KNOW: (CNBC COMMENTARY) "I bought my dad a Juul e-cigarette to see if he'd give up his Marlboros. Here's what happened..."
I bought my dad a Juul e-cigarette to see if he'd give up his Marlboros. Here's what happened

NEW HAMPSHIRE: HEADS UP! @SenDavidWatters is proposing a bill that would deny adult #smokers 18-20 access to low risk #vaping products.

On heels of Keene ordinance, proposed bill would raise state tobacco age to 21

OPINION: Why This Non-Smoker Cares About Harm Reduction - "I wish there were products...in the 1970s to help my father, but the technology was still far away. But, the FDA has an opportunity now to...help people quit."

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ECF Guru
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Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
January 9, 2019
(via CASAA Twitter @CASAAMedia)

WOODRIDGE, ILLINOIS: HEADS UP! Village considering denying adult #smokers 18-20 access to low risk #vaping products. PUBLIC MEETING at village hall on Jan. 17th at 6 PM or email comments to PublicComment@vil.woodridge.il.us

Woodridge Considers Raising Age To Buy Tobacco, Vape Products

IN THE NEWS: (WISCONSIN) Dr. Tim Sanborn from @NorthShoreWeb outrageously suggests #smoking is safer than #vaping. “Lungs can heal from tobacco smoking, but (e-liquids) contain oils which cling to and destroy lung tissue,” he said.

Dangers in the vapor: Electronic cigarettes and vaping devices may pose health hazards

ROSS TOWNSHIP, PENNSYLVANIA: HEADS UP! City preparing to ban use of low risk #vaping products in OUTDOOR township spaces.

Ross considering measure to snuff out tobacco, vaping in township parks and buildings

IN THE NEWS: With youth #tobacco use dropping from 17.3% in 2014 to 13.6% in 2017, #vaping opponents must turn to cherry-picking use of flavored products to scare the public. The fact remains that actual TOBACCO use is declining regardless of flavors.

Flavored tobacco use rising in U.S. kids as vaping takes off | Reuters

IN THE NEWS: (USA) @Rosa_DeLauro announces federal "Youth Vaping Prevention Act" intended to reduce youth #vaping, but plan also threatens adult #smokers switching by increasing cost, eliminating preferred flavors and restricting truthful advertising.

Federal, state lawmakers take aim at vaping 'epidemic'

OPINION: (FDA) Citizens Against Government Waste issues letter calling for FDA to embrace harm reduction, approve modified risk tobacco product application

CAGW: FDA Should Embrace Harm Reduction, Approve Modified Risk Tobacco Product Application

ARIZONA: HEADS UP! Sponsor of e-cigarette bill wants tobacco-free #vaping products classified as #tobacco

Sponsor of e-cigarette bill wants vaping products classified as tobacco

DECATUR, ALABAMA: HEADS UP! City Council seeks to prohibit businesses from catering to #vaping customers, city attny says vaping is "a distraction" and "possibly" a health issue, although there is no actual evidence vapor posses health risk to bystanders.

Council considering ban of e-cigarettes in public buildings

OPINION: (Raymond March, Independent Institute) "Teen Vaping Is Bad, but the Alternative Is Worse - trade-offs we face to reduce teen vaping rates will only make an already difficult situation worse."

Teen Vaping Is Bad, but the Alternative Is Worse
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