Hello all, new lurker here!

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AJ Steele

Senior Member
Jun 14, 2016
Central Missouri
Hello everyone, I am recently a new forum member here on ECF. I've actually been browsing this forum for a few months as an unregistered guest, but I decided that my ever increasing visits warranted a membership.

A little about myself and my experience with vaping: Like many of you here I'm sure, I started smoking when I was a youngster, around 15 or so, tried many times to quit, was unsuccessful. I smoked for 18 years. I started on Vuse, in a more concerted effort to quit and without knowing anything about vaping. I quickly noticed what utter junk that product is, walked into my local B&M, and started on my vape journey.

Started on an iStick Mini with Nautilus Mini combo (great stealth vape) and 24mg/ml. Currently rock single 18650 devices while I MTL my Subtank Mini RBA at around 14-15 watts, between 1 - 1.5 ohms, and I've cut down to 16 mg/ml.

Wayne Walker inspired me to start DIY, which I've been doing since February with some success. I didn't understand the whole FDA nonsense back then, so I consider myself a bit lucky that I'm not trying to start that in the middle of all this confusion (but if you haven't, you should!).

I convinced my girlfriend to quit smoking, and I DIY for her as well. I consider myself a vaping evangelist of sorts, and I'm always telling anyone who will listen about the health and economic benefits, answering questions, etc.

I've been off the stinkies for over a year and it's great. I have vape tech to thank for that. Unfortunately, I fear that the same path to cessation will not be so readily available to people after 2016. I hope I am wrong.

Thanks for this forum, and thanks for having me.



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 6, 2016
Hi and welcome! I started out quite similar to you with Vuse, which did get me to stop smoking, but moving on to "real" vaping has been a terrific ride. There's a whole DIY section in eliquids here, and am sure you'll find lots of good info, and hopefully have a few new recipes we might give a go.

AJ Steele

Senior Member
Jun 14, 2016
Central Missouri
Hi and welcome! I started out quite similar to you with Vuse, which did get me to stop smoking, but moving on to "real" vaping has been a terrific ride. There's a whole DIY section in eliquids here, and am sure you'll find lots of good info, and hopefully have a few new recipes we might give a go.

My current ADV is
TPA Honey Circles 8%
FW Honey 1%
LB Snickerdoodle 1%
LB VBIC (any brand would probably work) 1%
(For some reason I prefer the VBIC over a straight cream)

GF current ADV
TPA Ruby Red Grapefruit 6% (she really likes grapefruit)
LB Strawberry 3%
TPA DX Juicy Peach 2%

I'd guess that almost any of those flavors can be substituted. I'm no mixologist or anything, they could probably be made much better. I tweak them on the fly and forget to make note of it, bad habit.

Eve Wan

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Jun 14, 2016
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