Hello all!

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Hello fellow vapers. Long time lurker decided to join recently. Apparently I made an account awhile back but never posted. So, here I am!

I quit smoking after 11 years using e cigarettes. I had tried the nicotine inhaler, cold turkey, crappy blu products, nothing worked until I found vapes. Love it!

I'm now delving into the world of diy, as this becomes more of a hobby and less of a quit smoking tool. 4 months analog-free and never looking back!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
mdaprix. Glad you started posting and congrats on the vaping. Isn't it wonderful? Vaping is the only thing that ever worked for me after 40 some years of trying. Yes it is a great hobby too. I never considered smoking a hobby. Lots of great threads here to help you get started with DIY and coil building. The best part is that if you run into any problems.........there is always someone here that can help you. Good luck and happy vaping.
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