Hello everyone! Juice/Setup advice?

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Full Member
Apr 1, 2014
Brandon, FL, USA
Semi new to vaping.

Started with white cloud, now past that nonsense I switched to an ego? battery and some random clearomizer. I was happy. But i eventually wanted more vapor. In with the MVP 2.0 and Kanger Aerotank. Half-way open airflow, what I assume is 100pg juice at 18mg I haven't asked, 9-10watts, again satisfied.

For a bit.

Looking into Vapetrik juice. Riptripper(s?) is quite informative. Also looking into rebuilding coils. Should be easy for me as I love technical work like that.

Without a rebuild, using stock Kanger 2.0 ohm DC, in search of more/better flavor and vapor, will I achieve some satisfaction with 50/50 or 60/40 (VG/PG) liquid? Or will I have to pull out wicking material/close airflow to prevent wicking issues?

Thanks for the help!
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State O' Flux

Vaping Master
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Jul 17, 2013
Semi new to vaping.

I assume is 100pg juice at 18mg I haven't asked, 9-10watts, again satisfied.
Actually, most vendors, when there are options, offer a 80/20 or 70/30 PG/VG juice as default... so you may not have a 100% VG juice.

Without a rebuild, using stock Kanger 2.0 ohm DC, in search of more/better flavor and vapor, will I achieve some satisfaction with 50/50 or 60/40 (VG/PG) liquid? Or will I have to pull out wicking material/close airflow to prevent wicking issues?
High PG juices are thinner and typically offer better flavor... high VG is thicker, typically with less flavor, but more vapor.
PG is, everywhere I've looked, always listed first.
Although there are proponents of both 100% PG and VG... I think (although easily argued) it might be safe to say that the majority of vapists use a 80/20 to 50/50 blend. A good number seem to have allergies to straight PG, a few to VG.

With the exception of those who vape primarily for cloud competitions or to show off some killer coil in a YouTube video... we all want flavor, but some want more or less vapor to go with it. High PG is good for those into "stealth vaping".


Full Member
Apr 1, 2014
Brandon, FL, USA
Flux- Thanks for the insight! I'll have to ask the next time I'm in. This stuff seems almost water thin so that leads me to think it's mostly PG. Tried a friends VG juice, loved the vape, hated that particular flavor. I mixed less than 1ml into my mostly full tank and it made a huge cloud difference. The flavor seemed to be more prominent in her juice than mine too, all I could taste was coconut and pineapple. Would I have to change my setup to vape a noticeably thicker juice?

Also a few personals Flux, did you smoke analog and what style, and what's your ADV?

Frenchfry- Congrats on the quit! I'll have to check out the list. Same question as Flux, what did you smoke and what are you puffing all day?

State O' Flux

Vaping Master
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Jul 17, 2013
Would I have to change my setup to vape a noticeably thicker juice?

Also a few personals Flux, did you smoke analog and what style, and what's your ADV?
I can't give you a current answer on what clearo/glasso works better with thick juice... all I use are RTAs, RDAs and occasionally carto tanks.

Camel straights for 40+ years. I really don't have an ADV. I'm in Puget Sound, so I buy mostly local - MBV and Seattle Vape Co.


Vaping Master
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Nov 18, 2013
New York, NY
Some have had some wicking issues with Kanger's single coil heads and high VG juice. This can usually be solved by removing a flavor wick. However, I believe the Aerotank uses the dual coils, so I am less familiar with that. I will say this though, the thicker the juice the faster you gunk up your coils. So, you may loose some longevity out of your coils, whether they be single or dual. I have used Aspire BDC's and iClear 16b and 30b, all bottom dual coils and thus far I've had no wicking issues with those.


Full Member
Apr 1, 2014
Brandon, FL, USA
Flux - I've heard mixed results with tanks/clearos/glassos and thick juice because of single coil, from no problems in the Aerotank because of the DC to constant gunking and dry hits. I'll just have to play around with my setup and find out for myself!

Was it a certain flavor or #mg juice that got you off analogs? I had tried so many different setups and juices for so long before I found one that satisfied me enough to put the Newports down. People are asking, and I only have my experience to pull from. They look at me funny when I tell them Pineapple Menthol did it for me.

Tinkie - I have also heard those things about SC heads and tanks with higher VG juice. From what I understand, you are correct, pulling wicking material out is about as good as it gets for stock SC with thick juice. I'm starting to wrap my own coils tonight so longevity hopefully shouldn't be a big problem :D


Completely Average

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Jan 21, 2014
Suburbs of Dallas
If you're wanting the very best flavor and you're willing to build your own coils then forget about the retail clearos, they all are mediocre at best.

Go to Ebay and get yourself a Kayfun for about $35. I guarantee you the flavor and vapor production puts every clearo I've ever tried to shame. Find a good coil build and it's extremely difficult to beat the performance of a Kayfun.


Full Member
Apr 1, 2014
Brandon, FL, USA
CompletelyAverage - Thanks for the info, I'll most definitely be looking into it! I was staring at the Drunker Rebuildable Tank, but the KayFun looks so much better. Bottom coil, juice channels, rebuildable, tank, and could probably be used for dripping eh? What wick would you recommend?

Also, Flux - Just found out the mix at this shop is 30/70 VG/PG standard. They offer 50/50 and 70/30 so I will be experimenting soon!
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
I smoked Marlboro Menthol for over 35 years. I made the transition from smoking to just vaping in about a week. This month marks my 2 year anniversary being smoke-free. It's been a journey to find what works best for me, and I have found a couple of ideal setups.

For personal reasons, I use Provari, a variable voltage mod that uses replaceable, rechargeable batteries. I also use an MVP occassionally.

For most of my vaping experience, I have used cartotanks. I have found that they provide much better flavor and consistancy than a clearomizer.

More recently I have been using a Kayfun rebuildable tank atomizer. More advanced than a cartotank in setup, but also with greater flavor and consistancy.

The majority of my purchased e-liquids are a 50/50 pg/vg. I've begun doing some DIY e-liquids, and I find that I'm using more vg than pg for best results.

For general purposes, the following is recommended nicotine strengths for a beginner:

0.5 pack per day = 6 mg nicotine strength
1 pack per day = 12 mg
1.5 pack per day = 18 mg
2 pack per day = 24 mg
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Full Member
Apr 1, 2014
Brandon, FL, USA
Baditude - First, awesome avatar. Next, congrats on your 2 year smokeless mark! Last, thanks for all of the awesome info! I've been smoke free for about a month, feelsgoodman. Thanks to you and Completely Average for pushing the KayFun my way, totally going to be my next purchase. With wrapping my own coils and such should be a snap.

I've read good things about cartotanks but what is the fill all about? I've heard some have sponge, some wick, some ceramic. Sponge is no good, wick/fill is best, ceramic results vary widely. Then there are SC and DC options. What brand would you recommend if I was looking into a cartotank?


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 21, 2013
Colorado Springs
After a very brief spell smoking menthol I was primarily marlboro light (or something similar) for the best part of 30 years. When I first switched to vaping I used the tobacco type flavors and they certainly helped making the transition. I have tried multiple types of the different types of flavored juices and just don't care for them. Once I tried menthol liquid I found what I liked. All I vape now is some flavor of menthol, usually Mt. Baker because it tastes great and is reasonably priced. Delivery system is either a protank or a carto tank.


Full Member
Apr 1, 2014
Brandon, FL, USA
Havoc- I know I like flavored juices from smoking hookah and was completely thrown when I found that I liked the pineapple menthol. When I was smoking Newports at a pack or so a day, tried white cloud menthol and lived with it for awhile.

But now I may be shifting away from menthol because of the fuller flavors I'm finding. Starbuzz is my go-to hookah shisha, and they make e-shisha juice, but not in apricot. I'm on the hunt for something as tasty and mouth watering as Starbuzz Apricot.
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