Hello! Need a recommendation

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New Member
Oct 9, 2011
What a surprise, right?

I am looking for an e-cig to help me quit smoking 'real' tobacco cigarettes. I have bought two of the very-cheap truck-stop models before, and although it was a fabulous idea, I had one major probem - they are so tip heavy that I can't just hold them.

I am considered a 'heavy smoker' because I go through a pack a day, but I smoke ultra-lights and only take probably 2-3 hits from an entire cigarette. For me it is much more the holding with the occasional hit of tobacco than just "nicotine nicotine nicotine".

Is there any model that is small/light/base heavy enough to comfortably hold between the pointer and middle finger? The battery life is unimportant to me (at this stage/for this question, I already know I will probably buy a second for battery-life concern later). Look is unimportant to me. What it tastes/feels like when you inhale is only minimally important. The tactile sensation of holding it between those two fingers and still being able to do other things (like type) is the most important factor to me at this point.


Unregistered Supplier
Oct 8, 2011
Houston, TX
Though I havent tried the above brands, I think they all are going to be considerably heavier than a traditional cigarette. I dont think youll be able to get away from that; the battery is gonna be weighty. You may just need to adjust the way you hold your Ecig. Hold it between you fingers closer to the middle than youre used to maybe? Adjusting the way you hold it has to be worth it to potentially benefit your overall health.
I got a Vapornine starter kit that features a 65mm battery. I find it easy to hold in the position you mentioned. How long were the ones you had before?
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Jun 1, 2011
spooning the Trinity River in Texas
If your search is aimed primarily at the form factor of a cigarette, you might want to check the M40X (401, 402, 403) series out. I know they are much closer to an actual analog in size and weight than any of the more popular models (808, 510, etc). There is a sub-forum just for the M series at M-401/402 "Mini" & M403 Super Mini. Get your 5 posts done then allow the server to refresh (usually within less than an hour) and you will be able to ask the people that really know about this model in that sub-forum. They are far more scarce than the 510 and 808 gear you will find at nearly every vendor. Here is a list of vendors that carry M40X gear; not sure how up-to-date it is.

This is all about what works for you, and I wish you well in your search! :D


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
I do not recommend the M40x models unless you are sitting at a desk and willing to screw endlessly with the tiny cartridge's recessed juice cup (which is what I did the first 3 weeks of vaping)

And be aware you are not going to get the hit out of an auto battery that you can out of a manual. But if you want to hold it between two fingers then you can't use manual.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 6, 2011
Somewhere out there
I do not recommend the M40x models unless you are sitting at a desk and willing to screw endlessly with the tiny cartridge's recessed juice cup (which is what I did the first 3 weeks of vaping)

And be aware you are not going to get the hit out of an auto battery that you can out of a manual. But if you want to hold it between two fingers then you can't use manual.

I just bought a manual to try and I must admit it gives better results, but for actual smoking sensation the autos are more like a cig, but now that I am over the newbie I want a real cig feel part, I also say manuals are best :) bnrk


Unregistered Supplier
Oct 8, 2011
Houston, TX
but now that I am over the newbie I want a real cig feel part, I also say manuals are best :)
HEY! I may never be over the "newbie I want a real cig feel part". LOL I choose white batteries and an orange light too. I rather like that I can sometimes inconspicuously smoke among people and them not notice I am using an Ecig. I dont mind explaining what Im doing if they notice but I dont want to be explaining it and answering questions ALL the time ;)


Unregistered Supplier
Oct 8, 2011
Houston, TX
I say try a Joye 306a super mini ...
That one uses a Atomizer instead of a Cartomizer right? Have you used both styles? How do you think it compares? When I first bought Njoy's product it was a an atomizer style (I dont know if its changed), I didnt like refilling them because I would get the liquid in my mouth and tongue! Gross!!! LOL
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