help, just got a 6v mod with 510 HV atomizer

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2010
You'll definately ruin an atty at 6v if you run it dry. You need to keep it wet. If you're starting out on a 6v mod, your learning curve is gonna be steep. They're touchy beasts if you don't know what you're doing. It's probably too late but if you didn't blow the primer fluid from your atty see if you can now. Just take it off and blow hard through it with a paper towel to catch any fluid that comes out. Then put it back on and add a few drops of juice to the bridge. Attach a drip tip or filled cart and give it a try again. It should taste better.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2010
The cart that comes on new atty's isn't really a cart, it's just a cap. If you don't have cart's with filler in them you can use the cap as a drip tip. Just take it off the atty and drip juice onto the atty bridge then put the cap back on. When the flavor starts tasting a little burned, remove the cap and drip a few more drops. What kind of mod do you have and what's the resistance level of your atty?


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 13, 2009
Scottsdale, AZ
You didn't say what you were vaping before the prodigy. Assuming it was a 3.7v set up realize that comparing that to the 6v is apples and oranges. I've got a 6v device and will occasionally 'take it for a spin' and have used it with both carts and attys. I've found that if you keep it wet and take shorter and more shallow drags that it will perform well. Definitely an acquired taste.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 19, 2010
You didn't say what you were vaping before the prodigy. Assuming it was a 3.7v set up realize that comparing that to the 6v is apples and oranges. I've got a 6v device and will occasionally 'take it for a spin' and have used it with both carts and attys. I've found that if you keep it wet and take shorter and more shallow drags that it will perform well. Definitely an acquired taste.

im using a kr8 with 901 atomizer. Nice big hits smooth and fresh


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2010
2 things

Some flavors taste burnt at HV, try another juice.

You have to drip, no cart mod can keep up with 6V juice consumption.

+1 for the best response in this thread.

Blake, HV vaping isn't like anything else. The attys burn hotter, so not every juice is going to taste good and no matter how much you try, carts are NOT going to work. HV vaping goes through juice too fast to keep up with them. You have to drip. You'll also need to pay attention to the atty and keep it wet. If you don't, then it will pop.
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