Hi all Im new here and need advise im stuck ???

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May 4, 2012
s....horpe uk
Hi everyone, well after reading and reading through the forum for ages i decided to make my first post :)

Im Dave from s....horpe by the way "hi"

Ok well here is the thing and it sounds crazy but is a massive problem to me !!

I have a few kits now a liberro realis an ego mini and an ego twist and a vapestick xl with catomizors, and a couple of cleromeizors ;-)
and plenty of juce whch is a good thing so my problem or problems are as follows , again may sound stupid lol

I smoke roll ups about 20 a day and even though i have the equipment and prefer the flavour of ecigs i keep going for the roll ups over ecigs ??? it does not make sence and i cant seem to break or switch it as its a ... nearly every time over the ecig , but the after a few drags im like yuk and lob it away ?? any advise on this one ?

also sounds silly but im a bit kinda well scared of using the clearomizer as im sooo so worried they will leak everywere i have the ce4 clearomizers for my egos ..

andlast but not least ha see told you i needed help ...last is when i use the variable volt ego twist am i right or wrong in thinking that the more volts=more vapour= more nicotine per drag as your getting more vapour per drag at a higher volt ?

well that it hahaha i thought i would put it all in one post instead of 4 separete ones ;-)

have a great night/ or day everyone and anyhelp would be a big help to me

not sure why it wont post were i live i think the syem thinks its a swear word ??


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 5, 2010
As for having problems with breaking the habit, what mg of nic are you using? If its less than 12mg maybe you need to go up alittle. Are you really enjoying the eliquid you have? Try getting some more tastier eliquid. And last, the higher the voltage doesn't nessasary mean more vapor and nic. just much warmer vapor and should have a better throat hit.


Full Member
Oct 25, 2012
Vapor production and Nicotine absorption are not exclusive to device voltage but vaping at a higher voltage "can" help with both. There are some great posts in this forum that explain all of this in great detail but its not cut and dried. Voltage, Resistance, Juice, Technique all play their respective roles in vaping and manipulation of any of them can help to provide the desired result. What works best for you or what your preference is regarding Taste, Vapor, Throat Hit etc, will help to determine what devices and settings you should focus on. Under the right circumstances you can get the same or even more Vapor production from a Lower voltage setting than with a higher setting. It has a lot to do with Voltage -vs- Resistance and the type of Juice (PG/VG) etc ..


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May 4, 2012
s....horpe uk
As for having problems with breaking the habit, what mg of nic are you using? If its less than 12mg maybe you need to go up alittle. Are you really enjoying the eliquid you have? Try getting some more tastier eliquid. And last, the higher the voltage doesn't nessasary mean more vapor and nic. just much warmer vapor and should have a better throat hit.

Well i smoke menthol roll ups so im using menthol bubblegum 18mg and libero eskimo 18 mg the taste is nice and hits the spot ,,maybe i have to get rid of all tobacco in the house so i have no choice ...


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May 4, 2012
s....horpe uk
Vapor production and Nicotine absorption are not exclusive to device voltage but vaping at a higher voltage "can" help with both. There are some great posts in this forum that explain all of this in great detail but its not cut and dried. Voltage, Resistance, Juice, Technique all play their respective roles in vaping and manipulation of any of them can help to provide the desired result. What works best for you or what your preference is regarding Taste, Vapor, Throat Hit etc, will help to determine what devices and settings you should focus on. Under the right circumstances you can get the same or even more Vapor production from a Lower voltage setting than with a higher setting. It has a lot to do with Voltage -vs- Resistance and the type of Juice (PG/VG) etc ..

AH ok thanks didnt know that about lower volt vape ... thanks for the reply its good to learn ;-) seems i have a long but fun trip on the ecig highway lol


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 19, 2012
Hell Paso, Texas
I had the same problem with 18mg juice. Still reached for a camel menthol wide...when I switched to 24mg, Much better. Still had some cravings. I was using a non vv ego. Then I got a sigelei. Haven't touched a smoke in over a month. When the cravings hit, vape till I can't see through the vapor!!! You have to change your mindset.. Don't beat yourself up if you have a smoke. The smokes you don't have are more important!!
Sent from my SGH-i667 using Board Express


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 14, 2013
Hey Dave,
I am also very new to the vaping community and was worried I was going to have the same problem.

What I did was ordered a 30mg nic juice from PbDragon.com. Although the 30mg is a bit much, it has kept me from smoking analogs since I started. I plan on decreasing the mg of nicotine everytime I buy new juice.

Good luck!


Ultra Member
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Jan 21, 2013
San Francisco via Manchester U.K.
I think a lot of is your state of mind, I just told myself that this was how I was going to get my nicotine from now on, I had no cravings or pangs it was pretty smooth, perhaps because I gave myself no option you know, it was like this is how it is now get used to it. This is coming from a smoker of over 25 years.

Good luck with it.


Super Member
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Nov 5, 2012

Same problem here until I switched to a variable voltage mod and higher nicotine ejuice. If you're smoking roll ups you're getting a much harder hit than a prepackaged analogue. Bumping up the voltage of your ecig and the nicotine in your juice combined should be able to get you a stronger hit and help you get rid of the old rollies.


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May 4, 2012
s....horpe uk
Wow amazing forum and people as well !! thanks for all your replys !!!

Ha yea i now live in s....hopre lol funny ;-)

Yea i guess its about mindset also and being an NLP practitioner i should know this beter than most haha

Upping juce may be a god thing also and not beating myself up over the ones i do have as well..

After reading your replys and other posts here I think im going to jump right in and get rid of the smokes maybe keep a few back so I know if it get bad bad bad I can have one with no panic of (oh my god i have no fags feeling lol)

THANKS again everone ;-0 oh how many drags do you take per vape session ? im on about 4 drags maybe thats the problem lol


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May 4, 2012
s....horpe uk

Same problem here until I switched to a variable voltage mod and higher nicotine ejuice. If you're smoking roll ups you're getting a much harder hit than a prepackaged analogue. Bumping up the voltage of your ecig and the nicotine in your juice combined should be able to get you a stronger hit and help you get rid of the old rollies.

wow really ?? I didnt know that they had more nicotine that kinda explains everything as im using 1.8mg juce on ego not vv twist ...
I found the switch from prepackaged to rollies easy and that kinda explains why !!

thanks buddy


Senior Member
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Nov 13, 2012
i smoked for a couple of weeks til i got all my vaping gear then just set a day
and told everyone this is the day i quit.
had one smoke left on my quit day and gave it away and havent looked back.
Thats after 35 years of 2 pad smoking. dont sweat having one here and there as long
as you keep vaping it will get easier to give up the stinkies all together


Moved On
May 4, 2012
s....horpe uk
i smoked for a couple of weeks til i got all my vaping gear then just set a day
and told everyone this is the day i quit.
had one smoke left on my quit day and gave it away and havent looked back.
Thats after 35 years of 2 pad smoking. dont sweat having one here and there as long
as you keep vaping it will get easier to give up the stinkies all together

WOW Congrats on quiting buddy thats a hell of a lot of smokes to cut out !!! puts things into perspective :toast:
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