Hi everyone. :)

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New Member
Nov 23, 2011
New vaper here. I'm a 23 year old male and a smoker for 3 1/2 years. I tried opening a new thread on another sub-forum, but I can't yet.

I'm a little bit concerned about the burnt coating in my atomizer. I've been vaping for 4 days and today I noticed a burnt filament in the cartridge side of the atomizer. It's under the metal structure that reaches into the cartridge's fiber.

..Today my cigarette started delivering less vapor (the battery was full), so I decided to change the cartridge to no avail (because refilling the cartridge with e-liquid didn't work.) With the new cartridge, the vapor comes out thick and yellowish (vanilla flavor) and irritates my throat a little bit. It didn't work so I removed the cartridge and noticed the burnt filament. I'm still able to drag a decent amount of vapor (although not as huge as yesterday.) Does that mean I misused an atomizer and should change it? Will the burning plastic have any negative effects on my health? I also noticed very little drops on the battery side of the atomizer and also on the battery itself. I've tried dripping, then blowing the atomizer, but I still can't get the amount of vapor I want.:mad:

What should I do?:) I don't want smoke a real cigarette again, lol.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 16, 2011
Fayetteville, GA
Welcome to ECF Retrodosmil.
You will need 5 posts and then wait another hour to be able to post elsewhere. But this is the best place to get answers to these kinds of questions.
What type of e-cig did you get? I only ask so we may better help you. The burned taste can come from ...now I went blank, it's an oily substance they use for shipping. Best to blow your atomizer (atty) out before using it. Sorry too late for that. If you can give us more info on what you have, there will an endless amount of info for you to digest.
Congrats on making the switch, once you get it sorted out, it is a great feeling to put away those analogs.



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 6, 2011
Las Cruces, NM
Hola and welcome. I am relatively new to vaping myself and I quickly gave up on cartridges for the very reason you state and the inconvenience of having to refill all too often. There will no doubt be somone along to help you with your issues. I would suggest you describe the kind of gear you are using and maybe your technique. In that way someone who has used the same gear or is familiar with it can help diagnose your issues.

Vaping is a totally different experience from smoking but certainly a viable healthier alternative, as far as we know. Tastes better too and the options seem endless. Try not to get discouraged. Maintain an open mind, ask for help, and know that when you reach "what works for you" you will no doubt reap the benefits as many of us have.

I'll check again and see how you are doing and if you have recieved any help. Give us some feedback as well.

Again bienvenido and good luck to you.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Oct 7, 2011
PH-Illadelph-IA, PA
Id recommend trying cartomizers. They are an atty and catridge combined. Most poeple like the MUCH more than an atty/cartridge. I find that cartomizers arnt as finicky as what your using now. Plus cartomizers hold a lot more juice and wont randomly dumb half the juice in the cartridge into your mouth.
I think youd like them alot more. Let us know what ecig your using and someone will be able to suggest a carto that will work well with your unit.

Goodluck and welcome to ECF!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
  • Sep 5, 2010
    in a cave, eh?
    What kind of e-cigarette do you have?

    Also, did you buy juice separately or are you using prefilled cartridges? If you buy juice separately, you can periodically top up your cartomizers with more juice when the flavor starts to wane. That will help keep your atomizer wet and working better, longer.

    If your atomizer is getting "crusty", you'll probably need to clean it. However, you'll also want to have a spare atomizer handy to keep you going while the other atomizer is drying out. Ideally, you would have an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner filled with Everclear to do a proper job of cleaning it. Failing that, swishing your atomizer around in a bowl of Everclear would help. You'll want to let your atomizer dry out before trying to use it again.

    You'll also probably find that cartomizers are better to work with than cartridges.


    Full Member
    Aug 12, 2011
    Maine, USA
    Never thought of that as I just left the 510 style atomizers behind for the cartos! Guess they still have use for trying new juices... Now, just to find juice vendors that have small samples for the cheap! I hate buying any juice unless I can try it first!

    Glad this forum is here as I've come across some great suggestions that have proven reliable!
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