Hi, new member

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Hi, Just became a member this morning, looking to learn a lot from your site ...

Just browsing through some of the topics, didn't realise just how long vaping has been around.

Old time smoker here (almost 50 years), time to think about switching while my health is still with me ...

Have a starter kit (510) which I've been using this week since Monday, have used 3 analogues in the first couple of days, but adjusting to this E-Cigarette quite well, maybe to early yet...

Anyway Hello all....:):)


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
How often are people charging their 510 xl batteries, mine seams to produce vapour, then becomes sporadic, which prompts me to recharge...

Am I doing something wrong here...

Probably not. Do you know the mAh rating of your batteries? I had 2 x 510 batteries and was recharging both every day.... minimum.

They were 280mAh. I went from there to a "cigar-sized" eGo battery with 1,100mAh. Problem solved. :)
Probably not. Do you know the mAh rating of your batteries? I had 2 x 510 batteries and was recharging both every day.... minimum.

They were 280mAh. I went from there to a "cigar-sized" eGo battery with 1,100mAh. Problem solved. :)

Thanks djsvapour, Yes I have the 280mAh batteries, have been charging every other day, maybe should be charging every day.

I seem to be craving more vapour, may need to look at my Canadian supplier for more options...:vapor:


ECF Guru
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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
Thanks for the welcome guys (?), quite a busy site, moving down the list quickly almost lost my initial post...:vapor: (I like this one).

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Ultra Member
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Dec 24, 2013
the boro, Tennessee
"I seem to be craving more vapour, may need to look at my Canadian supplier for more options..."

this is what we all do when starting out. i always suggest a good starter kit such as Kanger Evod Starter Kit . that way you get what you need (with the right nicotine level liquid) and your chances of success switching increase dramatically. after that the fun begins. you are already here and seem to want to stop. that's half the battle. best of luck. <*}}}>{


Full Member
Mar 12, 2013
N Charleston,SC
Hello fellow newbie! I smoked for 26 years before I started vaping in Nov/Dec 2012. I started out with a Ego C kit and it served me very well for about the first six months. Once I became familiar with vaping in general I wanted to get a more powerful device so I bought a provari. I now use provaris (I have two) and carto tanks. There are many choices out there so keep trying things until you find what works for you.

Congrats on your move to vaping. I invite you to be my first friend. Only thing is I'm not certain how I add you to my friends list so I still have some reading up on the Forum Rules/How To's. Welcome, welcome! My life is totally changed since I quit the analogs and I could not have done it (tried 5x) without vaping to bridge me over to a non-smoking lifestyle.
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