How much do you vape?

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Jan 13, 2011
I have a very addictive personality. I was a pack and a half a day smoker for 17 years. I had to quit and e cigs seemed like the way to go. Now, I am addicted to the e cigs. I guess it is better then analogs. It has been 10 weeks and I have not cheated once. I dont even feel the need as the e cigs really are helping. Here is my problem. I can not put the e cig down. I puff on it all day and night. I go through about 4ml a day. To me, this seems like a lot. Its not the money, just wondering why I do not smoke it like I did with the analogs. Anyway, I am very happy with vaping, I love it. I just want to know if anyone else vapes as much as I do. thanks


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Heh, I was a 1/2 pack (10 sticks) per day smoker. Since switching to vaping, I've given up the analogues also, but I find that I vape a LOT more than I ever smoked. I also go through 2-4ml of 26mg juice a day, sometimes more.

I think it has to do with the nicotine absorption rates. For me, it takes a lot more vaping than smoking to get the same amount of nicotine coursing through the blood. Vapor is not as efficient as smoke for delivering the Nicotine.

Don't feel bad at all!! You have taken a very big step in getting healthier, and that's what is the most important. Not everyone can break the addiction to Nicotine (I'm definitely one of them), and vaping allows us to get our drug without the added side effects of cancer and all the other lovely things caused by the 4000+ chemicals in cigarette smoke.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2010
Believe me, it's normal. 4 ml/day is not that much really. I'd say it's on the upper end of average consumption. We vape more than we smoked because nicotine in vapor isn't absorbed as readily as nic in smoke. Besides, it's so much easier to vape.
I was down to around a 1/2 pack a day when I quit smoking and I vape around 3ml. I don't put the thing down unless I have to.


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Apr 19, 2010
*raises hand*

I chain vape. Pretty much all day. My PV is always with me, from the time I wake up and have my coffee, to laying down in bed reading at night, still vapin' away. I go through (estimated) 5ml a day? Maybe a bit more or less, I don't keep track. I'm very glad I mix my own juice though, or it would get pricey.

Really, you're not alone. Vaping is a very enjoyable experience, and there's a lot of us that have their hands glued to their PV's!


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Jan 25, 2011
I believe I do vape more often then I smoked, but when I smoked I smoked the whole cig, with vaping I only take a couple of "drags" and then move on. I'm not really sure if it all ='s out to about the same amount or not. I thought I might try a higher nic level for a while to see if this helps. I think part of mine is just the fact that I can use it anywhere.


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Jan 13, 2011
Ok, you guys make me feel a lot better. My wife also quit and is now vaping. she goes through about 2 to 3 drops while I am at 4ml. She is complaining that I vape much more then I ever smoked. I did lower my nic level. Now I am at 11mg. I started at 24mg. I think my next order will be even lower or I will start mixing my own. Just have not had the time to research exactly how to do it. Thanks guys and gals.


Vaping Master
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Dec 28, 2010
Ok, you guys make me feel a lot better. My wife also quit and is now vaping. she goes through about 2 to 3 drops while I am at 4ml. She is complaining that I vape much more then I ever smoked. I did lower my nic level. Now I am at 11mg. I started at 24mg. I think my next order will be even lower or I will start mixing my own. Just have not had the time to research exactly how to do it. Thanks guys and gals.

Maybe you're lowering the nicotine level too soon. I know if I vaped 11 mg, I'd probably vape more. I'm pretty happy at 24 though and can't see changing it anytime soon. As long as I'm not smoking, it doesn't really matter to me at this point. Maybe at the 6 month point I might consider it. I don't want to do too much too soon.


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Feb 2, 2011
Surfside Beach SC
I really haven't kept track of the ml, but I chain VAPE @24mg, I am refilling my cart sometimes every 15 minutes, 5-10 drops. It is a mega atty/cart from the 510 mega. It lasts a lot longer then the regular one.
However I should be getting a tank today, so that will pretty much tell me how much I'm vaping. But 14 days ago today was my first day not smoking, and I'm still at it, so I don't care how much I VAPE. But my wife is up there with the chain VAPE complaint, and that I will be vaping forever, and on and on. I had a talk with her and she quit it though.
Me and my wife started vaping about two weeks ago, we both smoked about 2 packs a day previous to that.
We started off vaping constantly since we discovered this new world, we got so excited with the fact we could drop the analog cigarettes so easily we both vaped so much the first two weeks we got sick, either from the PG or too much nicotine, kinda slowed down abit and have become more aware of how much we vape now, but love it ,,
Now we are all pumped up with DIY to try and determine the mix we like the best


Vaping Master
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Dec 28, 2010
Me and my wife started vaping about two weeks ago, we both smoked about 2 packs a day previous to that.
We started off vaping constantly since we discovered this new world, we got so excited with the fact we could drop the analog cigarettes so easily we both vaped so much the first two weeks we got sick, either from the PG or too much nicotine, kinda slowed down abit and have become more aware of how much we vape now, but love it ,,
Now we are all pumped up with DIY to try and determine the mix we like the best

That's great that you and your wife were able to do it together. When I tried to quit smoking years ago, my husband quit but I didn't. I started vaping for my mother actually- a 60 year smoker with COPD. Couldn't very well nag her if I smoked. I never thought I'd actually quit, I did it to keep her company. We both quit the analogs! Imagine that!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 29, 2011
Ok, you guys make me feel a lot better. My wife also quit and is now vaping. she goes through about 2 to 3 drops while I am at 4ml. She is complaining that I vape much more then I ever smoked. I did lower my nic level. Now I am at 11mg. I started at 24mg. I think my next order will be even lower or I will start mixing my own. Just have not had the time to research exactly how to do it. Thanks guys and gals.

I'm going through the same thing with my husband. He works in an office and doesn't vape hardly at all; I work at home and type about 5 minutes, vape a few puffs, etc. I even got an indignant "I don't vape nearly as much as you do" (I think it was even accompanied by an eyeroll), and I've had a couple of comments about juice cost. But that's okay, because last night I found out he had a pack of "back-up" cigarettes in his truck. Ha!

I think one thing that lends to me vaping more is that it is just more enjoyable. I tried a cigarette yesterday and it tasted like I was licking the bottom of an ashtray. Yuck! I've only been vaping a couple of weeks, so hopefully I'll taper eventually, but right now I'm so excited about quitting analogs, I'm not going to worry about it.
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