I can't taste a thing

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May 9, 2012
Middle of No Where, GA
The past two days I am having trouble tasting my juice. It was fine before that. The first couple of puffs are fine then the taste changes gradually to nothing at all. So then I change to a different flavor, first it's good, then it gradually changes to nothing. What in the world is going on?


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Mar 9, 2012
Southern Michigan
The past two days I am having trouble tasting my juice. It was fine before that. The first couple of puffs are fine then the taste changes gradually to nothing at all. So then I change to a different flavor, first it's good, then it gradually changes to nothing. What in the world is going on?

When I started vaping, I had the same thing happen about a couple of weeks after quitting the analogs. I refer to it as "mud mouth". It lasted several days, then went away. It still happens occasionally, but for short periods...or sometimes at night if I haved vaped a bunch during the day. Consuming lots of liquids seems to help.

It will pass.....but it is frustrating.


Aussie Pup Wrangler
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Jul 9, 2010
Beautiful Baldwinsville (CNY)
Sometimes people will change to a strong menthol or similar, just to get flavor during those times. Others will vape some less-liked eliquid.

I've also seen people mention rinsing with Biotene in the past -- I never bothered.

Keep drinking lots of water. The key is knowing that it is common, and does pass, gets less frequent with time (I haven't had a day like that in a long time now :) )


Aussie Pup Wrangler
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Jul 9, 2010
Beautiful Baldwinsville (CNY)
More than a couple days, I'd consider trying a bit of biotene. The other thing I've heard is some people use a tongue cleaner or tongue brush. Basically your taste buds are on revolt. (There are also allergy/sinus things -- much of taste is scent. I have allergies pop up periodically, pollen, where everything tapers off for a bit.)


Aussie Pup Wrangler
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Jul 9, 2010
Beautiful Baldwinsville (CNY)


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I'm at that point today, for the first time. I can't taste my juices, all I'm getting is the sweetness but not the actual flavor. I tried something new today in hopes it will fix itself. I loaded up a carto with unflavored juice! Actually, it tastes pretty good, kinda fresh and clean. I'm using 24 mg PG 75/VG 25 Mix from Myfreedomsmoke and I'm liking it! (Much to my surprise!) Never tried to vape unflavored before, had no idea how that would taste but it's actually good. I think I'll stick with that for the day and hope I have a more flavorful day tomorrow. May load up a tank with unflavored.... :)


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Nov 10, 2009
Wow, that is wild (but yes, documented, multiple reports)

I was only looking up why when I used that product that went in liquid form produced a solid blue paste coming out and came upon that fact.The op please forgive me for this and know that vaping and vaping knowledge is the reason I am here.
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Full Member
May 30, 2012
Part of it might be your body having gotten used to (and bored with) the taste? I am vaping vanilla lately and the first set of drags is very tasty but it loses its flavor pretty quickly. Maybe some flavors are extra volatile? I saw some green tea liquid at the PV kiosk and I was intrigued, but it seemed to have very little flavor when the guy let me try it. :(
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