I can't taste a thing

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Jul 9, 2010
San Francisco
your taste buds (gustatory calyculi) have nothing to do with tasting other than sweet, sour, bitter, sour , or umami. It's your nose that actually tastes "flavors". The receptors that percieves flavors is in your nasal cavity (olfactory sensory neurons), so NO amount of mouth wash, natural or not, is going to help. The human sense of smell and taste "acclimates" to pervasive stimuli over a period off time (olfactory fatigue). The same way a milk farmer no longer smells (or is bothered) by the smell of cow manure.

So to get your "taste" back, you simply change to a more intense flavor and when that dull or mutes, switch again. More and more people are finding that using tanks with the same juice makes this acclimation more noticeable. Studies have shown that smelling intense coffee helps (perfume makers, and professional wine tasters have used this trick to "reset" their smell perceptions for centuries). Something about the molecular structure of the coffee odorants quickly makes your nose forget what you were smelling before and become able to smell anew.

(my personal peeve) please please stop blaming your taste buds when they are not the culprit. Blame your nose (more accurately, the receptors in your nasal passage). People tend to use the term "taste buds" but they are misleading and anatomically incorrect. Sorry for being pedantic but it makes me cringe when people say their taste buds aren't tasting their juice... just like when Grim Green says "toot" for inhale when it means to blow sharply...
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