I can't taste flavors =[

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Mar 5, 2009
I could never taste flavors from smoke or vaping well, same with Hookah and all that.

The only thing I can really taste is PS menthol, but that's because it's minty. All my other liquids, I can taste SLIGHTLY, even the ones other people say are overwhelming, and that only lasts for like 5 mins before I can't taste anything anymore.

I bought LorAnn's but when I add them I get a watery bland taste, can anyone give me any ideas or help?


ECF Guru
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Nov 23, 2008
Central NY, USA
This sounds like me. For a while, that's all I vaped was the PS menthol because that's all I could taste!

I say I have damaged tastebuds because I still don't taste what others are saying either....and I even add flavorings to some of mine. But I will say this....it's been almost 5 months since I started vaping and I am finally starting to taste some things. Not real, real strong....but it's there now....and that's great!

And that's why I hate to do reviews because I know I'm probably not tasting what the "average" vaper is tasting.

Hopefully it gets better!



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Mar 14, 2009
This sounds like me. For a while, that's all I vaped was the PS menthol because that's all I could taste!

I say I have damaged tastebuds because I still don't taste what others are saying either....and I even add flavorings to some of mine. But I will say this....it's been almost 5 months since I started vaping and I am finally starting to taste some things. Not real, real strong....but it's there now....and that's great!

And that's why I hate to do reviews because I know I'm probably not tasting what the "average" vaper is tasting.

Hopefully it gets better!


This is a valid point. We, as smokers and ex smokers, all know that taste and smell are some of the things that get dimisnished from smoking
As we eliminate all the remnants of cigarettes, we do get back, those things we forgot about, atleast for me. Taste, smell etc
So, I would expect as time goes on, we will start to enjoy and actually get those taste of flavors back, I sure hope so. slowly they are coming back to me and its been 6 months

good luck


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2008
What strength liquid are you using ?.

I ask because I vaped a liquid in 18mg -14mg - 11mg strength and it had nice flavour.
I then bought it in zero, it had absolutely NO flavour and was totally clear.
More like vaping pure pg than anything.

The Lorann to me was like raw cake mix ,the mango one I tried was like watered down cordial and that was after I had been vaping for 3 months.

To get a lot of the flavour try this....
Stick the mouth peice in the corner of your mouth suck the vapour up along the inside of your cheek, inhail and then exhale via your nose.


Full Member
Apr 2, 2009
Some people have more taste buds than others. I belong to a coffee roasting club and it was proven to be the case. That is why some are called super tasters and can distinguish all the flavors in coffee and wine. I have no palate myself but the regular flavor carts that come with the npro are way more taste than I can appreciate and am looking for something closer to a normal light or ultra light analog.

Vicks Vap-oh-Yeah

Vaping Master
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Mar 9, 2009
West Allis, WI
As I inhale, i run the tip of my tongue back and forth through the vapor stream and that gives me an additional "shot" of taste from the vapor - otherwise, I get a hint, but nothing out there has really slammed me with extreme flavor... except the mint, which comes through loud and clear.


Senior Member
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Jan 22, 2009
Thing is...I smoked maybe 3-5 a week for about 2 years. Actually just 1, I smoked a grand total of 15 cigarettes the first year.

Maybe I just have ****ty tastebuds =[

Wow, that is unusual then. That could mean that you have a stuffy nose and don't know it. Any sinus problems? Can you taste food ok?


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 11, 2009
Baltimore MD USA
Glad I stumbled upon this thread!

I thought it was just me. I was so looking forward to the strawberry, vanilla and coffee flavors I had purchased, but I too taste nothing more than a hint of flavor.

The only thing that truly distinguishes itself is menthol.

I just throw my e-juice bottles into my carrying case and top my carts off with whatever I happen to pull out of the bag.

The good thing, I suppose, is my disappointment (of not tasting anything) along with the novelty of vaping wearing off makes me less inclined to vape. Don't get me wrong...I enjoy vaping, but I was concerned that it might develop into another strong dependency like my former smoking habit. I "hit the pipe" whenever the mood or the urge hits me, but my overall usage is less than when I first started vaping and nowhere near what I used to inhale while smoking.

Keep this up and maybe one day I will taste some flavor.
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Mar 16, 2009
Kent, UK
Same problem here. Have tried Vanila, Cherry, Coffee and all I can get is a hint of flavour - sometimes. My wifes menthol is fine though. The best one for me is RY4 where I get a slightly stronger hint of flavour bit not in the mornings for some reaason!

I am also using a Dura-C which is pretty harsh but my KB Classic should turn up today. This is meant to give a smoother vape and apparently gives more flavour. I'll let you know.

Ooo this is my 100th post - happy 100th post to me :)
When I first started vaping, I tasted nothing at all.
I had some flavors on me that I was using, and never tasted it, unless it leaked into my mouth lol.

However, the taste seems to get stronger.

I don't have menthol flavor, so I can't say thats my strongest.

My strongest flavor is Coca Cola from PS. 16mg
Because coca cola is a carbonated drink, its not really the taste you expect.
It tastes like flat coca cola.

Second strongest is probably Vanilla from TW, its 36mg, which is way too strong for me now.

Third, Red bull flavor from TW, 24mg.

I have 3 other flavors that have no taste at all.
My apple flavor I can taste a little bit, after using it for a good hour.

The tobacco flavored carts that were given to me have a sweet taste to them, which is odd, lol. they taste nothing like tobacco, but no complaints.

Keep trying out new flavors, you might find one you like.


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Apr 2, 2009
Lancs ,UK
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 1, 2009
What is the best method to mask the flavor of the PG?
I just started with my first ecig. The 401 from absolutelyEcigs, I am using the HIGH mint carts.
The main flavor seems to be the PG. I understand that about 85% of ejuice is PG. What methods have you found to cover this taste.

Look into the Johnson Creek VG juice. There are some reviews about them on here that are bad but they are a US manufacturer and they have some decent flavors from what I read. I ordered some High Mint VG based e-juice to try so keep an eye out for a review on that.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 25, 2009
I'm so glad to find this thread. I thought something was wrong with me! I ordered a flavor - I think it's vanilla ice cream - from Johnson Creek and was really looking forward to it. It tastes pretty much the same as anything else. The only one I can taste a difference in is the RY#4 from Heaven Gifts. It has a sweetish taste which is, of course, enhanced by the glycerin I add. I hope someday I'll have had enough time completely away from tobacco that my taste buds start working again. But I've been smoking so long, I might have permanently damaged them. :(
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