I need more intensity of flavor - will dripping help me?! Please....

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 20, 2010
At my wits end with my ego using the tank system.

Almost back on the Dunhill Lights.

So after finding the vapor on the ego-t just too thin, airy and light after the inital novelty wore off and almost sparking up a DL, I just had a big vaping session and told myself to try and use a positive mental attitude that I would like it and now I am almost enjoying it again.

I just want more flavor like dripping off of the big in-store pvs I tried here in Korea (although I found the flavors too sweet - coffee, RY4 and apple). They were bigger pvs than the ego and I dripped on them and the vapor was so thick, silky, pure white and flavorful (ego giving me a greyish thinner color vapor) even though it admitedly was so much stronger than the ego that I coughed like mad and had to take draws half the length of my draws on the ego so as not to cough!

Flavor flavor flavor is what I want. The DEKANG menthol I have is decent but menthol gets boring when I want something thicker tasting. Oriental tobacco is ok but a little bland. Stawberry nice but too weak. Same for the usa mix and tobacco from gh1. They all have a NICE taste - BUT THERE JUST ISN'T ENOUGH OF IT and I feel unsatisfied. I need twice as much saturation of flavor as I'm getting at the moment, plus thicker vapor.

It's like I sat down to a gorgeous looking steak perfectly cooked only to find someone removed 50% of the flavor out of it by saoking it in water before cooking it or something- so frustrating!!!!

Will dripping on reg / lr 510 attys with my ego give me this improved, thicker flavor I'm so desperately seeking (Susan?)

If so great, and I can just use the tank carts when out and about.

Please help as I'm lighting up a Dunhill right now as I need satisfaction....
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 11, 2009
I can't help with the technical questions but I noticed a big improvement in flavor when I started using a drip tip with my eGo, as compare to dripping into a 510 with a regular mouthpiece.

Another factor to bear in mind is that if you're still smoking, your taste buds probably haven't fully recovered yet. That was when I realized what I'd been missing taste-wise for the past 28 years. The same might well apply to your ability to taste niquid.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 20, 2010
My taste buds are fine as I only smoked around 5 a day anyhow.

The flavors are the same as when I first got my pv but are not intense enough anymore. At first it was fine as I was so elated to not be smoking and vaping instead. But now i want stronger flavors that's all. I guess my tastebuds, far from being deadened by smoking are just adapted to the vapor and now that's why it seems weak and they are bored of it. I read that dripping adds about 50% more flavor so will be trying it for sure.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Oct 14, 2009
Outside of the Philadelphia Burbs, NJ & Fla
yes yes & yes, go for the LR 510 with the bridge and drip away, try some different juices to, give maybe a Bubas bounty a try from Avejuice.com or some others, it takes a while to find which one is for you, i've gone through a bunch of different vendors till I found my 4-5 daily vape juices, you may also want to step up to HV vaping for those times you really need a thick warm great tasting vape, grad a variable voltage mod, maybe a vv juice box like a VV Ali something that will give you more taste and vapor, these are great for when that (urge of an Analog) comes along


Supplier's Manufacturer - Offline
ECF Veteran
Jun 18, 2010
Land Of Corruption
+1 to what mwa said but that may be a little further along then you are right now. Get the Cisco attys, they are supposed to be great for dripping and flavor production -- but only one outlet sells them now, Avid Vaper : Electronic Cigarettes, E-Liquid and Accessories -- Ikenvape makes a great atty also but I believe a number of them are out of stock. Also, I know a number of attys are rated 1.7 such as the ones at GreenHouseOne if you want to go that route......

Man , I used to love Dunhills when I had a little extra cash.......:(


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 4, 2010
I do 1.5 ohm on my tornado batt and there is a drop in battery life but nothing really that noticeable. I also got the USB batt so i could keep the charge up while driving or at my desk. I even plug it into my ps3 when gaming or watching a movie.

If you are looking for more flavor you can try freedomsmokeusa. They allow you the option of adding extra shots of flavor to your juice for a very very small cost. I have never tried it but i hear/read it helps.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 20, 2010
The cisco attys come in 1.5 ohms and 2.0 ohms

They have 510 or 306

Much difference between 1.5 and 2.0...?

Much difference between 510 and 306...? Will probably go for the 306 (the 306 DO have rave reviews.... what is the differnce though between them and the 510?)

I will go with this vendor and just need to clear up whether to opt for 15. or 2.0 and whether 510 or 306....

ALSO - both libertyflights and avid vapers websites say lr 1.5 IS OKAY on an ego / tornado / riva...

Lastly which would be best for purely flavor - 1.5 or 2.0....? Is hotter meaning less flavor but more vape...?

Thanks guys / gals.
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Full Member
May 28, 2010
Denver, CO
Hi, Hotwire.

I've not yet tried the Ego, so I can't speak to the airiness of the draw. I've been told that the cone helps tighten this up. My only two devices have basically been a 306 atty (direct-dripped) and a 510 carto. Both on 3.7V devices. I lasted about 10 minutes on the carto before I went back to my 306. The carto was airy, and the 510 atty produced very light-flavored and very warm vapor.

The 306 is the way to go. I say get a low-res AND a regular. I've been using my regular 306 atty for 10 months with about a cleaning every month (nothing serious, just a rinse in Everclear and a dry). My battery only just now needs replacing.

As for vapor and flavor, I don't know that I'll ever use another vendor after Alien Visions. First, if you witnessed thick, white, silky vapor, then I would put money on it having been VG and not PG. AVEjuice.com uses 100% VG (they now offer a couple PG options, but bleh! why bother?). Second, AV flavors are BOLD and complex. Here's what your first purchase should be: Havana Gold (try 12 or 18mg if you're not a monster throat hit person, because I find AV has a stronger hit than others of equal strength), Boba's bounty (give it a week, and I bet it will be your favorite...I hated it at first...now I'm hopelessly addicted), and Gamel (just a good freshly-opened-pack-o-camels smell/taste).

The Havana will be the closest to an actual tobacco smoke (albeit a cigar), the Boba's is just a curiously delicious flavor, and the Gamel is the only thing that ever reminded me of that wonderful feeling of opening my beloved camel lights.

I hope you find what suits you. I just got a call from a buddy of mine that I bought an e-cig for. He's off the cancer sticks! I think he still wavers, but now any time he has a craving, he goes for the PV and not the lighter. Stick with it, you'll find your place in the world of vaping!



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 30, 2009
Try it... that's the only way to find out. There's a "science" to it so that you don't flood it though. On a new/just cleaned atty it takes 3-4 drops to get it going. After that it's 2 drops when you notice it's starting to dry out (taste will change and less vapor)

Also, I found adding a small amount of VG to my 100% PG juice added a lot more vapor (but also thinned out the flavor and reduced the TH).


Supplier's Manufacturer - Offline
ECF Veteran
Jun 18, 2010
Land Of Corruption
That's the rub with juices!!!:laugh: I cannot stand a lot of VG (I almost always vape 80/20), I need the hit and I don't understand how some think there is throat hit with the pure VG ( and too thick IMO, they have to be thinned sometimes), not happening for me :confused: -- but to each his own!:)

A lot of vendors offer extra flavor; AVEjuice is darned good as is Ms. T's (among others!! Don't want to insult the fangirls!!!:laugh:), PureVapes is the most customizable IMO.........


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 20, 2010
Am not willing to pay for really expensive juices. My limit is around $15 for 30ml as I have to pay around $15 on top of each shipment to Korea where I live at the moment for shipping.

Looks like I'm going with the 306 lr.

So lr really adds more flavor than regular 306 right? As mentioned before I dont care much about th or massive clouds etc.

Fingers crossed.
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