I'm at a loss...

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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
I'm a newb. I've been vaping now for 10 days with moderate success. What's not moderate, however, is the amount of money I've spent.

I could've bought 3 cartons of cigarettes this far; what keeps me from going back is the money I'm feeling like I've wasted.

So far, I have purchased 4 (one en-route at this time) tanks, 2 batteries, and 8 different juices. The juices are subjective...some are 6mg, some are 12, varying types of flavors; I don't want to focus on those here. I'd like to discuss the devices.

First setup was the Kanger T3S (2 or 2.5ohms, can't remember) on the eGo-T. Unless it was a massive draw, vapor production was so-so at best. After a couple of days, my lungs wanted more but my throat couldn't handle the hit (on 6mg).

I asked for help from a local vape shop and was told I should upgrade my tank to the Aspire BDC with 1.8ohm coils. I also tried a different juice (that was tasty!) but neither of these still gave the desired effect.

The following day, I upgraded the battery to the Vision Spinner 1 and decided I liked the Kanger better. This got me by for a few days; I decided I wanted to try another flavor (something with tobacco) and got GREAT results in the vapor shop with a 12mg juice, EVOD tank, and my battery. Until later that evening, which I attributed to low battery from enjoying the new liquid all day.

Unfortunately, vapor production continued to decrease even with a full battery, but the throat and lung hit continued building. By this time, I'd watched hours upon hours of tutorials and reviews and felt like maybe I was just missing something. I'd tried VW with "ok" results, dripping with GREAT results (but it's not what I want), and some tank/battery combos similar to what I've had that were fairly good...but was assured I'd achieve the same results.

Now I'm frustrated! I bought the Kanger Aerotank online and am awaiting delivery, but couldn't hold out any longer. I decided today that I was going to purchase the Aspire Nautilus BDC (not BVC). Good results, bad results, great results...it seems like every hit is different from the last. Some are strong enough to choke while others are insanely weak. I started with a 6mg, went to a 12mg, then mixed the two 50/50 for a 9mg that still leaves much to be desired.

I don't know what I'm missing... I'm looking into buying an iTaste MVP, but want something similar in a stick design, but I really feel that another $50+ is just insane at this point!

What am I doing wrong? What am I missing? Am I trying too hard? Have I not tried something I should've? I don't want to give up, but at this point I'd be just as well off quitting everything cold turkey!

It looks to me like you have a wide enough assortment of tanks.
I'd recommend the MVP2 because that will take care of the power requirements for the next few months so you can focus more on the business end of things which is on top; meanwhile tanks can be finicky at times; performance often degrades when the tank level gets too low, or when the tank gets too hot - in both cases because the coil is getting flooded.


ECF Guru
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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone here. What might you recommend as far as a battery? What worked well for your setup? Should I look into wattage instead of voltage?

I'd look for both wattage and voltage- such as the mvp2, vamo, and zmax; they all offer both wattage and voltage.
the mvp2 is the best in dollar value for new vapers.
the vamo and zmax are replaceable battery mods using 18650 cylindrical batteries and you'd need to get the batteries and charger for them.


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Aug 18, 2014
If youre on a budget, I would look into an MVP.

Even if you're not on a budget, snag one of these. It's my most versatile PV. Unbelievable battery life, variable voltage AND wattage, plus you can charge other batteries (ego, cell phone) via USB port on the bottom. I used my MVP2 with a protank3 and added air control for my version of an aerotank. Even when I got into turning my own coils, the MVP helped tremendously. It's able to fire down to .8ohm coils and it's a great way to test your coils before firing.


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Sep 26, 2014
Western South Dakota

First off.... you're not alone, as others have pointed out. The "Help please, getting discouraged." thread was mine. I realize now that most of my frustration wasn't about the vaping equipment. Some of it was frustration with equipment. Most of my venting was pure and simple withdrawl. I am still going through withdrawl from cigarettes. I'm convinced of that fact.

I have no idea what all is in the cigarettes, but I'm beginning to think that the nicotine is only one of the many addictive substances in the cigarettes. After dumping toxins into my body for 28 years, then suddenly stopping that.....my body is screaming for those substances again.

I broke down last week and bought a pack of smokes. I smoked that pack over the last week (so about 4 a day from Mon thru Friday). They tasted terrible to me, and I really didn't feel any calmer.

I think withdrawl from the cigarettes is more than just a change in how we are getting nicotine. It's withdrawl from the ease of use, it's withdrawl from a lot of other chemicals. (Whether those chemicals are addictive or not, I think once my body took them in over a period of 28 years....my body is going to go into shock from no longer having them.)

It would be like loving having one small food item that I love 20+ times a day for 28 years......then suddenly just stopping that. (Even if that was a piece of lettuce). I think my body would notice that it's no longer getting that .

I'm no doctor or scientist, but I can tell you that I have been going through something just short of panic attacks since I quit smoking. And I am vaping WAY more than I expected to. But I am committed to quitting the cigarettes... so I spent too much money and searching for an elusive calm right now.

I am not going to recommend buying anything else. As others have pointed out, you've got enough equipment to get something working decently. For me, I had to recognize that I was trying to get a perfect vape to replace a habit that ruled my life.

I had to get to a point where I accept the fact that I am going to be mentally and physically uncomfortable for a while. That is what withdrawl does to you. I find it easier to recognize that is natural....and just recognize it's happening. I was literally becoming a tyrant at home with my mood swings. Fortunately my wife and I talked it over and she's given me a lot of room to work this out. She will reign me in if I get too out of control.

Addiction to smoking is serious stuff. Think of how many people smoke right up to the point of death. I am still not 100% convinced that vaping isn't dangerous...but I am pretty convinced it is LESS dangerous.
I thought I was crazy...every shop looked at me like "wth are you talking about 'lung hit'? We only do throat hits!" It's so rare to find someone who gets that.

The issue I've read about with higher VG juice is that it tends to burn out coils quickly. Being fairly new, I don't think I want to have to deal with having extra coils laying around for when mine decide to quit.

Ideally, I want simple. I want to be able to walk into any vape shop and buy a coil, drip tip, tank, etc right off the shelf. I need simplicity in my life, and unfortunately, this is what I'm choosing to be simple(r)...lol


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Oct 1, 2014
The MVP2.0 With an Aspire Nautalis is what got me 100 percent off analogs... The egos kept quiting on me while my MVP on the other hand has been running like a champ for 8 mo... It's also easy 2 use and is big enough 2 blow most egos away... I'd consider the eleaf but its 2 new and untested... I'd pick up an MVP will most likely be your last purchase 4 a while acept for Juice and Coils


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 11, 2014
Iowa United States
I'm a newb. I've been vaping now for 10 days with moderate success. What's not moderate, however, is the amount of money I've spent.

I could've bought 3 cartons of cigarettes this far; what keeps me from going back is the money I'm feeling like I've wasted.

So far, I have purchased 4 (one en-route at this time) tanks, 2 batteries, and 8 different juices. The juices are subjective...some are 6mg, some are 12, varying types of flavors; I don't want to focus on those here. I'd like to discuss the devices.

First setup was the Kanger T3S (2 or 2.5ohms, can't remember) on the eGo-T. Unless it was a massive draw, vapor production was so-so at best. After a couple of days, my lungs wanted more but my throat couldn't handle the hit (on 6mg).

I asked for help from a local vape shop and was told I should upgrade my tank to the Aspire BDC with 1.8ohm coils. I also tried a different juice (that was tasty!) but neither of these still gave the desired effect.

The following day, I upgraded the battery to the Vision Spinner 1 and decided I liked the Kanger better. This got me by for a few days; I decided I wanted to try another flavor (something with tobacco) and got GREAT results in the vapor shop with a 12mg juice, EVOD tank, and my battery. Until later that evening, which I attributed to low battery from enjoying the new liquid all day.

Unfortunately, vapor production continued to decrease even with a full battery, but the throat and lung hit continued building. By this time, I'd watched hours upon hours of tutorials and reviews and felt like maybe I was just missing something. I'd tried VW with "ok" results, dripping with GREAT results (but it's not what I want), and some tank/battery combos similar to what I've had that were fairly good...but was assured I'd achieve the same results.

Now I'm frustrated! I bought the Kanger Aerotank online and am awaiting delivery, but couldn't hold out any longer. I decided today that I was going to purchase the Aspire Nautilus BDC (not BVC). Good results, bad results, great results...it seems like every hit is different from the last. Some are strong enough to choke while others are insanely weak. I started with a 6mg, went to a 12mg, then mixed the two 50/50 for a 9mg that still leaves much to be desired.

I don't know what I'm missing... I'm looking into buying an iTaste MVP, but want something similar in a stick design, but I really feel that another $50+ is just insane at this point!

What am I doing wrong? What am I missing? Am I trying too hard? Have I not tried something I should've? I don't want to give up, but at this point I'd be just as well off quitting everything cold turkey!
No you are doing VERY good unfortunately part of the process of switching over to vaping takes ALOT of tail-and-error to find the set-up that works for you. I went through the exact same thing. Hang in there its worth it in the end! definitely consider an MVP but if you don't like box-mod style get a VAMO V5 its about the same price and its a tube mod. Good luck to yeah hang in there!


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Sep 26, 2014
Western South Dakota
Ideally, I want simple. I want to be able to walk into any vape shop and buy a coil, drip tip, tank, etc right off the shelf. I need simplicity in my life, and unfortunately, this is what I'm choosing to be simple(r)...lol

^^^^ This is EXACTLY what I was saying last week when I broke down and bought a pack of cigarettes. I wanted the vape experience to be as easy as smoking cigs. I think the truth is that it isn't that easy. Sorry to burst your bubble, because I was exactly where you are last week. This week I am just accepting that I am going through heavy duty withdrawl. I was a menthol smoker for 28 years. I don;t think vaping will ever replicate smoking exactly. It's a different substitute.

The simple and easy equipment is going to be even less effective than say a dripper. You already noticed that. But building coils and getting heavily into vaping and sub ohming etc.....is never going to be as easy as flicking your Bic and lighting a cigarette. Nor will it ever be replicated as the exact same experience every single time.

Keep in mind that these things are mechanical, and you're using a whole combination of stuff. I finally got to the point of accepting the fact that I will be crawling the walls a little bit till this passes. Vaping is making the withdrawl significantly easier to handle than going cold turkey, but it is still difficult nonetheless.
I think I'm accepting this...finally. I'd end up in jail if I went cold turkey at this time of my life, so vaping has definitely helped.

I have an aerotank on the way, so maybe even I get my commission check this week I can fork over the moolah for a box mod or something the the vamo.

I think I'm just going to have to test them out in-store. The box mods look ridiculous to me, but I have nowhere to safely/early keep a 10" stick with a glass tank attached top the top in my car. So maybe a box world be more feasible... circles again! Lol


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Sep 26, 2014
Western South Dakota
I'm with you. There were days I would have dropped $100 on anything that would've curbed my cravings. Then, I'd have all kinds of remorse for buying more junk. At the end of the day, I've spent almost the same amount as I would have smoking. I'm no further ahead financially. But, I think there will be a point that I will begin saving $.

I'm at the point where I am going to start building coils as I think it'll improve my vaping and eventually start to save me $.

I can get over the looks of a box mod or anything if it gives me a decent vape. Most of these devices look pretty silly when you get right down to thinking about it. :) Some are a little more ridiculous than others....but I looked ridiculous for smoking cigarettes too I am sure.

Hang in there...I'm confident this will get easier with time. I'm pretty certain last week I was expecting a new gadget to fix my withdrawl. You'll get hundreds of people willing to offer suggestions on equipment....and most of that advice is solid....but if the real problem is withdrawl then only time away from the substances are going to fix that.

I also think everyone has varying degrees of withdrawl from the smokes. My wife can stop smoking or start up cigarettes any time she chooses....with very few issues. When I try to stop smoking, it's like my whole universe has been turned upside down.


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Aug 18, 2014
Have you tried a stronger nicotine level? When I first started vaping I did 12mg. Kept getting strong cravings so I bumped it up to 18 and even got one bottle of 24. That one bottle was it. From there I was able to lower my nic gradually. You really don't get much nicotine off smaller devices, you might want to give it a try.


Senior Member
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Sep 9, 2014
portland, or
Assuming I make it one more week I'll have 2 months cig free. I'll have spent about $150 on battery, tank, juice and coils. Cigarettes were running me $50 a week (or more). I'm saving quite a bit of money. Granted, I don't have a backup or mods or high end stuff per se but even after shelling out another $69 for and iStick and Nautilus mini I'm still making out.


Senior Member
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Jun 19, 2013
Assuming I make it one more week I'll have 2 months cig free. I'll have spent about $150 on battery, tank, juice and coils. Cigarettes were running me $50 a week (or more). I'm saving quite a bit of money. Granted, I don't have a backup or mods or high end stuff per se but even after shelling out another $69 for and iStick and Nautilus mini I'm still making out.

I look at it as a investment for my health every extra day that i vape is another day that i didn't smoke.
I never actually said that's it im never having another cigarette just took it one day at a time.
Days turn into weeks months years
Even if it still cost me the same i know im better of vaping instead of smoking.
Now if i have a stressful moment a cigarette is the last thing on my mind just reach for my mod and chill out.

Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2


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Sep 6, 2014
Coast Guard City, Michigan
I want that beautiful feeling in my lungs! Lol
I've always smoked menthol, so it's that deep, full feeling that my lungs aren't getting that I feel like I need. I got it once I a dripper, but his setup was equivalent to my car note. I'm not willing to commit to that nor do I want to deal with dripping at all.

I get the lung hit every now and again, so that's why I keep chasing that Dragon.

I think part of it, too, is that my mind is equating draw length and tightness with how much vapor I should expel based on dragging on ciggs, i.e.: tighter packed cigg, longer drag= fulfillment + lots of smoke exhaled.

If you want that good lung hit you have to up your nic level and lower your vg level.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 9, 2014
portland, or
I look at it as a investment for my health every extra day that i vape is another day that i didn't smoke.
I never actually said that's it im never having another cigarette just took it one day at a time.
Days turn into weeks months years
Even if it still cost me the same i know im better of vaping instead of smoking.
Now if i have a stressful moment a cigarette is the last thing on my mind just reach for my mod and chill out.

Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

I forgot about that. I got COPD from the cigs and have been able to breathe much easier after being off of them for a couple of months... can't put a price on that.
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