In Memoriam: MBV's Key Lime

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Full Member
Jul 28, 2013
Columbus, OH
Sad, sad day. I just found out that Mt. Baker Vapor has discontinued their Key Lime flavor.

Oh, Key Lime. You were too young and too delicious to meet such a fate.

You were beautiful and juicy and limey; though you were wonderful on your own, you could be mixed with anything. You were always happy to lend your limey goodness to any flavor. You were just selfless like that. When you were mixed with Extreme Ice, you made this vaper so very, very happy.

And now, you're gone. Mercilessly ripped from my life by the MBV gods. What will I do without you, Key Lime? How can I go on knowing that I will never again smell your aroma, never again attend one of your epic taste bud parties?

If I had known that you were facing certain death, I would've snatched a gigantuous bottle of you. But I didn't know, Key Lime! I didn't know.

Farewell. You were a good ejuice. You didn't deserve this. You were loved, and you will be missed.
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