Information for new e-cig users

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Full Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 21, 2009
San Antonio, TX
Hey everybody -

It’s my first time posting EVER to a forum. But I just felt I had to put my 2 cents in to the e-cig craze going on. Just a few suggestions for any other smoker, looking for the best way, the best suppliers.

Just a little about my history - I’ve been a smoker for 32 years, 32 looooong years. My kids have begged me to quit - my father died of lung cancer (at the young age of 61) - my mother has COPD (severe - she is on hospice, confined to home, on oxygen 24/7). But when my 4 year old granddaughter (who is the LOVE of my life) added, “Jesus, please make GrandMom stop smoking” to her nightly prayer, I knew I had to make a change. (Yes, I know she was brainwashed by Daddy.)

I started searching the internet - how can I quit? The patch gave me nightmares, I don’t like chewing gum - plus, unfortunately, I really enjoy smoking - when lo and behold, I see a site for the e-cigarette. I spent a whole day reading, and searching.

I ordered my first e-cig from njoy - probably not my best option, but it was simply because their website looked ‘official’. Now - while I was waiting for this to arrive, I started to search more, and found this forum. WOW - what extreme overload I felt! I was coming home from work daily - reading, searching, going to the supplier websites.

My Njoy arrived with it’s pre-filled cartridges - of course, I was disappointed. So - I ordered from some of the suppliers who have received ‘RAVE’ reviews on this forum, and who I thought had fair prices. So for those of you looking, I have placed orders from True Vapor, My Vapor Store, Vapor Options, and Johnson Creek. I’ve received excellent service, fast shipping on every order from these folks. I have an order outstanding from Midwest Vapor that looks like it has shipped. In every case, I have received my order in 3-5 days! I might have to get a part-time job for this obsession! :)

My word to you is - don’t give up! Give this a chance - I’ve been using my e-cig since April 5th, and thoroughly enjoy it! No more regular cigarettes for me. This is an awesome alternative to smoking.

The information given on this forum is unbeatable. The members are very helpful. The amount of knowledge contained on this website alone should be enough to inform the greenest of new ‘vaporers‘. Thanks to all who have answered the same questions repeatedly - and with patience. I know it must be hard to answer over and over what has been asked a 1000 times.

My family laughs when they call now, and when asked what I am doing - they know the answer - “Reading the forum, ordering juice, charging my battery for my new e-cig that just arrived!”

Anyway - just my thoughts - and thanks to everyone on the site!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 27, 2009
Portland, Oregon
Glad to have you here GrandMom, and congrats on your new "hobby".

I'd never heard of anybody discovering e cigs by simply searching for alternatives to smoking online. Most of us heard about them from friends, saw them being used in public by others and asked, read a news article, etc, etc...

Kudos to you for being proactive enough with your health to discover them on your own!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 24, 2009
New York City
I'd like to thank everyone as well. I heard of e-cigs by just randomly browsing two months ago and then I finally found this forum. I've bought three kits which was the best investment i've ever made because the first one I abused it, broke parts, etc. My advice is the first kit is never a waste even if you find out later there are better ones out there because at least you get to play with it a bit, learn through trial and error and then move on to better stuff where you can heavily invest in the model(s) of your choice.

Vapor Vinny

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 18, 2009
Lawrence, Kansas
Thanks for a great post!
I would like to also say thank you to the great people on this board who answer the same questions over and over to those of us that are new. Huge Thank you!!!!!!
This has truly changed my life and my health and I'm so appreciative to those of you who have helped me find what works for me or how to make it work for me!

Congrats! I'll add to that. Got my NPRO 3 days ago and have had only one analog since. I don't even miss real cigarettes. I will also add that I think NJOY products are getting a bad rap here. I suspect that's because they're pricey and I can see already, have the corporate aura about them. But as I see it, if the FDA cracks down, it will be up to those guys and other corporate investors to front the money for the tests that will allow e-cigs to be sold in the US. As far as I'm aware, no other US company has put up any money for e-cigs to be tested. That has to be worth something to the community.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 2, 2008
Port Arthur, Texas
Grandmom, glad to have you join us, I found the e-cig the same way in June 2008 and then I found the forums. The only thing is I did much, much worse (never owned a NJOY) than you did, I order a super mini and it is in a drawer some where and it still works as of last week. I use a 801 type penstyle and 801 Pass thrugh with a kinsington charger pack and take them everywhere.
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