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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
  • Jul 27, 2014
    Schiller PK IL USA
    Hello and welcome back for today's review of the Sensis from innokin. Today's review will cover some new innovations developed by innokin that claim to increase coil life and also give the user a new choice of combining wattage and frequency Hz. The Sensis uses both DC and AC power with frequency waves that have so many adjustments that can be made from 20 to 500Hz. There are other features in the device that allow the user to refresh a coil manually, when using in the Hz mode or FO as it's called the refresh of the coil is done automatically. There is a lot to go over with the Sensis, here's a little bit of information on the Sensis before the review.



























    As you can see Innokin is doing something positive to help save our environment by using 100% recyclable materials in packaging all their products, no plastic at all.

    After opening the package you are greeted with the device sitting in a cut out shell , everything that comes with the Sensis lays underneath. I would like to thank Innokin for sending extra coils as well as a extra glass tank.


    After charging the device for a couple of minutes just to be sure it was fully charged I began to run through the functions and check out the menu and it's features with the tank off the device. The Sensis is a 40 watt device that has the round robin feature that once minimum or maximum wattage is reached the next press up or down on wattage adjustment will send the wattage to either the lowest or highest setting.

    The Sensis uses a fire bar so it only has 2 buttons on the device that are your adjustment buttons. After a quick run through the device it was time to fill the tank.

    The tank is held on using 3 magnets that connect to a recessed circular piece of metal with the coil contacts below it in the center. Innokin installs a sticker over the coil when it's shipped to prevent a accidental fire so remove it after you fill the tank and let it sit for 10 minutes before vaping .

    The tank is bottom fill and even has a tiny cut out to slip a fingernail under to open the fillport gasket.



    Airflow slots are located on both sides of the device and actually have a built in cover on each one and that helps keep debris such as pocket lint out of them.


    The display screen is bright and vivid although some of the information fonts are on the small side, my eyes are not the best and I have to squint a little to see it. In the menu you have a option to use a minimal screen that only displays the power mode, battery bar, wattage and seconds puffed. I prefer the pro version as Innokin calls it which displays all your information, to change to minimal screen is found in settings if you choose to use it.

    The Sensis has some different ways to vape using either wattage, voltage, coil plus, when in coil plus mode you have the option to use watts or volts and finally there is FO mode that ships out locked and shows a padlock on the display screen.

    I think that it should not be locked because it's one of the main features of the device, you can get the code on Innokins facebook group but I will give you the code a bit later in the review. Innokin includes a 510 adapter with the Sensis so that you can use your own tank on it also, airflow control of the device no longer comes into play with the 510 adapter installed. In the picture below the Sensis on the left has my own tank on it using the 510 adapter and is in coil plus mode, the Sensis on the right has the Innokin tank on it and is in FO mode.

    In the picture both coil + and FO display modes are shown, the Sensis on the left shows a resistance symbol under the wattage with W+ in the upper left corner while the Sensis on the right is in FO mode with a wavelength symbol under wattage and FO in the upper left corner. The bottom right corner also shows the Hz setting you are in.


    The Sensis has a external airflow control the uses a lever to control the airflow that is very smooth, I wish it could open up just a bit more though. Again it only applies when using the supplied tank, using your own tank with the 510 adapter the tanks own airflow is used.


    Turning the Sensis on/off is done with 3 quick presses of the fire bar. Adjustments of wattage/voltage is done by first holding down either the + or - button for 2 seconds then the wattage or voltage will begin to blink, only then can you make adjustments. Once the device is on pressing and holding the up and down button simultaneously will open the menu up, the Sensis on the left is just as it will look when first activated notice the padlock symbol in the menu, that is where the FO is and needs to be unlocked to make it functional. The Sensis on the right has already been unlocked and FO becomes visible and is the first selection in the menu.


    The FO unlock screen has a 7 boxes that need to be filled out correctly to open the FO feature and the display looks like this. The code to open FO is + + - + - + fire bar. After confirming the code the device will reboot and load FO followed by a greeting of Welcome to explore the fourth generation.





    Your probably asking yourself if you haven't heard about it yet, what is FO and what is coil +. Fo is a new technology in vaping developed by Innokin that uses alternating current or ( AC ) to produce a waveform that runs continuously while you vape using hertz ( HZ ) to adjust different waveforms from 20 HZ all the way to 500 HZ. We have all heard of devices having a fast ramp up or instant fire, FO is just the opposite by gradually heating the coil up your liquid will not burn and coil life will be extended. When using FO you are getting the coil + feature also while using HZ.


    Coil plus also is supposed to extend the life of your coil by adding more juice or priming the coil at the end of your vape reducing carbon build up on the coil. It does this by running at 40% power for 0.4 seconds automatically at the end of your vape always leaving a well saturated coil for your next vape. Basically your coil is being vibrated to shake off coil gunk build up.


    Refresh is basically coil + that you do manually, there are 2 settings in the refresh menu, the first is a 4 second refresh of the coil by selecting that setting and pressing the fire bar once. The second refresh setting will run for a longer time of 8 seconds by holding the fire bar down until the cycle completes the circle on the display.


    * In the settings selection are screen timeout that can be set from 5 seconds to 180 seconds

    * In the cut off selection you can set your vape time from 3 seconds to 18 seconds

    * Device ID displays your firmware version

    * Reset will reset the device as well as lock the FO function, you will have to re enter the code


    After first priming the installed 0.25Ω coil then filling up the tank and letting it sit for 10 minutes I started using it in regular wattage mode at 25 watts which is the stated minimum wattage and flavor was below average, after about 10 vapes I increased wattage to 30 and continued with slightly better flavor and remained at that wattage until the tank was almost empty.

    After refilling I tried the FO mode starting at 50 HZ increasing a bit until the tank was almost empty again with pretty much the same flavor, nothing mind blowing. Another reviewer and I were comparing notes and he said that he put a new coil in and noticed a better result for flavor so I also replaced the coil with a new one and didn't really notice that much of a difference and I had increased my HZ considerably.

    After 43 yrs of smoking my taste buds are not the greatest for capturing many different nuances in complex juices so I take that into consideration. I was getting frustrated thinking that something was wrong so I went to the max 500 HZ and immediately noticed a big change in flavor.

    Remember you have so many choices in Fo mode, it's a tinkerer's dream to play with and find different settings for different flavors of juice.

    I then decided that the FO feature does work but with my taste buds being what they are that although FO is a very nice new innovation I preferred using the Sensis in wattage mode until much later in testing.

    I have had the Sensis for 3 weeks of testing and decided to try a juice that I used to like but didn't anymore using FO mode to see if any changes would happen and the juice tasted just as it did that last time I vaped it but I continued to play around trying many different HZ until I tried 192 HZ and the juice became enjoyable again.

    I forgot to mention that I used one of my own tanks with the 510 adapter testing this juice, so I took it off and screwed it on another device to check out and it was not a juice I enjoyed again so the Fo does change the flavor while prolonging coil life. By the way that first coil was never thrown out but rather put aside so I tried it again with many different HZ settings and it was better.

    I think these coils have a long breakin time , like 2 or 3 tankfulls before starting to produce better flavor. I also think that a larger coil with more airflow would have had much better results, that's just my opinion.

    Now it was time to try coil + out and for my taste buds it proved to be a better choice for all around vaping, at the end of each vape you can really hear the coil firing for the 0.4 seconds vibrating the coil gunk off.

    Using the 0.65Ω coil coil in MTL was really where the Sensis showed the new FO off the best using the total opposite of high HZ for me it performed better in the lower ranges of HZ. Airflow is perfect almost closed off and there is where I hit my sweet spot. The Sensis I believe with the coils that it uses in it's tank is more suited for MTL vaping because that is where I enjoyed it most.

    I have 3 juices that I vape in MTL that are real coil killers, I mean 20 mls is the most you can vape before needing to re wick because of gunk build up and using these juices that I have vaped for years in both FO and coil + definitely extended the coil life for the 0.65Ω coil as well as my own builds in a RTA using the 510 adapter. One thing that I need to mention is that the 510 adapter is not spring loaded so if your RTA has a long 510 screw you will end up with a gap and the tank depending on how tall it is will be somewhat wobbly, out of the 3 RTA tanks I used in testing only one had this issue arise, the other 2 worked just fine.

    I have heard reports of the magnets not being strong enough and I wish they were just a bit stronger also but I've had no problems using the supplied tank or the 2 RTA tanks with the 510 adapter which uses 4 magnets instead of the 3 used on the supplied tank, I think those reports were on first batch models.


    * Very attractive
    * Long battery life ( 3000 mAH )
    * Adjustable external airflow
    * Spine is wrapped in soft leather
    * Incorporates a fire bar
    * Bright display screen
    * Vivid color display screen
    * Type-C charge port
    * Innovative new technology - ( FO, COIL +, REFRESH )
    * Glass tank
    * 510 Adapter included
    * Simple and easy to operate
    * Includes 2 drip tips
    * Feels solidly built
    * Minimal branding
    * Large mess free tank fill port


    * Coils should have been larger sized ( PERSONAL OPINION )
    * Airflow should be opened up a bit more ( PERSONAL OPINION )
    * 510 Adapter should be spring loaded
    * Ultem MTL drip tip
    * Locking the main feature of the Sensis when shipped


    We finally have real innovation in the vaping world with Innokin's introduction of FO, Coil + and Refresh features that do in fact really work. The changes using these new innovations are more of a subtle change and not a night and day difference but one you can definitely tell is happening.

    I'm probably not the best person to judge the FO feature because of my not so great taste buds but I am able to tell that something is different and it's not a gimmick of any sort. For me a larger coil from Innokin and just a bit more airflow would have made a difference .

    The coil + really works and extended the life of my own builds using a couple of my own RTA's that in itself had me smiling.

    As I said earlier the Sensis is a tinkerer's dream using FO because if you have the time to play around a lot I'm sure that you will open flavors to new levels that you didn't have before, but for me the coil + became my favorite unless I vape that juice I mentioned earlier, then I use the FO at 192 HZ. It takes a lot of trial and error to achieve the goal in mind and for me I don't have that kind of time to spend on it. Normally I test a vaping product 7-10 days evaluating it but the Sensis took 3 weeks to get the results. It deserved the extra time because only in the 3rd week of testing did I get the surprise of it really changing a flavor for the better of a juice that I had given up on.

    The appearance of the Sensis is very attractive and I really like the leather covered spine on the blue model, the black carbon fiber one really feels like a carbon fiber material but I can't tell you that it is or not real carbon fiber. The Sensis ergonomics are great and it fits perfectly in the hand and with just a squeeze to fire it feels effortless to vape.


    So in closing I can tell you that this new technology is in fact real and not some gimmick, you will need considerable time using the FO function of the Sensis to find your sweet spot and remember all juices are different with different characteristics so even though you find a HZ that works for one juice it might not be the sweet spot for other juices, many trial adjustments are needed to achieve your sweet spot.

    I preferred to use the coil + feature and have been happy and will continue to use the Sensis mainly this way unless I have extra time to play around with different HZ settings.

    I would like to thank Timmy and Innokin for providing the Sensis for the purpose of this review and I hope the review helped to explain this new innovative technology created by Innokin.



    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Feb 22, 2020
    Very good review brother.
    Hello and welcome back for today's review of the Sensis from Innokin. Today's review will cover some new innovations developed by Innokin that claim to increase coil life and also give the user a new choice of combining wattage and frequency Hz. The Sensis uses both DC and AC power with frequency waves that have so many adjustments that can be made from 20 to 500Hz. There are other features in the device that allow the user to refresh a coil manually, when using in the Hz mode or FO as it's called the refresh of the coil is done automatically. There is a lot to go over with the Sensis, here's a little bit of information on the Sensis before the review.



























    As you can see Innokin is doing something positive to help save our environment by using 100% recyclable materials in packaging all their products, no plastic at all.

    After opening the package you are greeted with the device sitting in a cut out shell , everything that comes with the Sensis lays underneath. I would like to thank Innokin for sending extra coils as well as a extra glass tank.

    View attachment 934789

    After charging the device for a couple of minutes just to be sure it was fully charged I began to run through the functions and check out the menu and it's features with the tank off the device. The Sensis is a 40 watt device that has the round robin feature that once minimum or maximum wattage is reached the next press up or down on wattage adjustment will send the wattage to either the lowest or highest setting.

    The Sensis uses a fire bar so it only has 2 buttons on the device that are your adjustment buttons. After a quick run through the device it was time to fill the tank.

    The tank is held on using 3 magnets that connect to a recessed circular piece of metal with the coil contacts below it in the center. Innokin installs a sticker over the coil when it's shipped to prevent a accidental fire so remove it after you fill the tank and let it sit for 10 minutes before vaping .

    The tank is bottom fill and even has a tiny cut out to slip a fingernail under to open the fillport gasket.

    View attachment 934795

    View attachment 934799

    Airflow slots are located on both sides of the device and actually have a built in cover on each one and that helps keep debris such as pocket lint out of them.

    View attachment 934913

    The display screen is bright and vivid although some of the information fonts are on the small side, my eyes are not the best and I have to squint a little to see it. In the menu you have a option to use a minimal screen that only displays the power mode, battery bar, wattage and seconds puffed. I prefer the pro version as Innokin calls it which displays all your information, to change to minimal screen is found in settings if you choose to use it.

    The Sensis has some different ways to vape using either wattage, voltage, coil plus, when in coil plus mode you have the option to use watts or volts and finally there is FO mode that ships out locked and shows a padlock on the display screen.

    I think that it should not be locked because it's one of the main features of the device, you can get the code on Innokins facebook group but I will give you the code a bit later in the review. Innokin includes a 510 adapter with the Sensis so that you can use your own tank on it also, airflow control of the device no longer comes into play with the 510 adapter installed. In the picture below the Sensis on the left has my own tank on it using the 510 adapter and is in coil plus mode, the Sensis on the right has the Innokin tank on it and is in FO mode.

    In the picture both coil + and FO display modes are shown, the Sensis on the left shows a resistance symbol under the wattage with W+ in the upper left corner while the Sensis on the right is in FO mode with a wavelength symbol under wattage and FO in the upper left corner. The bottom right corner also shows the Hz setting you are in.

    View attachment 934807

    The Sensis has a external airflow control the uses a lever to control the airflow that is very smooth, I wish it could open up just a bit more though. Again it only applies when using the supplied tank, using your own tank with the 510 adapter the tanks own airflow is used.

    View attachment 934813

    Turning the Sensis on/off is done with 3 quick presses of the fire bar. Adjustments of wattage/voltage is done by first holding down either the + or - button for 2 seconds then the wattage or voltage will begin to blink, only then can you make adjustments. Once the device is on pressing and holding the up and down button simultaneously will open the menu up, the Sensis on the left is just as it will look when first activated notice the padlock symbol in the menu, that is where the FO is and needs to be unlocked to make it functional. The Sensis on the right has already been unlocked and FO becomes visible and is the first selection in the menu.

    View attachment 934903

    The FO unlock screen has a 7 boxes that need to be filled out correctly to open the FO feature and the display looks like this. The code to open FO is + + - + - + fire bar. After confirming the code the device will reboot and load FO followed by a greeting of Welcome to explore the fourth generation.

    View attachment 934905


    View attachment 934911


    Your probably asking yourself if you haven't heard about it yet, what is FO and what is coil +. Fo is a new technology in vaping developed by Innokin that uses alternating current or ( AC ) to produce a waveform that runs continuously while you vape using hertz ( HZ ) to adjust different waveforms from 20 HZ all the way to 500 HZ. We have all heard of devices having a fast ramp up or instant fire, FO is just the opposite by gradually heating the coil up your liquid will not burn and coil life will be extended. When using FO you are getting the coil + feature also while using HZ.


    Coil plus also is supposed to extend the life of your coil by adding more juice or priming the coil at the end of your vape reducing carbon build up on the coil. It does this by running at 40% power for 0.4 seconds automatically at the end of your vape always leaving a well saturated coil for your next vape. Basically your coil is being vibrated to shake off coil gunk build up.


    Refresh is basically coil + that you do manually, there are 2 settings in the refresh menu, the first is a 4 second refresh of the coil by selecting that setting and pressing the fire bar once. The second refresh setting will run for a longer time of 8 seconds by holding the fire bar down until the cycle completes the circle on the display.


    * In the settings selection are screen timeout that can be set from 5 seconds to 180 seconds

    * In the cut off selection you can set your vape time from 3 seconds to 18 seconds

    * Device ID displays your firmware version

    * Reset will reset the device as well as lock the FO function, you will have to re enter the code


    After first priming the installed 0.25Ω coil then filling up the tank and letting it sit for 10 minutes I started using it in regular wattage mode at 25 watts which is the stated minimum wattage and flavor was below average, after about 10 vapes I increased wattage to 30 and continued with slightly better flavor and remained at that wattage until the tank was almost empty.

    After refilling I tried the FO mode starting at 50 HZ increasing a bit until the tank was almost empty again with pretty much the same flavor, nothing mind blowing. Another reviewer and I were comparing notes and he said that he put a new coil in and noticed a better result for flavor so I also replaced the coil with a new one and didn't really notice that much of a difference and I had increased my HZ considerably.

    After 43 yrs of smoking my taste buds are not the greatest for capturing many different nuances in complex juices so I take that into consideration. I was getting frustrated thinking that something was wrong so I went to the max 500 HZ and immediately noticed a big change in flavor.

    Remember you have so many choices in Fo mode, it's a tinkerer's dream to play with and find different settings for different flavors of juice.

    I then decided that the FO feature does work but with my taste buds being what they are that although FO is a very nice new innovation I preferred using the Sensis in wattage mode until much later in testing.

    I have had the Sensis for 3 weeks of testing and decided to try a juice that I used to like but didn't anymore using FO mode to see if any changes would happen and the juice tasted just as it did that last time I vaped it but I continued to play around trying many different HZ until I tried 192 HZ and the juice became enjoyable again.

    I forgot to mention that I used one of my own tanks with the 510 adapter testing this juice, so I took it off and screwed it on another device to check out and it was not a juice I enjoyed again so the Fo does change the flavor while prolonging coil life. By the way that first coil was never thrown out but rather put aside so I tried it again with many different HZ settings and it was better.

    I think these coils have a long breakin time , like 2 or 3 tankfulls before starting to produce better flavor. I also think that a larger coil with more airflow would have had much better results, that's just my opinion.

    Now it was time to try coil + out and for my taste buds it proved to be a better choice for all around vaping, at the end of each vape you can really hear the coil firing for the 0.4 seconds vibrating the coil gunk off.

    Using the 0.65Ω coil coil in MTL was really where the Sensis showed the new FO off the best using the total opposite of high HZ for me it performed better in the lower ranges of HZ. Airflow is perfect almost closed off and there is where I hit my sweet spot. The Sensis I believe with the coils that it uses in it's tank is more suited for MTL vaping because that is where I enjoyed it most.

    I have 3 juices that I vape in MTL that are real coil killers, I mean 20 mls is the most you can vape before needing to re wick because of gunk build up and using these juices that I have vaped for years in both FO and coil + definitely extended the coil life for the 0.65Ω coil as well as my own builds in a RTA using the 510 adapter. One thing that I need to mention is that the 510 adapter is not spring loaded so if your RTA has a long 510 screw you will end up with a gap and the tank depending on how tall it is will be somewhat wobbly, out of the 3 RTA tanks I used in testing only one had this issue arise, the other 2 worked just fine.

    I have heard reports of the magnets not being strong enough and I wish they were just a bit stronger also but I've had no problems using the supplied tank or the 2 RTA tanks with the 510 adapter which uses 4 magnets instead of the 3 used on the supplied tank, I think those reports were on first batch models.


    * Very attractive
    * Long battery life ( 3000 mAH )
    * Adjustable external airflow
    * Spine is wrapped in soft leather
    * Incorporates a fire bar
    * Bright display screen
    * Vivid color display screen
    * Type-C charge port
    * Innovative new technology - ( FO, COIL +, REFRESH )
    * Glass tank
    * 510 Adapter included
    * Simple and easy to operate
    * Includes 2 drip tips
    * Feels solidly built
    * Minimal branding
    * Large mess free tank fill port


    * Coils should have been larger sized ( PERSONAL OPINION )
    * Airflow should be opened up a bit more ( PERSONAL OPINION )
    * 510 Adapter should be spring loaded
    * Ultem MTL drip tip
    * Locking the main feature of the Sensis when shipped


    We finally have real innovation in the vaping world with Innokin's introduction of FO, Coil + and Refresh features that do in fact really work. The changes using these new innovations are more of a subtle change and not a night and day difference but one you can definitely tell is happening.

    I'm probably not the best person to judge the FO feature because of my not so great taste buds but I am able to tell that something is different and it's not a gimmick of any sort. For me a larger coil from Innokin and just a bit more airflow would have made a difference .

    The coil + really works and extended the life of my own builds using a couple of my own RTA's that in itself had me smiling.

    As I said earlier the Sensis is a tinkerer's dream using FO because if you have the time to play around a lot I'm sure that you will open flavors to new levels that you didn't have before, but for me the coil + became my favorite unless I vape that juice I mentioned earlier, then I use the FO at 192 HZ. It takes a lot of trial and error to achieve the goal in mind and for me I don't have that kind of time to spend on it. Normally I test a vaping product 7-10 days evaluating it but the Sensis took 3 weeks to get the results. It deserved the extra time because only in the 3rd week of testing did I get the surprise of it really changing a flavor for the better of a juice that I had given up on.

    The appearance of the Sensis is very attractive and I really like the leather covered spine on the blue model, the black carbon fiber one really feels like a carbon fiber material but I can't tell you that it is or not real carbon fiber. The Sensis ergonomics are great and it fits perfectly in the hand and with just a squeeze to fire it feels effortless to vape.

    View attachment 934947

    So in closing I can tell you that this new technology is in fact real and not some gimmick, you will need considerable time using the FO function of the Sensis to find your sweet spot and remember all juices are different with different characteristics so even though you find a HZ that works for one juice it might not be the sweet spot for other juices, many trial adjustments are needed to achieve your sweet spot.

    I preferred to use the coil + feature and have been happy and will continue to use the Sensis mainly this way unless I have extra time to play around with different HZ settings.

    I would like to thank Timmy and Innokin for providing the Sensis for the purpose of this review and I hope the review helped to explain this new innovative technology created by Innokin.

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