Intro, just quit analogs

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Full Member
Apr 2, 2011
Memphis, TN
Hey all, been lurking a while and about 3 weeks ago I finally bought an Ego-t kit from Cignot (Vicki is epic, amazingly fast service). 3 weeks later and Ive smoked about 5 analogs and havent bought a pack. Not too bad considering I smoked a PAD for almost 20 years.

Havent had a single issue with my ego-plenty of vapor and good flavor. Have tried ry4, maiden coffee, and amaretto clove from gourmet vapor, all of which were awesome. Stokec to try the kona cream and blueberry cheesecake from vaperite, should be in my mailbox tomorrow.

Anyways, thanks to all ecf peeps for finally helping me pry the monkey off my back.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
Welcome and grats! I love eliquid. I just bought more today. I picked up a few at Viking Vapor (wanted to try their vanilla) and hit FreedomSmokeUSA w/ code aprilfresh and got some percent (25% ?) off juices. I don't know how long that sale is on. I got some more Voodoo and will be a guinea pig and try Bouquet and got Mangosteen.
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Full Member
Apr 2, 2011
Memphis, TN
Yeah, its amazing how much cigarettes dominate your life. Never noticed before, but I go to the store probably a quarter ad much as before, never have to stop after a long day at work to buy a pack, dont have to leave a movie for a puff, or step outside a resturant to smoke if I finish my meal before the gf. Its awesome. Wouldnt have done it without this forum. :)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 16, 2010
or step outside a resturant to smoke if I finish my meal before the gf.

It's a little of a hijack, but this comment just punched me in the gut. I used to work with nonsmokers and we didn't have very long to run for lunch and I couldn't smoke in the company vehicle. I remember every day, wolfing down my lunch so I could beat them by enough to actually have a smoke after... now I have no coworkers and no cigarettes. It's awesome to look back on how badly things sucked and put today in perspective.


Full Member
Mar 28, 2011
Any time you feel the urge for an analog, just vape like crazy and it will go away ...

What he said.. My problem (when I first started) was trying to "control" my vaping, preventing me from getting enough nic and then feeling like crap. If you feel like smoking, vape. If you still feel like smoking, keep vaping. Eventually you'll OD on nic and feel sick; when that happens, you won't feel like smoking anymore! :)

Don't think about "man, I'm hitting this thing every 10 minutes". When getting off the cigs, it really doesn't matter, you could use the thing as a pacifier and still be better off! You can wean down (if you want to), later, right now getting off the cancer sticks is priority 1.

Vape'em if you got em! :) Also, I suggest 24Mg juice, that seems to really pack a kick, 5-10 good hits of that and I'm feeling pretty much like a cig is the last thing in the world that I want!
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