Is there a local ECA Chapter near me?

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Apr 28, 2013
Central Florida
Electronic Cigarette Anonymous. That's what I need. I can't stop. I'm clicking buy and 5 minutes later wondering what the heck I just did! Mind you, once I went from EGO-C's to a Vamo w/ Protanks, I stopped smoking analogs. This is great! I have achieved my goal! Yay! But wait... There's more!

Here is a partial list of what I have purchased in the last month or so, since quitting:

50+ juice samples from over a dozen vendors. I have a drawer full of 6-15 ml bottles.
2 IGO-L's
2 AGA T2's
2 Protanks
2 EGO-C batteries and clearomizers
2 Mech tubes
4 18650 batteries and charger
1 Vamo
Bunch of 400/500 mesh
Bunch of various sizes of silica wicks
Over 100 feet total of 28/30/32 kanthal wire
Cheesecloth (yup)
15 Resurrector cartos
Numerous adapters and gadgets
A bunch of drip tips
I stole some tools from my RC Heli tool kit (they are small, precise and perfect for this type of thing!)
A nice Murse to hold the gear and a plastic box thingy to hold the consumables
1 lighter (actually recycled from the center console of my car)
And more I'm not remembering!

On order:

1 iTaste SVD
2 Pen torches
1 IBTanked tank
1 punch
2 different carto whachamathingy's to help with filling
Sigelei #20 and Titan clone on pre-order

How much did all of this cost? I really don't want to know...

Can I really afford this? Nope

What did I learn from it? I like Resurrector cartos on my mechs

Do I know about the classifieds? Yes, but I am not done playing with my toys yet...

Am I done? I don't think so!

This is a response to another thread mentioning the cost of vaping. For me, if I just bought cartos and juice, I would be saving a boat load of cash over analogs. Just trying to put a positive and amusing viewpoint about the "price of vaping" to lighten things up a bit. All in all, it's better for my health and I'm good with that!


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010

Here is a partial list of what I have purchased in the last month or so, since quitting:

50+ juice samples from over a dozen vendors. I have a drawer full of 6-15 ml bottles.
2 IGO-L's
2 AGA T2's
2 Protanks
2 EGO-C batteries and clearomizers
2 Mech tubes
4 18650 batteries and charger
1 Vamo
Bunch of 400/500 mesh
Bunch of various sizes of silica wicks
Over 100 feet total of 28/30/32 kanthal wire
Cheesecloth (yup)
15 Resurrector cartos
Numerous adapters and gadgets
A bunch of drip tips
I stole some tools from my RC Heli tool kit (they are small, precise and perfect for this type of thing!)
A nice Murse to hold the gear and a plastic box thingy to hold the consumables
1 lighter (actually recycled from the center console of my car)
And more I'm not remembering!

On order:

1 iTaste SVD
2 Pen torches
1 IBTanked tank
1 punch
2 different carto whachamathingy's to help with filling
Sigelei #20 and Titan clone on pre-order


Put Down the Credit Card, Step Away Slowly and Keep your Hands where I can See Them.


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Apr 28, 2013
Central Florida
I have enough coming in the mail that I will hopefully hold off for a little bit. I'm admitting that I will order a couple of large juices that I have decided I like and stop there. Yep, that's a fact!

Yesterday, I saw a new Genesis type device with a great price and I didn't even put it in a shopping cart. It looked really nice. I'm thinking ahead because it had a dull SS finish and I don't have a device that would match it. I would have to buy another PV. I saw a nice set up in the classifieds that looks like it would match well, but it came with one of the expensive atomizers on it. Like 150 dollars worth. I wish I could afford that. It looks like a rocket ship. It looked good though. Very clean looking. Only like 35 bucks for this new thingy. Yeah, not bad. This RBA looks easier to set up than my AGAs. I guess it would look cool on my SS PV's. Nah, they are too shiny. That matte finish looks really nice though. I should go look for one and see if there are any inexpensive mechs or VVs with that finish. I don't remember seeing one, but I should check, because I may have just missed it. I've seen really expensive ones, but no cheaper ones. Hmmm, going to go look now. Wait, what just happened?

This is what goes through my sick, sick, mind...


Full Member
Verified Member
Apr 28, 2013
Central Florida
I'm in the same boat buddy and I can say that as long as I stay under the amount I save from not smoking I'm good. Btw that's about 800. Vape-on

Ouch! That's not under what I've saved from not smoking! I think I did a little better than that because I get things on sale and shop around and use codes and research and...

I started out staying under, but then I started working on credit. If I buy this, I just have to use them for 10 days and I will break even. If I get that, I only have to use it for 5 days... Ahhh, the magical mind...
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