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ECF Veteran
Nov 4, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
Hey fellas, whats up. Well I ordered 2 more penstyles from Phil at esmokeytreats.com and the JC Sampler and im pretty happy at this point.

I do have a question or two though, Im finding out that the flavored liquids like Wild Cherry and even the Peach Cobbler are a bit too fruity for me, I do like the Cobbler but I am also noticing that the fruity ones dont seem to have much of a throat hit? I ordered the sampler in High nic ?
Actually Cherry and Peach Cobbler are the only ones Ive tried so far

Another question you ask . . .

OK, whats the deal with the VG ? does it really add alot more vapor than vaping liquid alone?? If so where can I get some at a good price other than ebay? I dont drip but top off carts in case thats relevant.

One more guys, In every ones opinion . . . what is a good throat hit liquid that does have a nice flavor but not real fruity, (I tried the Camel high from puresmoker and it has the perfect throat hit but the flavor isent very good) . . . but that I dont have to buy in Super High or Fierce . . . or maybe I should buy SH or Fierce then mix with VG to get the added vapor?? The medium apple carts from esmokey are good but not enough throat hit? How is the Apple high from puresmoker as far as throat hit goes??

Thanks guys and (girls)
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