Just got my 901!

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Moved On
Apr 17, 2009
I'm so happy I just added the 901 to my arsenal. Previously only had a 801. I love my 801 to death but wanted to try something smaller for smoke breaks at my 9 to 5, and for driving in crazy traffic. I thought it would also be nice to have another device just in case something bad happened to my 801 while I was away from the house, where my stash of extra parts are kept.

My initial thoughts are I LOVE THIS THING!

Great vapor, amazingly it's about the same as my 801, if not a tad more. The taste is great, and oh emm gee I am loving this size and weight! The mouthpiece is yet another bonus, I can hold this thing in my teeth and not feel like I'm clenching a wrench (801 is a bit heavy lol) in my mouth. So if I can get the hang of not getting saliva down the air hole, I could sit at my PC and puff on this thing until the cart runs dry.

The only downside is the smaller cart size, but that was expected and necessary to get something smaller than the penstyle 801, so no worries, just different. I'm so glad I got this, especially with the blue LED, my buddies at work are gonna freak when they see it lol.

I got it from Wayne at Heaven-gifts.com Ruyandirect.com Best E-smoking Shop, the only place I'll probably ever get ecig hardware from. I paid $14.25 per set (only needed batteries and atomizers since my USB chargers work on all DSE ecigs as well as some other models, I got those when I got my 801). They came with the same outstanding 1 year warranty, Wayne's absolutely unbeatable customer service, and I could not be happier knowing that I've got two great ecigs to tote around now. :thumbs:
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