Kangar evod coils

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Oct 16, 2013


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Jun 2, 2013
United States
when you see something like 1.8 ohms or 2.2 ohms they are referring to the resistance value of the coil.

volts x amps = watts
when talking about the flow of electrons,
voltage is the pressure
amps is the speed
and resistance (ohms) is the back pressure caused by friction...
Watts is a unit for power...

increasing amperage will increase watts
increasing voltage will increase watts
decreasing resistance will increase amps
increasing amperage will increase watts
and watts is power..

as long as you have plenty of juice in the wick and plenty of air going over the heating coil you can use lots of power and make huge clouds of vapor. i find that the higher the nicotine content the bigger the throat hit. so if throat hit is what you want try upping your nicotine content or using a very pungent citrus / sour flavor.


ECF Guru
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Apr 23, 2011
Boston MA
First thing, it depends on if your Evod batteries are fixed voltage. (I can't check that right now for you.) If they are your experience can only be changed depending on the resistance of the coils. Lower resistance coils get hotter, faster. Higher resistance - exact opposite. The 2.4 ohm might be a bit cooler than the 2.2 ohm that came with the kit. When you can't change the voltage on your battery you can't adjust the voltage to adapt to the resistance you are working with. To get a different experience you have to change the coil resistance. It's the only thing you can do or try.

Knowing that much, how did you like the 2.2 ohm coils? If you have fixed voltage batteries and want something 'hotter' - more vapor and throat hit - you would head for the 1.8 ohm coils. At the risk that they may be too hot and liquids may taste harsh to you. If you want something leaning toward a cooler vape you would get the 2.4 ohm instead.


ECF Guru
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Apr 23, 2011
Boston MA
Not a direct answer to your question but.....i got some 1.5 ohm evod coils because thats all my vendor had in stock. Have to keep the volts down at 3.2 on my twist, above that start to get burned hits.

I can't even believe Kanger decided to make those. Even the 1.8 ohm coils can be a bit too much at 3.2 volts when the coils are brand new. There is just no place to adjust voltage down anywhere with these 1.5 or 1.8 ohm coils.


ECF Guru
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Apr 23, 2011
Boston MA
My rebuilt heads come in at 1.5 to 1.7 ohms. Love 'em. Although I'm using them on a SVD @ 8 watts, though. :D

Yeah, but a rebuilt is a whole 'nother animal compared to a stock coil. Pretty much can guarantee a stock 1.5 or 1.8 ohm coil at 8 watts will be "wholly unpleasant" - to put it mildly.

And knockoff coils? lol - just for giggles I got a knockoff EVOD with the obviously knockoff coil in it. It looked the coil was wound by a drunk 6 year old. Wasn't even gonna try it.


Vaping Master
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Apr 26, 2013
South Texas
thanks all...am going to try the 1.8 and hope I don't burn my juice...I have a fixed battery.

these coils have 2 flavour wicks? if I take one off does this make the hit/burn rate higher?

Hi Craigos. Removing a flavor wick allows more juice to get to the coil - usually resulting in more vapor / flavor. Sometimes doing this though can also mean you flood the coil with juice and you'll get less vapor, more gurgling and even some leaking. It's worth a try if you like as it only takes a few seconds to try and you can always put it back if you have any issues.

As to the whole resistance question, you'll probably be fine with a 1.8 - 2.2ohm head. Just remember that a lot of the coils you buy will be labeled one thing and actually read another. It's not uncommon for a 1.8 labeled coil to read in the mid 2.x ohms. This makes it tricky for when you are deciding what you prefer - so the only way to be sure is to have a way to check the resistance yourself (either with an APV or a multimeter or something)

Personally I don't find even a 1.5ohm atty on an unregulated battery (3.7volts) too hot with most of the juices I vape, but as always your preference will likely be different to mine.


Vaping Master
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Nov 6, 2012
Arizona USA
I use 1.8 at 3.3 volts on a Joye C Upgrade. Why? Because vaping at 3.3 increases the battery charge time. Alternately, using the 2.2-5s that came as spares in my kit, I have to bump the volts up to unregulated 3.7. The vape each of these ways is about the same but at 3.7 volts I have to charge more often... so the 5 in the pack I bought are 1.8.. just makes sense.


ECF Guru
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Apr 23, 2011
Boston MA
thanks all...am going to try the 1.8 and hope I don't burn my juice...I have a fixed battery.

these coils have 2 flavour wicks? if I take one off does this make the hit/burn rate higher?

The tops wicks are there for a reason - to get liquid to the coil at a controlled rate. And to prevent flooding - without explaining the "round peg in square hole" design aspects of the coil. Removing the top wicks results in more liquid getting to the coil faster. It can also result in gurgling, too much liquid getting at the coil and flooding it - with loss of vapor production, not more - and actual leaking problems.

If someone is having an inexplicable problem with dry hits or claims "burning" they usually remove the wicks to increase the amount of liquid getting to the coil. If it's too much liquid they tend to compensate - by turning the voltage up. It can be a viscous cycle leading to "why are all my coils tasting like crap in 3 hours..." complaints.

Try it first with the top wicks in place. Only remove if you really think you have a problem that can't be solved by "other." Being that you have fixed voltage batteries chances are removing a top wick will create more problems than result in a better experience.
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Vaping Master
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Aug 12, 2012
Lawrence KS
On both my Evod batteries (fixed 3.7v) and my regular generic ego batteries (3.4v) I use the 1.8 heads...just like those better. I run my VV passthru at 3.6v so the 1.8 are good on that as well. If I crank the passthru up to 4.2v, that tastes a little harsh on the 1.8 heads. The standard 2.5 heads just don't satisfy me.


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Nov 1, 2013
Northwest GA, USA
OK, this may sound stupid, but I thought I was suppose to remove the rubber cap from the coil? Are you saying to leave it there? Wouldn't it melt and taste crappy?

yes leave it there it keeps liquid from leaking i'm sure it may have other reasons but im not aware of it
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